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Parenting From Baby To Teen: What Parents Need To Know

Medically reviewed by Jezreel Esguerra, MD · General Practitioner

Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Feb 16, 2023

Parenting From Baby To Teen: What Parents Need To Know

As our child grows and develops, so too do our parenting strategies evolve. After all, the guidance that grade-schoolers need differs from what an adolescent requires. Throughout the “ages and stages” of a child, they will need your support and care. Here’s what you need to know about parenting from baby to teen.

The Stages of Child Development

The “ages and stages” that many people know about point to the following:

  • Infancy (Birth to 1 year old)
  • Toddlerhood & Preschool (1 to 5 years old)
  • School-age (5 to 12 years old)
  • Adolescence (12 to 18 years old)
  • At each stage, parents observe various milestones – the tasks that most kids of the same age can achieve. The milestones can be further subdivided into several aspects: motor or physical, socioemotional, cognitive, and language and communication.

    Because the milestones differ at each stage, parents also need to adjust their parenting strategies.

    Don’t forget that children have unique qualities. What worked well for your firstborn may not be effective for your other children.

    Parenting an Infant

    Your baby’s first year is literally full of firsts.

    You’ll witness their first attempt at sitting and talking. The bottom line is, parents often feel that their little one is growing up too fast during infancy: one minute they cannot lift their head, the next they are rolling over.

    Some of the concerns during this stage are:

    parenting from baby to teen

    Parenting a Toddler

    Once they reach toddlerhood, their physical growth often slows down, but their development does not.

    During toddlerhood, babies often take their first step and eventually roam the house like little explorers. Their vocabulary also grows exponentially, and they gain better control of their body.

    Don’t be surprised if your toddler seems to be a little defiant; experts say it’s their way of achieving a sense of independence since they are now more aware of themselves.

    Some of the concerns during toddlerhood are:

    Parenting a Preschooler

    During preschool, your child’s physical development is still slow, but they are growing in height and gaining weight steadily. Moreover, they are developing socially, emotionally, and intellectually.

    Some of the concerns during this stage are:

    Parenting a School-Age Child

    School-age kids are growing stronger and more coordinated so that you can begin trusting them with more complex tasks. They are also in the process of learning more about emotions and friendship.

    Common concerns about parenting a school-age child are:

    Parenting an Adolescent

    Adolescent kids are in a transitional period: they are still children, but they are slowly growing into adults. They are learning to be their own person who has their own set of friends, with goals and aspirations they want to achieve.

    Because they tend to “test” their limits, parents sometimes see the teenage years as the rebellious stage. But with proper guidance and patience, you can mold them into well-adjusted, respectful adults.

    Common concerns during this stage include:

    Common Child Health Issues

    Parenting a growing child also means you need to prepare for things that they will need regardless of their age. For instance, while most vaccines are given before a child’s first birthday, some vaccines can be provided during their school-age years.

    And of course, infectious diseases and health problems do not discriminate between ages and stages. For this reason, you need to know about the symptoms of an unwell child.

    Reminders for Parenting from Baby to Teen

    Parenting from baby to teen years in these changing times is undoubtedly challenging, especially if you have to support and guide more than one child at different stages. As mentioned earlier, the parenting strategies that worked for one child may not do well with the others.

    If you notice that your child is having difficulty in any aspect of their life – physically, mentally, socially, or emotionally, don’t hesitate to consult a healthcare professional to properly address these issues.

    Learn more about Parenting here. 


    Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

    Medically reviewed by

    Jezreel Esguerra, MD

    General Practitioner

    Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Feb 16, 2023

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