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Contraception Methods: Which One Is Right for You?

Contraception Methods: Which One Is Right for You?
Contraception Methods: Which One Is Right for You?

Most people think of contraceptives as a means of protection for safe sex. But it is more than a method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. It provides protection against sexually transmitted diseases. It is a tool for family planning, and it helps women provide adequate, healthy space between pregnancies. And it can be an effective treatment for a number of reproductive health issues. The use of contraception methods is also a responsible answer to the pressing problems of the world, such as overpopulation.  

Contraception refers to the “intentional prevention” of conception with the use of various methods such as:

Any device or action that prevents a woman from becoming pregnant qualifies as a contraceptive.

Effective contraception allows a couple to enjoy a sexual connection without worry of an unwanted pregnancy. Moreover, it gives them freedom to conceive a child at a time when they are ready for the responsibility. The best contraception methods are effective and comfortable, and are also available at the lowest possible cost with the fewest possible side effects. Some barrier measures, such as male and female condoms, have the added benefit of protecting against sexually transmitted illnesses (STDs).

How Do Contraception Methods Work?

Different contraception methods work in different ways. Some of these include:

  • Prevention of the sperm reaching the egg
  • Prevention of monthly egg release
  • Sperm inactivation (may sometimes lead to damage)
  • Alteration of the lining of the uterus 
  • Thickening of the cervical mucus

How to Choose the Right Contraception Method for You

Choosing the right kind for you may be tricky as there are many options to choose from. Both you and your partner should have an open discussion about your personal preferences and beliefs.  

There are traditional and modern  contraception methods you may want to look into:

Traditional Contraception Methods

Fertility awareness, or “natural” approaches, rely on monitoring of physical signals, such as changes in your body temperature and vaginal fluid. This will help you figure out when you’re fertile during your menstrual cycle.

Some of the known traditional contraceptions methods are:

  • Rhythm method
  • Symptothermal method
  • Cervical mucus observation
  • Coitus interruptus or withdrawal method
  • Lactation amenorrhoea method

Modern Contraception Methods

Modern contraception methods include:

  • Male and female condoms
  • Short-acting hormonal methods (oral contraceptive pills, emergency contraceptive pills, skin patches, vaginal rings, and contraceptive shots or injectables)
  • Long-acting hormonal methods (copper T intrauterine device, contraceptive hormonal implants)
  • Barrier/chemical methods (sponges, spermicides, diaphragms or cervical caps)
  • Surgical methods (intrauterine devices, female sterilization or tubal ligation, male sterilization or vasectomy)

What Are the Benefits of Contraception Methods?

There are several key benefits associated with using contraceptives. Many may use it to avoid unwanted pregnancy. There are also couples who wish to limit the number of their children. Furthermore, contraceptives may help young and vulnerable adolescents by preventing the rise in teenage pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). 

Others may also opt for contraception to protect their unborn child from health risks and exposure to certain infections like STDs. It can also be a means to prevent a potentially life-threatening pregnancy if you have a condition such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Key Takeaways

Whatever your reasons may be, choosing the contraception method that is suitable for you requires knowledge of all the options available to you. It is necessary that you communicate openly with your partner, so that you can evaluate the possible side effects, the cost, and the benefits. 

Your method of choice will be influenced by a number of factors, including your overall health and your lifestyle. You may also need to consider the risk of contracting STDs, and how vital it is for you to avoid becoming pregnant.

Keep in mind that the most effective method of birth control for you is one that is safe, convenient, and easy to use consistently and correctly.

Learn more about Contraception here.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Benefits of Contraception Use,, Accessed October 5, 2021

Contraception,, Accessed October 5, 2021

Contraception – choices,, Accessed October 5, 2021

Birth control options: Things to consider, October 5, 2021

Family planning/contraception methods,, Accessed October 5, 2021

Contraceptive Methods: Needs, Options and Utilization,, Accessed October 5, 2021

Current Version


Written by Fiel Tugade

Medically reviewed by Janie-Vi Villamor Ismael-Gorospe, MD

Updated by: Kristel Lagorza

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Medically reviewed by

Janie-Vi Villamor Ismael-Gorospe, MD

General Practitioner

Written by Fiel Tugade · Updated Jun 20, 2022

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