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How To Address Pospartum Iron Deficiency Anemia

How To Address Pospartum Iron Deficiency Anemia
How To Address Pospartum Iron Deficiency Anemia

After giving birth, you’ll probably be so focused on bonding with your baby that you won’t think much about how to recover from blood loss. But if you notice any signs of anemia—fatigue, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath and more—then take note: you need to address them right away as they can affect the quality of your life. Fortunately, there are ways to  treat it so that you can get back on your feet faster!

The Consequences Of Bleeding During Childbirth

Giving birth involves a certain level of blood loss. Some mothers only have mild bleeding; others experience hemorrhage. This is why it’s crucial for mothers to have enough iron throughout pregnancy. 

You see, blood loss during childbirth combined with antenatal anemia (commonly, iron deficiency anemia) can result in postpartum anemia, a serious, but often overlooked condition. 

When you’re iron deficient, your body can’t produce enough of the substance needed to create red blood cells. And since red blood cells transport oxygen throughout your body, iron deficiency anemia can result in lower oxygen levels, which then lead to symptoms like paleness, fatigue, and headaches.

What’s the best iron deficiency anemia treatment after childbirth? 

Iron Deficiency Anemia Treatment After Giving Birth

The best way to recover from acute blood loss after childbirth and postpartum iron deficiency anemia is to get more iron in your system. Your doctor will most likely recommend iron supplementation along with other home remedies:

Iron therapy

Often, the best iron deficiency anemia treatment after giving birth is iron therapy. In most cases, the doctor will recommend oral iron supplements. Still, it’s a case-to-case basis. 

For instance, your doctor might decide that you’ll benefit most from parenteral iron therapy. Parenteral means giving the medicine through a non-oral route (injection or intravenous). Reports say parenteral iron increases hemoglobin and iron levels faster and can even reduce the need for blood transfusion. 

If you have iron deficiency anemia, don’t self-medicate. Do not take medicines or herbals without your doctor’s approval. 

Get plenty of rest

Give your body enough time to recover before thinking about being up and about. Sure, some physical activity is important, but until your anemia is cleared, make sure you don’t overdo it. Get enough rest and sleep, so that you can heal properly. 

Eat more lean meat

Lean meat is an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and of course, iron. Dietary protein is necessary for muscle repair and recovery after childbirth, as well as other processes that support the body’s natural healing abilities. Iron helps to replenish red blood cells lost during delivery. 

Eat more dark leafy greens

Eat more dark leafy greens. These are high in iron, so they will help replenish the stores that have been used up during pregnancy or childbirth. Include spinach, broccoli, and kale in your diet as often as possible. 

Consider vitamin C supplementation

Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron better. As much as possible, eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, like oranges, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and spinach. If you feel you’re not getting enough vitamin C, talk to your doctor about supplements. 

Key Takeaways

The best thing you can do is to be proactive about your recovery. Make sure that you’re getting enough rest, eating well, and taking care of yourself so that your body has the energy it needs to recover from the stress of childbirth. If you notice the signs and symptoms of anemia, set an appointment with your doctor. They’ll know the best iron deficiency anemia treatment for you. 

In many cases, they’ll give you oral iron supplements or parenteral iron therapy. They will also advise you to get plenty of rest and modify your diet in such a way that you’re getting enough iron in your system.


Learn more about Postpartum Period here.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Iron deficiency anemia,, Accessed August 1, 2022

Effect of postpartum anaemia on maternal health-related quality of life: a systematic review and meta-analysis,, Accessed August 1, 2022 

Postpartum anemia I: definition, prevalence, causes, and consequences,, Accessed August 1, 2022

The Use of Parenteral Iron Therapy for the Treatment of Postpartum Anemia,,scores%20in%20the%20postpartum%20period%20., Accessed August 1, 2022

Management of postpartum iron deficiency anemia: review of literature,, Accessed August 1, 2022

Current Version


Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

Medically reviewed by Mae Charisse Antalan, MD

Updated by: Mae Antalan, MD

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Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Mar 13, 2023

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