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Oral Sex is Harmful for Health or Not?

Medically reviewed by Mary Rani Cadiz, MD · Obstetrics and Gynecology

Written by Hello Bacsi · Updated Jul 03, 2022

Oral Sex is Harmful for Health or Not?

Sexual expression is diverse and nuanced, and thankfully it’s fun to explore! Oral sex is harmful for health – or is it not? Aside from being one form of sex that protects against unwanted pregnancy, check out the 6 benefits of oral sex (on men).

6 Benefits of Oral Sex

1. Oral sex prevents aging

If you want to keep your face wrinkle-free without using cosmetics, then oral sex may be the key (in theory). Semen contains spermidine that has the ability to slow down the aging process. Exposure to semen during oral sex may help you fight aging naturally. But we encourage consulting a dermatologist before incorporating this as part of your skincare routine. 

2. Oral sex relieves stress

Oral sex is harmful for health or not? There are research results that suggest that women who are exposed to semen regularly are less stressed. Sperm contains natural antidepressants or mood altering chemicals like melatonin, serotonin, estrogen, and oxytocin. So, oral sex is a way to help you live a happier and more joyful life. In addition, achieving orgasm has its own perks. 

3. Oral sex controls blood pressure

Sperm helps women control blood pressure and even prevent pre-eclampsia. If you need to relax and keep your blood pressure under control, give oral sex a try.

4. Oral sex improves memory

Young people today often have habits that affect memory such as sleeping late, using mobile phones a lot, etc. An easy way to help keep their brain healthy is to try oral sex because semen contains many nutrients good for the brain.

5. Oral sex helps to sleep well

If you’re having trouble sleeping but don’t want to take sleeping pills, try oral sex. Semen contains melatonin to help you sleep.

6. Oral sex helps relieve pain

Oxytocin, endorphins, and a digital nutrient in semen have analgesic properties. You will no longer need medication for back or stomach pain.

What are the consequences of oral sex?

Besides the benefits, oral sex on men also carries many risks to your health. Oral sex is harmful for health – you might think. So what is the risk of oral sex?

1. Oral sex can cause throat cancer

Otis Brawley from the American Cancer Society says you can get throat cancer if you have oral sex. However, the risk of throat cancer only increases when you have oral sex without taking precautions.

When oral sex is not safe, you run the risk of contracting the HPV virus, a virus that causes cancer of the throat and tonsils. HPV can infect both men and women during oral sex. Heterosexual men in their 40s are most affected.

2. Oral sex can affect the relationship

In many cases, oral sex increases the bond between couples. But in other cases, oral sex can be stressful. This anxiety can be caused by shyness, fear, or the reaction of your partner.

The position one’s in when having oral sex also highlights a dominant and submissive dynamic that may make some uncomfortable. This is an issue that can greatly affect the relationship if the two sides do not talk to each other before. It’s best to communicate and agree on boundaries. 

3. Oral sex increases the risk of STD transmission

What is the risk of oral sex? You will be at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as HIV, herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, HPV, or hepatitis if you do not use protection.

Oral sex is harmful for health or not? Oral sex is fun and exciting, but also has many potential risks. When done consensually and safely, it can be an amazing experience for both partners. 

Learn more about Sexual Wellness here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Medically reviewed by

Mary Rani Cadiz, MD

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Written by Hello Bacsi · Updated Jul 03, 2022

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