Ano po ang sintomas ng kidney failure or pagkasira ng kidney? It depends on the severity of the condition, what’s causing it and how fast the kidney is deteriorating. Kidney failure can either be acute which means it happened suddenly or chronic which means it has been occurring for a while.
Kidney failure, also known as renal failure, can be described as the kidneys being unable to function well. Renal failure can be due to diseases that cause damage to the kidneys such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Kidneys also fail to function properly if they are blocked by kidney stones, blocked by scar tissue or unable to receive enough blood to filter.
Acute Kidney Failure
Acute kidney failure refers to the sudden inability of the kidney to filter waste from the blood. It usually occurs within less than a few days and progresses rapidly.
People who have acute kidney failure are commonly those who are in the hospital or intensive care units who are suffering from other diseases such as heart disease, severe allergic reactions, organ failure, blood loss and injury. It may also occur in people undergoing major surgery.
Sintomas ng Kidney Failure (Acute)

When the kidney deteriorates, toxins in the blood build up causing the person to feel weak. Anemia, a condition wherein there is not enough hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. Blood loss or decrease in RBC production can cause anemia, which are common in patients who have kidney impairment and failure.
When urea and other toxins are not properly excreted by the kidneys, it accumulates in the body. Uremic encephalopathy is a disorder that occurs when too much urea reaches the brain, resulting in confusion, drowsiness, inability to concentrate, and even coma.
High blood pressure
When a person’s kidney is failing, the body attempts to increase blood supply in the kidneys. As a result, blood pressure increases. For those with hypertension, this can be dangerous if not controlled.
Since the kidney is failing, extra fluid is not removed from the system which then results in swelling especially in the legs, ankles, feet (pedal edema) and around the eyes (periorbital edema).
Chest pain and shortness of breath
Since the excess fluid is not eliminated by the kidneys, fluid may build up in the lungs causing a tight sensation in the chest and difficulty in breathing.
Chronic Kidney Failure
Chronic kidney failure, also known as chronic kidney disease (CKD), is described as the slow deterioration of the kidney. This gradual loss of kidney function occurs for months or years. Kidney damage brought by CKD is often irreversible.
People who experience CKD are often those with compromised immune systems and frequent urinary tract infections. Additionally, taking multiple medications or high-doses of certain drugs can take its toll on the liver and kidney, which can eventually lead to CKD.
People with chronic kidney failure may not experience symptoms during its early stages. Blood and urine tests are necessary to detect kidney failure during this stage. Symptoms of acute kidney failure are also found in people with CKD.
Sintomas ng Kidney Failure (Chronic)
Metal taste in the mouth and bad breath
When the kidney is unable to function properly, urea, a key component of urine, builds up. When this occurs, a person might taste food differently and will also have bad breath known as ammonia breath. The metallic taste in the mouth may also result in poor appetite.
Numbness and tingling
Build-up of toxins in the blood can cause damage to the nerves (uremic neuropathy). Numbness and tingling (paresthesia) may occur in the toes and feet.
Weak bones
When the kidney is not functioning well, more parathyroid hormones are released into the blood. When this occurs, the body reacts by moving calcium from the bones and into the blood resulting in weaker bones. The parathyroid hormone is responsible for regulating calcium levels in the blood.
Due to urea building up inside the body, the skin retains urochromes, the chemical responsible for the yellow color of urine. This results in jaundice, or yellowish colored skin.
However, not everyone experiences all of these symptoms. In addition, some people with CKD may report different symptoms not listed here. If one or more of these symptoms are starting to manifest, make sure to seek medical attention immediately and ask your doctor for advice. Blood and urine tests are necessary to check if a person has kidney failure.
Key Takeaways
Kidney failure can either be chronic or acute. Symptoms of acute kidney failure include fatigue, confusion, hypertension, chest pain and edema. People who have chronic kidney disease will experience similar symptoms to that of acute kidney failure with the addition of other symptoms including bad breath and jaundice.
If you experience any of these symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.
Learn more about kidney disease here.