Autoimmune diseases have no cure. But, there are numerous treatments and medicines that can treat their flare-ups. Doctors usually prescribe simple treatments, medications, and suggest an anti-inflammatory diet for autoimmune disorders. But, do you think anti-inflammatory diet for autoimmune disorders works?
In this article, you will know how anti-inflammatory diet for autoimmune disorders works. But, before that, let us quickly understand what an autoimmune disease is.
What is autoimmune disease? What happens when the immune system gets compromised?
Autoimmune disease is an extremely common phenomenon. Though one may not hear of its occurrence in day-to-day life, types of it are fairly common, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and more. Autoimmune disease occurs when our body’s immune system falters.
The immune system protects us from foreign bodies, infections, and bacteria. Our usual health status, the capability to recover from contracting a disease, and the healing of wounds are dependent on how healthy our immune system is. Thus, when the immune system starts malfunctioning, it is a matter of grave concern. The diseases that occur as a result of it are known as autoimmune diseases.
Here, the immune system doesn’t stop functioning. Rather, it starts doing the opposite of what it is designed for: attacking the body instead of protecting it. The immune system no longer acts as a barrier between the body and the outer elements, and that exposes the body to every kind of infection and foreign particles that there are.
This compromise on the immune system leads to an array of disorders collectively known as autoimmune diseases. Though these are treatable in most cases, late diagnosis or being unaware of the condition can be fatal too. It is extremely important to diagnose it in time and get the treatment started so that your immune system can function better.
How is diet related to autoimmune disease?
One major change that can affect your immune system in a positive manner is your diet. Studies have often indicated that our gut health is connected to our immune system. The healthier our gut, the better and stronger will be our immunity.
That’s why our digestive system is the first to react when something toxic or poisonous substances enter it. The system tries hard to expel it.
We often resort to ready-to-make meals or snacks, which cater to the taste buds but not the essential organs. Such foods are highly inflammatory in nature and affect your overall health negatively.
Autoimmune disease can be treated by opting for an autoimmune anti-inflammatory diet. Please note that a change in diet will complement the treatment suggested by your doctor depending on the type of autoimmune disease that you are suffering from, but it is not the treatment itself.
Does an anti-inflammatory diet for autoimmune disorders work?
The answer is yes, an autoimmune anti-inflammatory diet can combat autoimmune diseases. Now that we have established the importance of diet in autoimmune disease treatment, it’s time to take a look at how an anti-inflammatory diet can help ease your suffering.
The first step should be to cut down or do away with unnecessary or avoidable medicines. Some of them are extremely inflammatory and create a bacterial imbalance in the gut, thus playing an important role in downplaying your immune system. Along with his, you can increase your consumption of bone broth, prebiotics, and probiotics. This will ensure that there is a healthy mix of bacteria inside your gut.
Anti-inflammatory diet for autoimmune disorders

Berries are known to be anti-inflammatory in nature and contain anthocyanins; antioxidants that are anti-inflammatory in nature.
Make sure you include strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc in your diet. Consumption of berries also ensures a higher production of Natural Killer cells in your body, which keep your immune system in good shape.
Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and kale are known to be rich in antioxidants, which are anti-inflammatory in nature, thus reducing the chances of heart disease and autoimmune diseases. Therefore, include them in your autoimmune anti-inflammatory diet.
Green tea
Green tea is the option you may want to switch to if you are a tea person. It is known to be one of the healthiest beverages and has tons of advantages over normal caffeine.
It is known to reduce the chances of autoimmune disease and others such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, obesity, and more.
Bell pepper and chili peppers
Bell pepper and chili peppers are rich in vitamin C and have anti-inflammatory antioxidants.
Avocado is yet another food you may want to include in your anti-inflammatory diet. It is a superfood rich in magnesium, potassium, and fiber.
Fatty fish
Fatty fish is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein, which are anti-inflammatory in nature.
From salmon, sardines, and anchovies, to herring and mackerel, regular consumption of fatty fish reduces inflammation by a considerable amount.
Turmeric is known to be an anti-inflammatory spice with tons of health benefits. It is rich in an anti-inflammatory compound known as curcumin. Add it to your autoimmune anti-inflammatory diet.
Grapes too have anti-inflammatory properties, owing to the presence of anthocyanins, inflammation-reducing antioxidants, as mentioned earlier in the case of berries.
Mushrooms are known to be rich in vitamin B, selenium, and copper, and contain anti-inflammatory antioxidants. Of course, there are mushrooms that are edible and there are those which are not.
Eat right and your body will thank you. Remember: these foods are not only good for autoimmune diseases, but also for your overall health, owing to their multiple benefits.
List of inflammatory food items to skip from your diet
High-fructose corn syrup and sugar
High fructose corn syrup and sugar are known to be major culprits of inflammation. While it is fine to consume it in small amounts, such as in fruits and vegetables, avoid larger portions of it.
Omega 6 fats
Omega 6 fats, if taken in high dosage, are known to be highly inflammatory. Vegetable and seed oils are known to be a major source of these.
Given these are used in cooking most of the dishes, the consumption cannot be entirely avoided. Thus, reducing consumption is advised.
Artificial trans fat
Artificial trans fat is another inflammatory addition to the diet, which is highly dangerous if you are suffering from an autoimmune disease. Dairy products and meat are known to be rich sources of artificial trans fat, which is created by adding hydrogen to unsaturated fats.
If you are suffering from autoimmune disease, then a drastic reduction in dairy product and meat intake is required. They can cause inflammation in the gut, lowering the defenses of the immune system and exposing you to further infections and disorders. Therefore, artificial trans fat cannot be a part of your autoimmune anti-inflammatory diet.
Refined carbs
Refined carbs are another category you should remove from your autoimmune anti-inflammatory diet. They say not all carbs are bad, but refined carbs are an exception to the rule due to the fact that they lack fiber.
Fiber is known to feed the beneficial gut bacteria and improve blood sugar, and a lack of it makes refined carbs quite useless and more harmful than good.
Further, refined carbs have a higher glycemic index, which is known to escalate blood sugar levels. Soft drinks, bread, pasta, cakes, cookies, and the likes are known to be a high source of refined carbs. Curb, but if possible, cut these down from your diet entirely.
Processed meat
Processed meat is another inflammatory food that is highly offensive to your immune system causing autoimmune diseases. It is also known to increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Some rich sources are smoked meat, beef jerky, sausage, and bacon.
Excessive alcohol consumption
Excessive alcohol too is known to cause inflammation in the gut. While a balanced to a low rate of consumption is considered beneficial, alcohol in excessive quantity is lethal. It can often lead to a condition called leaky gut, wherein bacterial toxins move into the body and leave the colon. It also increases the CRP levels in the body.
Wherever possible, curb or cut the aforementioned products from your diet. It will ensure that your gut health improves dramatically.
Autoimmune disease is beatable. Beat it with your food habits. Have we missed anything? Do you have more suggestions in mind? Type away and tell us in the comments below about your autoimmune anti-inflammatory diet.
Learn more about special diets, here.