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Can Eating Pineapples Cause Miscarriage?

Can Eating Pineapples Cause Miscarriage?
Can Eating Pineapples Cause Miscarriage?

Pineapples are not just rich in vitamins and minerals, they are also high in fiber. So, it’s only natural to think that it’s a good fruit for pregnant women. However, you must have heard that pineapple causes contractions that might lead to miscarriage. Can eating pineapples cause miscarriage? Find out here. 

What’s the Concern with Pineapples?

What’s the concern with pineapples and pregnancy? Why do some people ask, “Can eating pineapples cause miscarriage?”

The concern over pineapples originated from the fact that it contains bromelain, a type of enzyme. Found in the stem and fruit (flesh), reports say bromelain can break down tissues. This is the reason why when you eat pineapples, you often have a tingling sensation in the mouth. 

Now, the belief is that when pregnant women eat pineapples, bromelain will reach the cervix, break down some of its tissues, then induce labor. 

But, is it true? Can eating pineapples cause miscarriage?

What’s the Real Deal?

Can eating pineapples cause miscarriage? Experts say no, they can’t. 

Firstly, doctors explain that bromelain is not active in your stomach, which is filled with acid. Secondly, it is only partially absorbed by the body. 

Other reports also mentioned that “little is known” when it comes to bromelain and pregnancy, suggesting there’s no evidence that it induces labor and results in pregnancy loss. 

Moreover, please note that the amount of bromelain in the pineapple fruit is very little; most of it is in the core, which we do not eat. 

In other words, eating a slice of pineapple isn’t likely to affect your pregnancy. 


While pineapples cannot lead to pregnancy loss, please still be careful with bromelain. Never take bromelain pills, which might be marketed as supplements that can reduce pain and swelling. 

Can Pregnant Women Eat Pineapples?

Now that we have established that pineapples do not cause miscarriages, let’s answer this question: “Can pregnant women eat pineapples?”

Experts say, yes, they most certainly can. 

For one, pineapples are healthy. They are rich in fiber, which might help expectant moms deal with pregnancy-related constipation. The fruit is also high in vitamin C, helping boost the immune system. The small amount of bromelain may even be beneficial considering it has anti-inflammatory properties. Pineapples also have high water content, so it’s refreshing and good for hydration. 


Of course, you need to consume pineapples in moderation. Eating too much might trigger heartburn because the fruit is acidic. Also, remember that pineapples have sugars, too. If you have gestational diabetes, please take the fruit’s sugar content into account. 

Finally, allergies to pineapples exist. And while it’s not common in adults, it may develop any time. If you experience itching or swelling in the mouth or throat after eating pineapples, please consult your doctor right away. 

When to Seek Medical Help

Can eating pineapples cause miscarriage? Experts say they can’t, especially if you only eat a serving here and there. However, many other factors can contribute to pregnancy loss. Hence, it’s important to notice the signs right away. 

The most common sign of miscarriage is vaginal bleeding. Other symptoms include:

  • Cramping
  • A discharge of fluid or tissue from the vagina
  • Cessation of the symptoms of pregnancy, like breast tenderness and nausea. 

Note that vaginal bleeding may happen during pregnancy, so noticing it doesn’t automatically mean you are suffering from a miscarriage. If you have any of these symptoms, please get in touch with your doctor right away for assessment.

Key Takeaways

Pineapples contain little amounts of bromelain, so eating a slice from time to time is not likely to negatively affect your pregnancy. However, be sure to eat the fruit in moderation because it might still trigger heartburn. Also, be extra careful if you have gestational diabetes. 

Learn more about Being Pregnant here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Current Version


Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

Expertly reviewed by Dexter Macalintal, MD

Updated by: Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

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Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Jul 25, 2023

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