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Fat Burning Pills: Do They Really Work? And Can They Help With Obesity?

Fat Burning Pills: Do They Really Work? And Can They Help With Obesity?
Fat Burning Pills: Do They Really Work? And Can They Help With Obesity?

It’s no secret that a lot of people struggle with weight loss. While it is true that weight loss can be done with diet and exercise, not everyone has the discipline and the time to focus on these things. This is the reason why fat burning pills remain very popular.

This begs the question of whether or not these pills are safe. Aside from that, do these pills even work at all? Find out the answers to these questions, and more.

What Are Fat Burning Pills?

As the name suggests, fat burning pills are pills that help burn fat, which also helps people lose weight. These are usually sold as diet pills, and can usually be purchased without a prescription. In fact, these pills can be readily bought in some health food stores, or even through online sellers.

These pills claim to help people lose weight, even if they don’t regularly exercise or change their diet. This promise of weight loss with minimal effort is what causes people to try out these pills in the first place. This is also the reason why they remain popular.

How Do They Work?

Not all diet pills work the same. Some of these pills contain laxatives, while others contain stimulants that cause the body to burn calories more than usual1. There are also pills that suppress a person’s appetite, and thus makes them eat less.

Based on these descriptions, you might have noticed that fat burning pills don’t really burn fat. These pills mostly rely on various methods in order for a person to lose weight. The problem is that they’re not always effective, nor are they sustainable.

Are Fat Burning Pills Effective?

In the case of pills that contain laxatives, they do help lower a person’s weight. However, take note that it only reduces water weight, so there’s no fat-burning going on2. And since it’s a laxative, taking these pills can be very inconvenient. In rare cases, these pills can even cause dehydration if a person develops diarrhea or constantly goes to the bathroom.

Fat burning pills that increase metabolism can help with weight loss since they help burn calories. The effects of these only last while you’re taking the pill though. These stimulant pills also carry an increased risk of heart problems since these stimulants can increase heart rate. This can be very dangerous, especially for persons who already have existing heart conditions.

In addition, when stimulant pills are taken over long periods, that increases the risk of heart problems and other side effects.

Appetite suppressants might work, since they decrease a person’s appetite. However, the problem is that you might not be getting enough nutrients since you’re eating less. This can even lead to eating disorders if you’re constantly skipping meals.

So while fat burning pills might help you lose weight, they don’t do so in a safe and sustainable way.

How Can You Safely Lose Weight?

There are actual pills that doctors can prescribe if a person needs to lose weight. However, since these are prescription pills, these are only given if necessary. If you’re overweight or just trying to maintain a healthy weight, your doctor won’t prescribe these types of medication3.

In addition, these also have side effects such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, and constipation.

The best way to lose weight is to do it the old-fashioned way4. This means that you’ll need to control your portions, and watch what types of food you eat. You’ll also need to engage in daily exercise for at least 30 minutes each day, or more if you really want to be fit and healthy.

Hard work really is the key to losing weight the right way, and making sure that you’re keeping the weight off.

Learn more about Obesity here.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

1 Diet Pills are Dangerous. What You Can Do as a Parent.,, Accessed October 12, 2021

2 Do Fat Burners Actually Work? Here’s What Experts Say – Cleveland Clinic,, Accessed October 12, 2021

3 Weight-Loss Medicines | CS Mott Children’s Hospital | Michigan Medicine,, Accessed October 12, 2021

4 Losing Weight | Healthy Weight, Nutrition, and Physical Activity | CDC,, Accessed October 12, 2021

Prescription Weight Loss Drugs

Current Version


Written by Jan Alwyn Batara

Expertly reviewed by Chris Icamen

Updated by: Bianchi Mendoza, R.N.

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Written by Jan Alwyn Batara · Updated Mar 10, 2022

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