Have you ever heard of the statement “a woman is always right?” In most cases, it’s true, especially when it comes to their bodies. A woman can spot tell-tale signs of pregnancy way before they can actually confirm it. You might be wondering how they could do that.
To some, it’s just a gut feeling. However, there are early signs that a woman can identify if she’s pregnant. Aside from the usually missed period, the early signs of pregnancy discharge and being too exhausted are just some of the other signs that can help you determine if you’re expecting.
What Are the Signs of Early Pregnancy?
The only way you can confirm a pregnancy is by taking a pregnancy test or by consulting a doctor. Other than these, there are also different signs a woman can notice that might be an indication that she’s pregnant.
You must be aware of the early signs of pregnancy, so you can get yourself checked immediately to ensure the safety of both you and your baby, in case you’re pregnant.
The early signs of pregnancy include the following:
Missed Period
A missed period is a key indicator that a woman might be pregnant. If you’re pregnant, you will not have your monthly bleeding due to fertilization.Once the fertilized egg implants, the growing placenta will begin producing human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The hCG prevents the uterine lining from shedding, thus causing a woman to miss her period.However, there are a lot of causes of why a woman misses her period, these include
- Hormonal imbalance Stress
- Sudden change in weight
- Certain health conditions
No matter the circumstances, it is essential for you to get checked whenever your period suddenly stops.
One of the early signs of pregnancy discharge that women might notice is light spotting or bleeding. This kind of spotting is known as implantation bleeding, which normally occurs about 10 to 14 days after conceiving. Implantation bleeding happens when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the lining of the uterus.
Tender Breasts
Tender, swollen breasts occur as early as one to two weeks after conception. It happens due to hormonal changes like the increase of estrogen hormones. When you are pregnant, you might feel that tingly, full sensation in your breasts that may make it painful to touch. But eventually, this will subside after the first trimester.
Darkening of the Areolas
Not all women can notice changes in their bodies during pregnancy, like the darkening of their areolas. Aside from making your breasts tender, hormonal changes can also make your skin cells produce more pigment, making your areolas look darker.
These hormonal changes also make your areolas appear larger and bumpier. The bumps that will show up on your areolas are oil-producing glands called Montgomery’s tubercles, which are responsible for lubricating your nipples during pregnancy and lactation.
Nausea or Morning Sickness
Morning sickness or nausea is one of the most common early signs of pregnancy, aside from a missed period. The cause of this is still not clear, however, researchers suggest that it might be due to the presence of elevated hCG in the woman’s body.
Women would most likely experience this symptom after a month of conception. You may experience morning sickness with or without vomiting that can happen in the daytime or nighttime. Even if morning sickness is a common sign of pregnancy, not all women may experience it.

A surge in progesterone is the culprit of why pregnant women experience fatigue and sleepiness during the first 12 weeks of their pregnancy. Fatigue is a normal part of pregnancy, thus women are always advised to rest whenever they can.
Mood Swings
Moodiness or the feeling of mixed emotions is also common in pregnant women since they undergo drastic hormonal changes (rise and fall of estrogen and progesterone).
In early pregnancy, the sudden rise of the progesterone hormones slows down the digestive system and relaxes smooth muscles, which leads to bloating. The slowing down of the digestive system might also lead to constipation during pregnancy.
A Heightened Sense of Smell
Another pregnancy symptom caused by hormonal changes is a heightened sense of smell or smell sensitivity (hyperosmia). Due to the increase of estrogen, women in the first trimester might find a lot of different scents unappealing. Women who experience hyperosmia have a higher possibility to suffer from nausea and vomiting.
Food Aversion or Food Cravings
Sensitivity to smell during pregnancy might also lead to food aversions. Pregnant women might find it difficult to eat certain foods due to its taste or smell. They might also begin to hate the foods they used to love before they were pregnant.
On the other hand, pregnant women might also crave odd food combinations due to the changes in their hormones as well as differences in their sense of smell and taste. Food cravings begin in the first trimester, peaks in the second trimester, but may appear anytime during the pregnancy.
Cervical Mucus
Changes in your cervical mucus can be one of the early signs of pregnancy discharge. If you’re pregnant, your cervical mucus might appear sticky, thick, and white or pale yellow in color. The changes in cervical mucus occur after implantation or the attachment of the fertilized egg in the uterine lining.
Frequent Urination
A rise in progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) can cause an increase in urinary frequency in the early stages of pregnancy. Urinary frequency takes place once the kidneys start to expel excess waste in your body to make way for the developing baby.
Elevated Basal Body Temperature
This symptom is noticeable for women who regularly check their temperature. Normally, your basal body temperature rises during ovulation but drops once you get your period. But if you’re pregnant, your temperature would probably stay elevated for more than 16 days.
Key Takeaways
Having the following signs and symptoms mentioned above does not guarantee that you’re pregnant. Being pregnant does not solely rely on these signs since you can be pregnant without experiencing pregnancy symptoms.
If you notice that these signs appear suddenly, then it is advisable to consult your doctor right away. Doing this will help you determine what’s causing these symptoms, and whether you’re pregnant or not.
Learn more about Being Pregnant, here.