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Lagundi For Cough and Asthma

Lagundi For Cough and Asthma

Lagundi, also known as “5-leaved chaste tree,” has the scientific name of Vitex negundo. People who live in tropical countries, such as the Philippines, are more than familiar with the Lagundi plant, considering that it is also popular as an ornamental plant thanks to its beautiful purple flowers. Medically speaking, Lagundi leaves have medicinal properties that are scientifically proven.

What Is Lagundi Used For?

Lagundi for cough and asthma? Effective remedies for cough are not exclusive in conventional medications alone. In fact, the Department of Health has recognized the healing attributes of lagundi for cough and asthma, making it a popular herbal counterpart to relieve cough and treat the symptoms of asthma.


As an extensive medical condition, asthma has no known full cure at the moment. You can only regulate and manage the symptoms. How well you can manage them is imperative. Lagundi leaves have been proven to be effective in dealing with the symptoms of asthma, making it one of the most highly recommended herbal medications to date. As a treatment for asthma, take a cup of lagundi leaves herbal tea regularly.

Cough Relief

Lagundi leaves have anti-inflammatory properties that work similarly to antihistamines and cough expectorants. These properties are great for various respiratory conditions, including sore throat and cough. To get the best results, and for you to sleep better at night, drink Lagundi leaves on a regular basis.

How Does It Work?

The Department of Health recognizes the efficiency of Lagundi for cough and asthma as it helps discharge phlegm and constrain the manifestation of cough. In fact, both government and health groups promote Lagundi as an alternative for contemporary treatments.

Lagundi has antimicrobial and analgesic characteristics along with chrysophanol D and antihistamine that relieves many respiratory issues. These properties relieve sore throat due to cough and colds.

Precautions & Warnings

What Should I Know Before Using Lagundi?

When taking herbal medication, you need to acknowledge that there are certain precautions. If you are planning to incorporate Lagundi as part of your regular treatment, it is always better to consult a doctor first, just to be on the safe side.

How Safe Is Lagundi?

For pregnant and lactating mothers, you may still consume it in moderation as long as you have the go-signal of your doctor. Otherwise, do not use Lagundi for cough and asthma at least until after giving birth.

Special Precautions & Warnings

Some people may also have allergic reactions to the components of Lagundi. If you experience itchy skin or swollen lips, stop using Lagundi for cough and asthma. Consult your doctor immediately.

Side Effects

What Kind of Side Effects Might I Get from Using Lagundi?

There are studies that  justify the use of Lagundi for cough relief and treatment of asthma. Even young children can use Lagundi syrup as long as parents administer the right dosage. If for some reason you do not experience relief even after continuous use of Lagundi, contact your doctor as you may need stronger medicine for your illness.


What Interactions Does Lagundi Have with Other Medicine?

There is no exact information as to how other drugs interact with Lagundi for cough and asthma. That is why it’s always best to consult your physician. The key here is to not use more than what is prescribed. Taking more than what is recommended will do you more harm than good, and may lead to serious side effects and poisoning. Do not give the same medication to other people even if you believe they have the same condition.

Dosage and Forms

This information is not a substitute for medical advice. ALWAYS consult your herbalist or doctor before using this medication.

What Is the Usual Dose of Lagundi for Cough and Asthma?

Lagundi leaves can be grated and steeped in boiling water. It can also be mixed with other herbal medicines. It is recommended to take a cup three times a day to relieve coughing.

To relieve cough and effectively manage asthma symptoms, boil at least half a cup of Lagundi leaves in 2 cups of water. Drain the liquid and take ½ cup of the decoction 3 times a day. For greater efficiency, just pour boiling water over Lagundi leaves and let them soak.

For adults, you can take half a cup 3 times a day. Children or babies can be given one tablespoon 3 times a day. For children aged 2 to 6 years old, two tablespoon 3 times a day, and for those aged 7 to 12 years old, ¼ cup 3x a day is recommended.

Aside from making your own Lagundi tea at home, you can also buy Lagundi capsules, tablets, or syrup from the supermarket or your local pharmacy.

What Form Does Lagundi Come In?

Lagundi for cough and asthma has grown popular over the years, with the government even acknowledging its health benefits in relieving cough and managing asthma symptoms. Lagundi leaves in the form of capsules or tea can now be found in supermarkets and pharmacies nationwide. You may also opt to make your own Lagundi tea at home.

Learn more about Herbals and Alternatives here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Antitussive and toxicological evaluation of Vitex negundo,, Accessed June 8, 2021

Lagundex/Lagundex Forte,, Accessed June 8, 2021

A Systematic Review on Vitex negundo (NIRPROMP formulations) for the Treatment of Acute Cough of Mild to Moderate Severity in Pediatric Patients,, Accessed June 8, 2021

From Herbal Folklore to Modern Medicine,, Accessed June 8, 2021

A Review on Antibacterial Properties of Natural Plants,, Accessed June 8, 2021

Lagundi: Anti-cough and anti-asthma medicine,, Accessed Sept 8, 2021


Current Version


Written by Kristel Lagorza

Medically reviewed by Stephanie Nera, RPh, PharmD

Updated by: Jan Alwyn Batara

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Written by Kristel Lagorza · Updated Jun 14, 2023

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