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Ayaw Dumede ni Baby? What To Do When Your Baby Goes on a Nursing Strike

Ayaw Dumede ni Baby? What To Do When Your Baby Goes on a Nursing Strike
Ayaw Dumede ni Baby? What To Do When Your Baby Goes on a Nursing Strike

It can be quite upsetting when your baby, who’s been nursing so well for months, suddenly refuses to breastfeed. Not only may you feel a little concerned over the “rejection,” but you may also be worried about whether or not they are getting the nutrition required for their growth and development. If your bundle of joy goes on a breastfeeding strike, know that you’re not alone; support is never far away. In case ayaw dumede ni baby, what can you do? Find out here. 

The Many Forms of Nursing Strike

When a parent says “ayaw dumede ni baby,” it could mean the baby refuses to nurse during some feeding sessions. It could also point to the baby not wanting to nurse at all! Sometimes, it means the baby nurses for a while, then suddenly becomes too upset to latch. 

Note that a breastfeeding strike can occur at any age, and the reasons vary depending on the child’s current health status or developmental stage. 

Bakit Ayaw Dumede Ni Baby?

It’s easy to assume that when breast refusal occurs, it’s because the baby is not hungry. However, that’s not always the case. In fact, many babies go on a breastfeeding strike even when they’re visibly hungry. 

Experts say a newborn may refuse to nurse if they are:

  • Sleepy
  • Have a congenital issue
  • Are premature
  • Or when the mother has inverted nipples

Of course, breast rejection in newborn babies also happens due to a poor latch. 

Other possible reasons why ayaw dumede ni baby are:

  • Pain and discomfort, such as when your baby is teething or if they have sore gums. 
  • Sickness. Cold, for instance, can make it difficult for your baby to breathe during feeding. 
  • Stress. Delayed feedings, distractions, separation anxiety, can contribute to a baby’s breastfeeding strike. 
  • Reduced milk supply
  • Changes in taste and smell. When you change your cologne, deodorant, or lotion, your baby might suddenly refuse to nurse. Likewise, a change in the taste of breast milk due to your diet might also be a contributing factor. 

Sometimes, babies refuse to nurse because they feel their mother’s stress. For instance, reacting strongly when they bite the breast can scare them and make them refuse nursing. 

What To Do Kapag Ayaw Dumede ni Baby

If your baby goes on a breastfeeding strike, the following tips might help:

1. Be Patient

If your baby refuses to breastfeed, stop and try again later. Maybe he or she is just sleepy or stressed. Be calm. If you get frustrated, the baby may pick up on the feeling and refuse even more. 

2. Change Positions

Consider changing your position when a nursing strike takes place. You can even try to breastfeed while walking slowly. In these situations, a baby sling might come in handy. 

3. Cuddle With Your Baby Before Feeding

Kapag ayaw dumede ni baby, consider cuddling with them while you’re naked from the waist up, skin to skin with your baby. Play with your baby for a little while and then offer your breast and see if they’ve regained interest. 

4. Deal With Distractions

Is your baby overstimulated? If so, feed them in a quiet room where there are fewer distractions. 

5. Address Biting, Latching, or Sucking Concerns

If your baby bites and you tend to react strongly, try to “expect” the bite, remain calm, and slip your finger in their mouth to break suction. 

Through it all, count the number of times you successfully feed your baby in 24 hours. Also, count the number of their wet diapers and check for dehydration, and weigh them regularly. Doing these will help you know right away if they’re not getting enough nutrition or fluids. 

If there are other signs of problems, or if the baby still refuses to feed, bring them to the doctor immediately. 

Key Takeaways

Ayaw dumede ni baby? This could happen due to a variety of reasons. Respond calmly and try the tips outlined above. If the problem persists, get in touch with their pediatrician. 

Learn more about Breastfeeding here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Breast refusal,, Accessed December 3, 2021

Why would a baby go on a breast-feeding strike?,, Accessed December 3, 2021

Problems with Latching On or Sucking,, Accessed December 3, 2021

Nursing Strikes,,they%20are%20almost%20always%20temporary., Accessed December 3, 2021

Frequency of “Nursing Strike” among 6-Month-Old Infants, at East Tehran Health Center and Contributing Factors,, Accessed December 3, 2021

Current Version


Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

Medically reviewed by Regina Victoria Boyles, MD

Updated by: Vincent Sales

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Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Jun 21, 2022

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