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6 Ways Aerobic Exercises Can Help Improve Your Health

6 Ways Aerobic Exercises Can Help Improve Your Health
6 Ways Aerobic Exercises Can Help Improve Your Health

Aerobic exercise, also referred to as cardio, are physical exercises that require oxygen throughout the process. Adequate oxygen is needed to meet the energy demands of the body due to aerobic metabolism. There are quite a number of health benefits of aerobics exercise.

These types of exercises can be low to high intensity, from walking to jogging, to long distance running, or even swimming.

Aerobic exercises involve the repeated movement of large muscle groups of your body, like those in your arms, legs, and torso.

As the activity progresses, you’ll breathe deeper and faster to ensure that your blood gets the maximum amount of oxygen required. Thus, your heart beats faster to pump and increase blood flow to your muscles.

What are the Health Benefits of Aerobics Exercise?

When done properly and regularly, people of all ages can enjoy the health benefits of aerobics exercise.

Improve Physical Fitness

Aerobic exercises promote overall physical fitness, as it can target major muscle groups of your body.

During the first few sessions, it’s common to feel tired after doing cardio exercises, especially if you’re not used to doing a lot of physically demanding tasks.

But as you progress with your exercise regimen, you’ll notice a significant improvement in your strength, stamina, and endurance. Soon, you’ll barely feel fatigued the next day.

Keep Viruses Away

Regular aerobic exercise can help activate and boost your immune system.

You’re less likely to contract viral illnesses like the common cold and flu. It’s also a good way to prepare yourself from unknown illnesses.

health benefits of aerobics exercise

Boosts Heart Health

One of the great health benefits of aerobics exercise is how it can improve heart health

Exercise promotes circulation and more efficient heart function, and you’ll see improvements in your stamina and endurance.

Regular aerobic exercise also keeps your arteries clear and reduces the risk of diseases such as hypertension and stroke.

Minimizes Health Risks 

Through regular cardio exercises, you can significantly reduce the risk or delay the onset of many health problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes and stroke.

Many of these are considered lifestyle-related illnesses, which occur due to a sedentary daily routine, eating too much and moving too little, and other vices that contribute to poor health.

Taking 30 minutes to an hour every day to walk or jog can help reduce these problems.

Improve Your Mood

When you do cardiovascular exercises, your body releases endorphins. These are natural painkillers that will enable you to exercise longer without feeling tired or strained.

Endorphins are also known to bring about feelings of happiness and well-being. Exercise gives you a dose of happiness that improves your mood throughout the day.

Defy Aging

Well, growing old is inevitable, as we all reach that age where our hair turns gray, skin starts to sag, and we get tired more easily. With regular cardio exercises though, you can at least try to keep the clock from turning by keeping your muscles strong and healthy.

You won’t lose your mobility as fast as you would when you don’t exercise. You can reduce the risks of falls and injuries if you are still quite fit and nimble even in your 60s. Aerobic exercises also keep you sharp, so you can protect your memory as you grow older.

Making the Most of the Health Benefits of Aerobics Exercise

Do Keep a Workout Schedule

Even if you can only do a bit of jogging or running for 30 minutes to an hour in the afternoon because of a busy work day, it’s better to prepare a schedule beforehand and stick with it.

Whether you want to do it every other day or every single day for shorter periods, it’s important to keep that routine until your body becomes familiar. When you don’t break a sweat anymore, it’s time to increase the intensity depending on your health goals.

Don’t Push Too Hard When You Skip A Day

When you miss a day in your workout schedule, the tendency is to make up for it the next day. Okay, you feel guilty from taking the time off because of something else, but making up for it won’t really solve anything.

You won’t have enough time to recover to perform optimally on your next workout session. Your whole schedule will be messed up and you won’t see real progress. Instead of pushing hard the next couple of sessions, you can just extend your schedule for another day or two.

Do Take Time to Rest When You Feel Too Sore

If you think you’re too sore, just let your body recover rather than pushing it past its limits. Your muscles need time to recover and repair, and when you don’t listen to it, exercising might end up doing more bad than good.

If you feel like you’ve been a couch potato for too long, your first step to fitness would be to stand up, stretch your legs, and move about. There are a lot of exercises that you can do even with limited time and space.

You can go with aerobic or cardiovascular exercises, which has low to high intensity options you can choose from. Start exercising today and enjoy the benefits that a good workout can give you in the future.

Learn more health fitness tips, here.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Why endorphins (and exercise) make you happy Accessed June 12, 2020

5 signs you’re working out too hard Accessed June 12, 2020

Aerobic exercise: Top 10 reasons to get physical Accessed June 12, 2020

Benefits of Exercise Accessed June 12, 2020

Current Version


Written by Tracey Romero

Medically reviewed by Mike Kenneth Go Doratan, MD

Updated by: Stephanie Nera, RPh, PharmD

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Medically reviewed by

Mike Kenneth Go Doratan, MD

General Surgery · The Medical City Ortigas

Written by Tracey Romero · Updated Aug 19, 2021

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