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What Is the Importance of Drinking Water in the Morning?

What Is the Importance of Drinking Water in the Morning?
What Is the Importance of Drinking Water in the Morning?

People are frequently reminded to hydrate. But did you know that you can get more out of water if you drink it in the morning? Read on to find out about the importance of drinking water in the morning!

The Importance of Hydrating

Getting enough water everyday is vital to maintaining good health. Many bodily functions rely on water to run properly. From keeping a normal temperature to getting rid of toxins in the body, water does so much good to our bodies.

When our bodies fail to receive the adequate amount of water, it leads to a significant reduction in performance. We get tired more easily, we make poorer decisions, and our mood is generally worse. In severe cases, dehydration can even cause death. Remember, you can last for as long as a month without food, but you can only last 3-4 days without water.

The Importance of Drinking Water in the Morning

But why do we have to drink it in the morning? While you can drink water at any time of the day, drinking water in the morning comes with a ton of benefits. Here’s the importance of drinking water in the morning:

It Rejuvenates the Body

We sleep for 6-8 hours a day. That’s 6-8 hours without a single drop of water. Meanwhile, bodily functions that need water continue as we sleep. By the time we wake up, our bodies need water to fight off dehydration. That glass of water in the morning helps fill up a tank that’s been running on fumes!

Weight Loss

Many believe that water is helpful when we are trying to lose weight. There are two reasons for this. First, drinking water increases our bodies’ metabolism. The higher the metabolism, the higher the caloric burn. Second, water also helps in suppressing our appetites. Drinking water can make us feel full, and in turn, we will want to eat less. Drinking water first thing in the morning kicks off our metabolism and also helps us not to overeat breakfast.

Better Mental Performance

As we’ve discussed earlier, we wake up dehydrated. Even a little bit of dehydration can have a significant impact on our mental performance and cognitive abilities. Our short-term memory, alertness, and focus can see a decrease if we don’t drink water properly. Drinking water in the morning ensures that we start the day ready and alert for all the challenges that the world can throw at us.

It’s a Great Way To Boost Your Mood

Dehydration can lead to a sharp decline in a person’s mood. That means that you’re going to probably wake up grumpy and upset if you keep delaying that glass of water. An improved mood not only increases your overall satisfaction but it can also help you be more productive as the day goes on.

Healthier Skin

That glass of water in the morning is just the right medicine for dry and dehydrated skin. Drinking water in the morning can possibly help you with getting healthier skin.

Water Ensures That Your Body Runs Properly

The body needs water to run properly. Drinking water in the morning ensures that your body functions as it should – kidneys are cleaning waste, the heart is pumping blood, your joins and bones are properly lubricated, and more. Part of the importance of drinking water in the morning is giving your body that boost.

Boosts Immunity

Our immune system helps to protect us from any foreign invaders (bacteria and viruses) that may harm our bodies. But like any good defense system, it needs to be running in tip-top shape. Going for hours without drinking water can cause this defensive system to be not as efficient as we’d like. For the best immunity, drink water in the morning.

Key Takeaways

The importance of drinking water in the morning really all boils down to the fact that our body needs to resupply. Drinking water in the morning ensures that we can keep our bodies running at peak performance which means we are more than ready to face the challenges ahead of us.

Learn about Other Healthy Eating Tips here.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Weather and Healthier Drinks,,Keep%20a%20normal%20temperature, Accessed July 15, 2021

Water, Drinks and Your Health,, Accessed July 15, 2021

Water: How Much Should You Drink Everyday?,, Accessed July 15, 2021

Are There Health Benefits to Drinking Hot Water?,, Accessed July 15, 2021

Hydration,, Accessed July 15, 2021

Current Version


Written by Sky Abundo

Medically reviewed by Elfred Landas, MD

Updated by: Vincent Sales

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Written by Sky Abundo · Updated Jun 24, 2022

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