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What Is the Importance of Fitness to Everyday Living?

What Is the Importance of Fitness to Everyday Living?
What Is the Importance of Fitness to Everyday Living?

What is the importance of fitness to everyday living? It is very important because your level of fitness affects your health and overall quality of life. We often hear that we need to exercise regularly and take care of our bodies. However, it is necessary to distinguish some commonly interchanged terms: fitness, physical activity, and exercise

What Is Fitness?

Fitness refers to a set of attributes that people have. In contrast with physical activity and exercise, fitness is more about the state of the body. Research defines physical fitness as the ability to vigorously carry out daily tasks without fatigue and with ample energy to both enjoy leisurely activities and deal with unforeseen emergencies.

While the definition may be conceptually sound, things such as vigor, alertness, fatigue, and enjoyment are more difficult to measure. The most evident components of fitness can be put into two groups. The first relates to health while the second relates to skills that measure athletic ability.

What Is Physical Activity?

Physical activity is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles, resulting in the expenditure of energy. All people perform physical activity to sustain life; however, the amount is largely subject to the amount of effort put in. This may vary considerably from person to person, as well as for a given person over time.

The categories of physical activity depend on the time when the activity is performed—for example, (1) Sleep, (2) Work, and (3) Leisure time.

What Is Exercise?

Exercise is often used interchangeably with physical activity, though the two terms are not synonymous. Rather, exercise is a subcategory of physical activity and refers to any form of physical activity that is structured and repetitive in nature. It also has the main objective of improving one’s body physically. 

Fitness Benefits

The importance of fitness to everyday living lies in the myriad of benefits for those who achieve and maintain good physical fitness. Some of the major benefits of physical fitness include the ability to perform tasks without becoming tired or sustaining an injury, increased energy levels throughout the day, lower risk for cardiovascular diseases and heart problems, the prevention or slowing down of balance, bone, and muscle deterioration in later stages of life, and the improvement of self-esteem, mood, and mental health.

Methods of attaining physical fitness also vary from person to person. While many individuals rely on traditional exercise, other types of activities related to labor-intensive jobs, household work, and daily tasks can also contribute to one’s physical fitness.

This means that it is possible for people who don’t have much free time to become physically fit without hitting the gym or going on runs that last for hours. Low-impact exercises such as walking up and down the stairs and to the store, gardening, walking the dog, and cleaning the house can also help improve one’s health. These activities can complement weekend workouts or short exercise sessions throughout the week and a healthy diet.what is the importance of fitness to everyday living

Types of Fitness Exercises

What exercises can you do to improve your fitness? There are many forms of exercise that aim to improve specific aspects of physical fitness:

Endurance and Cardio. This refers to activities that aims to improve your heart rate and breathing. These exercises aim to work on your stamina and keep your circulatory system, lungs, and heart healthy. Endurance, in particular, is defined as the ability to sustain a physical activity for a particular period of time. Examples of such activities include running, biking, swimming, jumping jacks, and sports like boxing.

Strength. Muscle strength is the ability of your muscle/s to produce (and sustain) a contraction to elicit movement. And this movement is often used together with power, your muscle’s ability to produce movement within a particular time. Strength training comes naturally to certain individuals, such as workers that perform manual labor. Examples include weightlifting, hill walking, cycling, push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, working with resistance bands.

Flexibility.  These exercises stretch your muscles and keep your body flexible to reduce the risk of injuries while exercising. Examples include forward and side lunges, cross-overs, knees to chest stretches, and standing hamstring stretches.

Balance. Balance exercises are physical activities that involve one’s ability to maintain and/or return to an upright position or in midline and control one’s center of gravity. Performing balance exercises also helps to prevent falls. Examples of such exercises include balancing on one foot, balance walk, tai chi, and leg lifts with dumbbells.

Fitness-Related Injuries and Fitness Motivation

Fitness-related injuries are always a risk. Preparation and a proper warm-up are key for preventing injuries. It’s also important to follow a routine that is suitable for your current level of physical fitness. That’s why it is best for people who are new to exercise to consult a doctor and a licensed fitness instructor when constructing an exercise routine.

Maintaining motivation is also important for reaching one’s physical fitness goals. Many people may lose motivation when they don’t lose weight or build muscle as quickly as they hoped. Remember that the most sustainable way to achieve and maintain physical fitness is to work slowly and steadily towards your goals. If you feel yourself losing motivation, speak to a doctor or fitness instructor on how to adjust your exercise routine.

Key Takeaways

The importance of fitness to everyday living is something that can’t be understated. Being physically fit allows us to complete daily tasks—from carry groceries to opening jars to walking up and down the stairs—easily without injury or fatigue. It also has benefits for our mental health, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, and our physical condition later in life.

Learn more about Health Fitness here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Benefits of exercise,, Accessed November 21, 2020

Exercise and physical fitness,, Accessed November 21, 2020

Behavior change with fitness technology in sedentary adults: a review of the evidence for increasing physical activity,, Accessed November 21, 2020

Physical activity resources,, Accessed November 21, 2020

11 facts about fitness,, Accessed November 21, 2020

Exercise database and library,, Accessed November 21, 2020

What is physical activity & fitness?, Accessed November 21, 2020

Physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness: definitions and distinctions for health-related research,, Accessed November 21, 2020

Current Version


Written by Kip Soliva

Medically reviewed by Regina Victoria Boyles, MD

Updated by: Regina Victoria Boyles

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Written by Kip Soliva · Updated Jan 22, 2023

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