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Best Food for Gout: What To Eat and What To Avoid

Best Food for Gout: What To Eat and What To Avoid
Best Food for Gout: What To Eat and What To Avoid

Gout is the result of an accumulation of sharp urate crystals in your joint as a result of high levels of uric acid in your blood. Uric acid is produced by your body to break down the substances called purines, which are naturally found in your body. Uric acid normally dissolves in your blood, passes through the kidney, and into your urine. But sometimes it can build up when your body produces too much uric acid or too little is excreted by your kidney, causing joint pains and swelling. There is no cure for gout. But you can treat and manage your condition by consuming the best food for gout.

Gout is a complex form of arthritis that usually causes intense pain and discomfort. The affected joints may become red, swollen, and inflamed, resulting in a limited range of movement. A gout attack can happen suddenly and commonly affects the joint located at the base of the big toe. Gout pain can also hit the joints of the wrists, fingers, elbows, knees, and ankles.

Planning Your Gout Diet

Your food consumption, age, gender, weight, family history of gout, using certain medications, or having an existing medical condition can all increase the chances of gout attacks. You can start reducing the risk of gout by managing your food intake and focusing on — primary: best food for gout, secondary: food low in uric acid.

Here are some recommendations for your gout food plan.

Meat. Limited serving portions of pork, beef, lamb, or other red meat.

Fish and seafood. Moderate servings of fish and certain kinds of seafood can be part of your food plan.

Vegetables. Some vegetables have high purine levels such as asparagus and spinach, but are safe to eat. Studies have shown that these vegetables don’t increase the risk of gout attacks.

Alcohol. Alcohol increases the risk of gout attacks, although moderate wine consumption won’t. Limit alcohol, especially beer, in between attacks. Avoid alcohol completely during gout attacks.

Sugar-sweetened food and beverages. Limited serving of sugary food such as candies and baked goods is okay. A small portion of fruit juices can be served.

Coffee. Some studies claim that moderate consumption of coffee may reduce the risk of gout. Although if you have other medical conditions, it is best to consult your doctor regarding the right amount of caffeine you can take.

Cherries. There is evidence that eating cherries reduces the risk of gout attacks.

Vitamin C. Eating food rich in vitamin C may help lower the levels of uric acid in your body. You can also consult your doctor on how you can fit vitamin C supplements in your food plan and medications (if any).

Your gout diet goal should include weight loss, complex carbs consumption, and staying well-hydrated. Eat less shellfish and organ meats, especially liver.

Best Food for Gout

To help you start your gout diet plan, here’s a list of food that can help lower your uric acid levels:

  • Apples
  • Cherries
  • Berries
  • Coconuts
  • Vegetables such as leeks, onions, celery, olives, and parsley
  • Milk and its products
  • White bread
  • Cheese
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Crackers
  • Grains
  • White rice
  • Cereals
  • Molasses

Key Takeaways

Gout is a serious and painful disease that can cause restrictions in your body movement and affect your life. But if you focus on your diet, it can lessen the chance of your gout recurring.

Keep in mind that while the goal is to lose weight and avoid obesity, drastic loss of weight will not help. If you lose weight too fast, the effect is an increase in uric acid and it will only lead to a gout attack.

You have to lose weight gradually and properly alongside your medications and supplements to prevent gout symptoms. Drink lots of water and exercise regularly. A healthy lifestyle will not only lead to gout prevention but will also benefit your overall health.

Learn more about Special Diets here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Gout | Arthritis | CDC,, Accessed February 5, 2021

Gout – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic,, Accessed February 5, 2021

Gout diet: What’s allowed, what’s not – Mayo Clinic,, Accessed February 5, 2021


Current Version


Written by Lhay Ann Boctoy

Expertly reviewed by Chris Icamen

Updated by: Jan Alwyn Batara

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