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Tubal Ligation Reversal: What You Need to Know

Tubal Ligation Reversal: What You Need to Know
Tubal Ligation Reversal: What You Need to Know

Worldwide, 1.1 billion women of reproductive age are in need of family planning. Contraception lowers the dangers women face that are associated with pregnancy. There are different array of birth control methods, some of them non-permanent (e.g., condoms, birth control pills, emergency contraception pills, intrauterine devices) and permanent (e.g., vasectomies, tubal ligations). However, some permanent contraception methods can be reversed. Tubal ligation reversal is the method of permanent contraception reversal we will discuss here.

Overview of tubal ligation

This form of contraception, also known as female sterilization, prevents pregnancy. It is often referred to as having your “tubes tied” because it involves “tying” the fallopian tubes, through which the egg moves to meet with the sperm. This method essentially cuts off the encounter of egg and sperm.

This procedure can be done in the hospital or an outpatient clinic. It takes 30 minutes. The surgeon will make a cut in the abdominal area or near the belly button. The belly will be pumped to provide more room to work. The surgeon will then insert a laparoscope to view inside. The tubes can be clamped, tied, cut, or sealed with electric current. Finally, the surgeon will stitch up the incision and dress it. Tubal ligation reversal refers to the process of reconnecting the fallopian tubes to enable pregnancy again.

Overview of tubal ligation reversal

Though this permanent form of birth control is reversible, there may be a chance that you can no longer conceive once more. This process of restoration of your fertility entails rejoining blocked parts of the fallopian tubes to the rest of the tubes. This would allow the eggs to pass through the tubes and meet the sperm for fertilization. Ligation that used tubal clips or rings has a higher likelihood of being reversed successfully.

Tubal ligation reversal is not for everyone, though. There are some factors that have to be considered before undergoing this procedure. Always consult with your doctor before making a decision regarding this surgery. These factors that affect a higher chance of achieving a pregnancy again include: your age, body mass index, type of tubal ligation, damage sustained by your tubes, remaining tubal length, and egg or sperm quality.


There are, however, risks that come with tubal ligation reversal.

  • inability to conceive again
  • infection
  • bleeding
  • scarring of tubes
  • complications caused by anesthesia
  • ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy wherein the egg implants outside of the uterus, sometimes on the fallopian tubes)

Specifics of the procedure

  • Discuss with your doctor regarding the details of tubal ligation reversal, chances of success and ability to get pregnant, and other options for pregnancy
  • Laparoscopic surgical equipment will be used to perform an incision on the abdomen and reattach the tubes
  • Your uterus, tubes, and ovaries may be exposed in order to take out the blocked sections and repair the tube with absorbable stitches
  • Post-operation, it will take one to two weeks for recovery as well as follow-up appointments with your doctor

Tubal ligation vs other forms of contraception

This form of birth control is more than 99% effective. Less than 1 out of 100 people get pregnant when they get tubal ligation. The main feature of this procedure is that you can get it done once and never have to think about it again or use any other contraception. Intrauterine devices (IUD) and hormonal implants are also over 99% effective, but these only last several years. Of course, tubal ligation reversal is still an option if you decide you want more children.

Key Takeaway

There are various methods of birth control. Some are non-permanent, while some are not. The latter is often used by those still unsure if they want to grow their family.

If you are a woman and have gotten your tubes tied but wish to have more children, tubal ligation reversal is an option. There are risks related to this procedure, such as not being able to get pregnant again. In this case, other forms of conception can be explored. It is always best to consult with your doctor if you are considering reversing sterilization.

Learn more about Contraception here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Family planning/contraception methods, Accessed 7 Mar 2022 

Tubal ligation, Accessed 7 Mar 2022

Tubal ligation reversal, Accessed 7 Mar 2022

Vasectomy or Tubal Ligation? What Is The Best Option For You and Your Partner?, Accessed 7 Mar 2022

How effective is tubal ligation?, Accessed 7 Mar 2022

Current Version


Written by China Logarta

Expertly reviewed by Dexter Macalintal, MD

Updated by: Dexter Macalintal, MD

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Written by China Logarta · Updated Apr 10, 2022

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