Women are often scrutinized for many things: how she dresses, how well she cooks, how fit she is, and the list goes on and on. Even a lady’s intimate area is not safe from comments and criticisms. Many women nowadays are concerned with having a so-called “lopsided vagina.” But is there really such a thing? Let’s talk about what a normal vulva looks like.
Can Women Have a Lopsided Vagina?
No part of our bodies are perfectly symmetrical. This is true for the eyes on our face, breasts, and even genitals. Nowadays, it’s easier to come across nude photos and many people have become more comfortable talking about their more private areas. Because of this, men and women alike may feel pressured or insecure about their bodies. How big? What color is it? Why does it look different from this one?
While being more aware of our bodies is always a good thing, one of the caveats is the tendency to compare. When it comes to any part of our body, we are all unique. Even identical twins can have different-looking features on different parts of their bodies.
With that said, a woman’s vagina can come in various shapes, colors, and sizes. Having a “lopsided vagina” is entirely subjective. Let’s take a step back and remember that different can still mean normal.
What’s Normal?
When someone uses the term lopsided vagina, most likely they mean the vulva. The vulva is a collective term for all the external vaginal parts. On the other hand, the vagina is the opening and canal that connects to the uterus inside a woman’s body.
Why do I have a “puffy” vulva?
The vulva includes the mons pubis (or “mound”), labia majora and minora (the outer and inner “lips”), clitoris, and a few other structures.
The mons pubis is the vaginal part that is seen from the front. This is a fatty pad that covers and protects the underlying pelvis bone. It is typically covered with hair, although some women prefer to trim, shave, or wax it.
The amount of fatty tissue and skin can affect the shape of the vulva. Some are considered “puffy” while others have less fat, which reveals more of a slit.

Why do I have a dark labia?
The labia or lips of the vagina are another area that women are often concerned about. As mentioned previously, a “lopsided vagina” typically refers to the labia. Like the mons pubis, the outer labia has hair and fatty tissue. It also houses sweat and oil glands within the skin. In many cases, the skin color of the labia differs from other parts of the body. Darkness here is normal in people of any race or skin tone.
On the other hand, the inner labia are hairless and much smaller. The color ranges from pink to red to a brownish shade, all of which are normal and may change depending on arousal due to increased blood flow. Some women have thicker labia majora which covers the labia minora completely, while others may have thinner outer labia or wider inner labia which can cause it to be more exposed. Again, these are all still normal variations and can change as we age.
When Should I be Worried?
Some women may feel ashamed or pressured to change their bodies, even going so far as to undergo reconstructive surgery. While this is certainly an option, understanding that there is no “perfect” or “normal” vagina or vulva is empowering.
Infection or Injury
It is only considered a problem when there is an infection, injury, or deformation of your vagina that hinders your normal functions.
Dry or Wet
A woman’s vagina can be a window to her reproductive and overall health. Phases of dry and wet are normal throughout a menstrual cycle and can indicate when a woman is fertile or not.
Unusual discharge
Discharge is also normal throughout the day. However, the consistency, color, and odor can be telling. Infections are never normal and should be treated by a doctor.
Watch out for spotting or bleeding when you are not expecting your period, green or yellow discharge, and pain as these can be signs of disease.
Key Takeaways
In summary, there is nothing wrong with being different especially when it comes to our private parts. Having a so-called lopsided vagina is an inaccurate term that has no medical bearing. Avoid exposure to media that tells you that there is an “ideal” body type or that your body parts should look like someone else’s.
What is more important is maintaining your health and practicing good hygiene.
Talk to your doctor or gynecologist if you have any questions regarding your intimate area or have other health concerns.
Learn more about Women’s Health here.