What is tubal ligation?
Tubal ligation, also called female sterilization, is a form of permanent birth control. It involves undergoing surgery to have your fallopian tubes cut off or blocked to prevent getting pregnant.
Every month, a woman’s ovaries release an egg that travels through your fallopian tubes, to the uterus, where it may be fertilized. Ligation is the procedure of blocking or destroying parts of the fallopian tubes to prevent your eggs connecting with sperm.
It is a surgical method that can be done in a hospital or in an outpatient surgical clinic. This ligation process can be done:
- After a caesarian delivery
- Together with other abdominal surgeries
- Anytime after consulting with your healthcare provider.
How does tubal ligation work?
Before the procedure
Before undergoing this procedure, it is important for you to know what will happen and fully understand the repercussions. Proper documentation is important to note that you have consented to the procedure.
Your healthcare provider will determine the best approach and discuss the possible risks and complications associated with the procedure.
Types of tubal ligation
If you chose to have a tubal ligation separate from pregnancy, or what is commonly known as an interval ligation, your healthcare provider will be using a laparoscopic technique.
A needle or a small incision is made through the belly button. This will then be inflated with gas and a laparoscope will be inserted. Using this tool, your doctor will use clips to block or damage your fallopian tubes.
This technique also has a faster expected recovery time.
A minilaparotomy is done with the doctor making an incision in your abdomen. If your procedure is done during a c-section delivery, the same incision for the c-section will be used by your doctor. If the tubal ligation is performed during a natural childbirth, your doctor will likely make an incision under your belly button. Your fallopian tube would then be brought up to where a small part, or the entire tube, can be removed.
After the procedure
When the surgical operation is over, you might experience discomfort at your incision area, including:
- Cramps
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Shoulder pain.
After the procedure, make sure to also take note of the following. If they occur, contact your doctor immediately.
- High temperature around 38 C
- Bleeding through your bandage
- Discharge or foul smell from the wound
Be sure to also keep the wound dry for at least 48 hours. Try to avoid straining the wound or rubbing it. Avoid straining your body with heavy lifting and sex. Consult your doctor for when you may resume these activities.