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Tips and Tricks To Prevent Whiteheads

Tips and Tricks To Prevent Whiteheads
Tips and Tricks To Prevent Whiteheads

Whiteheads are small, firm, visible bumps that form when pores get clogged with dead skin cells, excess oil on the face, and bacteria. Since it is a form of acne, whiteheads can be removed with the right whiteheads remover remedies.

It is a mild type of acne similar to blackheads, another type of acne that appears as dark bumps on the skin. The main difference of the two is that blackheads are “open” clogged debris which forms a reaction with melanin and oxygen while whiteheads are closed off and covered by the skin.

Keep reading to learn tips and methods on how to prevent whiteheads as well as when to see a doctor for treatment.

How Do Whiteheads Form on the Skin?

Clogged pores are the main reason why whiteheads form on the body. One of the main causes of blocked pores are hormonal changes, which is the usual reason for acne build-up.

The use of some contraceptives in particular can also factor into the development of acne.

It usually forms around the T-zone, which consists of your forehead, nose, and chin. Whiteheads can appear all over the body, however, and may remain on the skin for a long period of time. Some people are prone to acne build-up because of naturally oily skin and may even occur on the back and arms.

Can Whiteheads Be Prevented?

Whiteheads can remain on the skin for a long time and may even become inflamed or develop into something more severe.

However, they can be prevented with the help of lifestyle changes as well as various treatments and utilizing whiteheads remover products.

Here are some ways to prevent clogged pores:

  • Use oral and/or topical medications. Using skincare and treatments can greatly reduce the build-up of oil, sebum, and bacteria for breakouts. Topical retinoids can be used to prevent and treat acne, but it may take a few months for its full effects. Some doctors recommend using oral birth control pills to their female patients to lessen acne.
  • Consider noncomedogenic brands when buying makeup. People who have acne-prone skin need to consider buying noncomedogenic makeup to prevent the build-up dirt in the pores of the skin.
  • Use oil-free creams and lotions. Oil-based solutions in products can contribute to the formation of acne. Using oil-free creams and lotions can greatly prevent extra oil to form on your skin.
  •  Be gentle when cleaning your face. Instead of scrubbing your face after a wash, gently pat your skin down with a clean towel. Try to avoid using exfoliating the face through scrubbing since it might make your acne worse.
  • Practice proper hygiene regularly. Your hair and skin should be washed regularly. However, avoiding excessive washing is a must as this may further irritate your skin.

Whiteheads Treatment

Unlike blackheads, whiteheads cannot be removed by pushing the dirt out manually. Luckily, there are many ways and approaches to get rid of them.

1. Try Using Home Remedies

Gather a mixture of three tablespoons of manuka honey and a tablespoon of cinnamon and microwave this mixture for 30 seconds. This can be effective as a do-it-yourself or DIY whiteheads remover.

While using home remedies can be cost-effective, be wary of the potential side effects its ingredients may have. If skin irritation occurs, discontinue its use.

2. Natural Treatments

Natural ingredients are a possible alternative skin remedy. Though like the previous approach, use these with caution since these natural treatments have their own side effects.

  • Vitamin A has antioxidants that may lessen inflammation of acne and encourage cell growth. Most creams available in stores have vitamin A as a vital component of their product.
  •  Tea tree oil is an anti-inflammatory treatment that can lower the number of bacteria on the face. Many extracts and skin care sold uses this ingredient into their solution. Tea tree oil can be used with aloe vera simultaneously to improve results.
  • Witch Hazel is seen in most astringent toners and cleansers. It is famous for being able to open up pores and reduce the likelihood of build-up.

3. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medicine

You may also try purchasing acne removing products from a store instead of using natural remedies. It is important to note that using all these products simultaneously can make the skin dry. The following may even take months to take effect.

  • Benzoyl peroxide aids the skin by removing bacteria and excesses oils as well as lessening inflammation.
  • Salicylic Acid is quite similar to benzoyl peroxide for its ability to lessen oils. It can also get rid of dead skin cells that could cause clogged pores in the skin.
  •  Exfoliants remove dead skin cells. Find an exfoliant with a gentle solution as a whiteheads remover in order to prevent your skin from becoming dry.

4. Let Them Be

Sometimes letting the whiteheads be is the best solution. Popping whiteheads will only cause irritation, scarring, and invites more bacteria to enter your pores. Always try out preventive or healthy treatment methods instead of manually picking on them.

When Should I Seek Professional Help for Whiteheads?

Going to a professional may be your best bet when all the other methods are ineffectual. Dermatologists can advice you on taking certain whiteheads remover medication with stronger properties or prescribe oral tablets. Most products, however, make the skin more sensitive under the sun, so it is important to remember to wear sunblock or sunscreen at a regular basis.

Key Takeaways

Whiteheads are a form of acne that appear as small, white bumps on the surface of the skin. They occur when pores clog with dirt, bacteria, and excess oils. Although they can persist for a long time and may even grow into something much more severe, proper continuous skincare and treatment can help prevent whiteheads.
Most treatments, however, may cause more harm than good when used incorrectly, so exercise caution when using whiteheads remover creams and serums. You may start seeking professional help from a dermatologist when the whiteheads do not go away despite going through all the possible remedies.

Learn more about Acne here.


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Current Version


Written by Angeli Del Rosario

Fact-checked by Bianchi Mendoza, R.N.

Updated by: Vincent Sales

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Written by Angeli Del Rosario · Updated Aug 24, 2022

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