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Introvert Self Care: How to Recharge Your Social Battery

Introvert Self Care: How to Recharge Your Social Battery

If you are an introvert, many people may see you as reserved or shy (but this is not always the case!). You likely prefer to stay home, keep a small group of friends, and tend to direct your emotions and thoughts inwardly. Because of this, having to socialize can be daunting and draining. But this does not mean you should avoid interacting with other people. Instead, introvert self-care involves taking time to recharge your social battery regularly.

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Introvert self-care tips

Set boundaries

Firstly, introverts often thrive on working independently. So, it goes without saying that too much socializing and too many external obligations can quickly drain introverts. However, it is impossible and unhealthy to be alone and isolated all the time.

They key to healthy social interactions is setting clear boundaries and knowing when to say no. Instead of agreeing to everything other people ask for you, take a moment to assess if you are capable and available. Remember that saying no now is better than saying yes and then flaking out at the last minute. This is both stressful and harmful to you and your relationships.

Use creative outlets

Another great way to practice introvert self-care is to get creative. Hobbies like art, writing, and singing are excellent outlets. The output doesn’t need to be a masterpiece and you shouldn’t feel pressured to create one (it defeats the purpose). If your job involves art or writing, try switching things up or work on a personal project instead.

Creating new things engages you mind and body in different ways. Expressing your inner thoughts and emotions is a healthy release of stress and can be a visual indicator of your state of mind. By letting your imagination run free, you may become more inspired or gain a new perspective. This can improve your productivity and problem-solving skills down the line.

introvert self-care

Go for a run

Now, running away from your problems is never a good idea, but going for a run can make you problems go away—at least for a little while. Running can be therapeutic. You have time to think while getting a change of scenery. If running isn’t your thing, there are plenty of other options. Any physical activity that requires you to stand up and gets your heart pumping is good.

The benefits of physical exercise cannot be understated. Short-term benefits include improved circulation, release of endorphins (a.k.a. “happy hormones’), and mental clarity. Long-term benefits of regular exercise include improved heart health, stronger immunity, and weight management.

Press snooze

Good quality sleep is essential for a healthy mind and body, regardless of your personality type. To recharge, sometimes a bit of rest might be just what you need. This is especially true for introverts who may have attended an office party or family reunion the day before and have completely exhausted their social battery.

Put your phone on silent, dim the lights, and cozy up with your preferred bed buddy—whether it be your significant other, beloved pet, or favorite stuffed animal. If you have trouble sleeping, you can take melatonin supplements or listen to relaxing white noise. Avoid exercising or eating too close to your desired bedtime.

Digital detoxing

Social media is a bit of a double-edged sword at times. Sure, it is fun and convenient being able to talk to friends and family anytime, anywhere. However, there is a dark side to social media.

Many studies have been done on adolescent and adult social media use and its effects on mental health. Social media has become a source of negative health effects such as addiction, poor self-esteem, and distorted personal perceptions. Because many introverts prefer to communicate via texts and online chats over verbal communications, they need to be especially cautious about their gadget and social media use.

Introvert self-care online involves setting boundaries and limits. Avoid engaging in unnecessary confrontations and oversharing (always remember to think before you click!). Unfollow toxic or problematic people and celebrities on your accounts.

Don’t feel pressured to answer every message or comment immediately, especially if you are feeling overwhelmed or are busy with other tasks. If you have trouble controlling your social media use, there are web browser settings and productivity apps available to track and time your internet usage.

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Mindful meditation

Lastly, taking time to practice mindfulness is one of the ultimate self-care tips for introverts. Meditation is one of best solutions for how to recharge your social battery. Find a quiet, peaceful area where you can be alone with your thoughts. Sitting is the best position for most people. Sit up straight, but allow your body to be relaxed. Stretching exercises such as yoga may be helpful.

Focus on your breathing by inhaling through your nose and exhaling slowly from your mouth. Center yourself and your mind. Release troubling thoughts and recall positive memories. Pay attention to your heart beat and imagine stress being released from your body. Some white noise and aromatherapy may be useful to set the mood and calm your senses.

You may do this for however long you need to. There is no set time limit for meditation, however, experts suggest doing meditation at least once a day from anywhere between 10 minutes and 45 minutes. Never feel obligated to meditate, as this becomes a chore and defeats the purpose of it. The more you meditate, the easier it will be to manage your stress and be mindful of your thoughts.

Key takeaways

In summary, introvert self-care is all about setting boundaries and knowing when to make yourself a priority. Never sacrifice your peace of mind by holding yourself to extreme expectations. Be in control of your environment and surround yourself with supportive peers. Don’t be afraid to socialize but know your limits to avoid draining your social battery too fast.

If you find yourself constantly feeling burned out or tired, it may be time to talk to a doctor or mental health specialist to determine the cause.

Learn more about Stress Management here.


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Extraversion or Introversion Accessed February 7, 2021 How Long Should You Meditate For? And How Often? Accessed February 7, 2021 Running for health: Even a little bit is good, but a little more is probably better Accessed February 7, 2021 The Connection Between Art, Healing, and Public Health: A Review of Current Literature Accessed February 7, 2021 High perceived stress and social interaction behaviour among young adults. A study based on objective measures of face-to-face and smartphone interactions Accessed February 7, 2021 Influence of extroversion and introversion on decision making ability Accessed February 7, 2021 The Relationship Between Burnout, Depression, and Anxiety: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Accessed February 7, 2021

Current Version


Written by Stephanie Nera, RPh, PharmD

Updated by: Isabella Olivares

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