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Snacks For Diabetics: Diabetes-Friendly Baking Alternatives

Snacks For Diabetics: Diabetes-Friendly Baking Alternatives
Snacks For Diabetics: Diabetes-Friendly Baking Alternatives

Everybody likes a sweet treat every now and then. Apart from tasting good, sugar releases chemicals in our brain that make us feel happy, like serotonin. They’re also highly addictive because they prompt a release of dopamine, which encourages us to repeat rewarding behaviors. Having diabetes shouldn’t stop you from enjoying sweet treats or snacks from time to time. Indeed, there are baking tips we could use to make snacks for diabetics. Before we look at these tips, let’s refresh your memory about what diabetes is and how it affects the body.

What is diabetes?

When we eat, food is turned into energy when it’s broken down into sugar, called glucose. Blood sugar levels go up, signaling the pancreas to release insulin, which allows glucose to enter the cells and be used as energy. With diabetes, the body doesn’t make enough insulin or it can’t use the insulin as well as it could be. A lack of insulin or a problem with how cells use insulin could result in too much sugar in the bloodstream. This could lead to heart disease, vision loss, or even kidney disease. There is no cure yet, but there are ways to manage this condition. These include weight loss or maintenance, healthy eating, physical activity, self-management, support, and following doctor’s orders. Because of this, making snacks for diabetics will need a bit more preparation and planning.

Type 1 diabetes refers to an autoimmune reaction stopping the body from forming insulin. It’s mostly diagnosed in children, teens, and young adults. Meanwhile, type 2 diabetes is when insulin not used well. Those with this type have difficulty keeping blood sugar levels normal. It affects older adults more often.

How can I make snacks for diabetics?

Following a healthy meal plan is crucial for diabetics. This typically includes vegetables, fruits, grains, protein, nonfat or low-fat dairy, and heart-healthy fats. They must also avoid fried foods or those with trans or saturated fats as well as salty foods, sweet foods and sweetened drinks.

What alternatives are available for baking diabetes-friendly dishes?

Certain recipes can be adapted to be more accessible to people suffering from diabetes.


Instead of plain white, try using wholemeal flour, which contains more fiber and therefore helps with intestinal and cardiovascular health. It can also make you feel fuller with smaller portions, making it a suitable alternative to make snacks for diabetics. The body cannot break down fiber and so it doesn’t contribute to a rise in blood sugar as other carbohydrates do. Fiber also helps prevent the body absorbing fat and cholesterol, thereby lowering triglyceride and cholesterol levels. It also helps clear your digestive tract of bacteria and buildup. In this way, fiber reduces your risk of colon cancer. 


A cheaper and healthier alternative is oil. To make up for the taste and texture, you may add water, skimmed milk, plain Greek yogurt or mashed bananas. Don’t be afraid to experiment with the quantities for the pastry recipe. This is particularly important in making snacks for diabetics, because those with diabetes are twice as likely to suffer heart disease.


Sweeteners are not an adequate substitute for recipes such as cakes. Try instead to sweeten the pastry with fruits. They also contribute to your fiber intake for the day. Fresh and dried fruits will do.

Key Takeaway

Making sweet snacks for diabetics is possible; it just takes a bit more planning and preparation. Living with such a tricky condition does not have to be strict or cumbersome. With these baking tips, they can enjoy their cravings whenever the mood hits.

Learn more about Healthy Eating here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

What is Diabetes?,,your%20pancreas%20to%20release%20insulin.. Accessed 30 Mar 2022

Diabetes Diet, Eating, & Physical Activity, Accessed 30 Mar 2022

Baking and diabetes, Accessed 30 Mar 2022

Diabetes – Heart Disease, Accessed 30 Mar 2022

Saturated Fat, Accessed 30 Mar 2022

Fiber: The Carb That Helps You Manage Diabetes, Accessed 30 Mar 2022

3 Reasons You Crave Sweet or Salty Foods, Accessed 30 Mar 2022

Current Version


Written by China Logarta

Expertly reviewed by Dexter Macalintal, MD

Updated by: Dexter Macalintal, MD

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Written by China Logarta · Updated Jun 03, 2022

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