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Can Dancing Reduce Your Risk Of Osteoporosis? Experts Say, Yes.

Can Dancing Reduce Your Risk Of Osteoporosis? Experts Say, Yes.
Can Dancing Reduce Your Risk Of Osteoporosis? Experts Say, Yes.

Osteoporosis is an important public health concern in the Philippines. The prevalence rate of this condition among postmenopausal women may be as high as 19.8%¹. Recently, a study observed that men with osteopenia and osteoporosis may have fractures even before they reach 70².

Dancing is a Form of Exercise, And Exercise Is Good For The Bones

Here’s what’s interesting: according to experts, you can avoid being a part of the statistics through dancing. Is it true that dance reduces the risk of osteoporosis? Find out here. 

What many people seem to forget is that bones are dynamic tissues. Like muscles, bones respond to the stress you apply to them.

In the case of our bones, they respond to stress (exercise) by becoming stronger

Experts say people reach the peak bone mass (when bone mass is at its highest) at 30 years on average. After that, bone density and strength start to diminish. 

People who exercise regularly achieve greater peak bone mass than those who don’t. Moreover, regular exercise is an excellent way for people in their 20s to help prevent bone loss³

Finally, let’s not forget that exercising improves your muscle strength, balance, and coordination – things that help prevent fall accidents that might damage the bones. 

Dance Reduces The Risk Of Osteoporosis, Reports Say

It may seem like a stretch, but experts say dance reduces the risk of osteoporosis. 

Case in point: a three-year study involving ballet dancers revealed that they had greater bone mineral content than the control group⁴.

In another scientific investigation, researchers discovered that weight-bearing exercises (such as dancing) and resistance training help build bone strength in people over 60.

Specifically, they saw positive effects in the femoral neck and lumbar spine bone mineral density. Moreover, the supervised exercise program also improved physical strength and muscle coordination⁵.

While the study concluded that dance reduces the risk of osteoporosis, head researcher, Professor Robin Daly, still leaves the following tips:

  • Exercises like walking, swimming, and cycling are not enough to prevent bone loss or falls. 
  • The most effective exercise for bone health is regular moderate-intensity weight-bearing workouts, such as dancing, jogging, tennis, skipping, and stair climbing. 
  • Instead of long sessions of workouts, it’s best to have rapid short bursts of weight-bearing exercises. 
  • For the greatest benefit, consider having progressive resistance training that targets the muscle groups in the hip and spine. Progressive means the training becomes more challenging. Hence, if you’re lifting, the weights become heavier. Professor Daly recommends doing resistance training twice a week. 

Dance Reduces The Risk Of Osteoporosis, But Is Dancing Good For People Already Diagnosed With The Condition? 

Dancing may be a good way to build bone mass and muscle strength, but what if you already have osteoporosis? Is it still advisable to dance?

Some reports say dancing, like ballroom dancing and Zumba, is still a good exercise for people with osteoporosis. However, dancing can become a high-impact weight-bearing workout, and experts do not recommend high-impact exercises to people at risk of fractures. Examples of high-impact exercises include anything that involves jumping, sprinting, and quick side-to-side motions.

If you have osteoporosis or other underlying health conditions, consult your doctor before deciding on a regular exercise routine. 

Additional Reminders

Is it true that dance reduces the risk of osteoporosis? Experts say it is. However, please remember that you must never rely on dancing or any type of exercise alone to address your osteoporosis. 

Reducing the risk of osteoporosis involves other steps, like a healthy and balanced diet with adequate vitamins for bones, avoiding smoking, and limiting alcohol intake. 

If you’re worried about osteoporosis, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your doctor. They will help you formulate a plan to further reduce your risk or recommend tests such as bone densitometry

Key Takeaways

Reports indicate that dance reduces the risk of osteoporosis. However, it is not the only step you can take to prevent bone loss. It is also crucial for you to avoid smoking, limit your alcohol intake, and have a healthy and balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals for bone health.

Learn more about Osteoporosis here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Osteoporosis in urban post-menopausal women of the Philippines: prevalence and risk factors,, Accessed October 27, 2021

Osteoporosis and Prevalent Fractures among Adult Filipino Men Screened for Bone Mineral Density in a Tertiary Hospital,, Accessed October 27, 2021

Exercise for Your Bone Health,, Accessed October 27, 2021

Dancing for bone health: a 3-year longitudinal study of bone mineral accrual across puberty in female non-elite dancers and controls,, Accessed October 27, 2021

From senior cit to senior fit: Gym trial puts weight behind active bones,, Accessed October 27, 2021

Osteoporosis and exercise,, Accessed October 27, 2021

Osteoporosis Exercise for Strong Bones,, Accessed October 27, 2021

Prevention -Osteoporosis,, Accessed October 27, 2021

Current Version


Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

Medically reviewed by January Velasco, MD

Updated by: Stephanie Nera, RPh, PharmD

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Medically reviewed by

January Velasco, MD

General Practitioner

Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Jul 18, 2022

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