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Know the Right Ways to Use Condoms and Dental Dams

Know the Right Ways to Use Condoms and Dental Dams
Know the Right Ways to Use Condoms and Dental Dams

Condoms are one of the effective ways to protect individuals from sexually transmitted diseases and other infections. Also, it is one of the effective birth control techniques. However, it needs to be used properly as a condom may tear or break. Thus, increasing the risks for your partner. This is the reason why you must know the right ways to use condoms. 

But, before understanding the ways to use condoms, let’s understand a condom in short. 

What is a Condom?

One of the best methods to control birth, a condom acts as a physical barrier and blocks the sperm to fertilize a female egg. Also, it is one of the effective ways to prevent and protect you and your partner from STDs and STIs.

Studies found that using a condom can help reduce the risks of syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia and HIV/AIDS. Also, some health experts believe it can protect your sexual parts from herpes and genital warts.

With numerous researches and experiments, health experts came up with male and female condoms that are considered as one of the effective contraception.

So, to prevent pregnancy and protect yourself from STD and STI, you should know the correct ways to use condoms. 

Ways to Use Condoms

Right way to use male condoms

Male condoms act as a barrier to protect semen to enter inside a vagina and then fertilize an egg. And to make it simple, male condoms are worn on the penis to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. 

So, understand how to use a male condom correctly.

  • Open the wrapper of a condom carefully. Experts suggest tearing the wrapper using teeth than scissors to prevent condom tears. However, one should know that opening a wrapper with teeth can also puncture the condom. So be very careful before unwrapping a condom.
  • The best way to prevent any possible risks is to check the condom before using. If you find any damages, then avoid using it.
  • Now, hold the rim of the condom and pinch the tip using your thumb. Make sure, the tip of the condom is quite visible, helping you to wear it correctly.
  • Gently, roll down the condom covering the whole penis. Make sure the rim is facing outside. 
  • If you did not wear a condom properly i.e. if the rim of the condom is under and it’s not rolling properly on your penis, remove the condom and don’t use it again. This is because the outer rim may have precum that might contain some amounts of semen.
  • After wearing a condom correctly, use a water-based lubricant on the condom to reduce friction and enhance sensitivity. However, it is always advisable to use a lubricant condom to enjoy more. 
  • After ejaculation, pull out the condom carefully. Use one hand to hold the rim while letting another hand pull out the condom. Hold the rim tightly to prevent slippage. 
  • Now, tie a nod using the end of the condom to prevent slippage.  

This is the correct way to use a male condom, according to the sexologists. 

Right Way to Use Female Condoms

A female condom is larger than male condoms. The primary function of this condom is for vaginal sex, but some people do use it for anal sex

Like male condoms, female condoms are effective too, helping to prevent pregnancy and STDs. However, they are only effective when used correctly. 

So, understand how to use a female condom correctly:

  • Remove the condom from the wrapper carefully. Try using your teeth to tear the packaging to prevent breakage or condom damages. Avoid using scissors to prevent damages. 
  • Now, lie down in a comfortable position, maybe on a bed or couch. 
  • Use your thumb or forefinger to pinch the smaller, inner ring at the end of the condom. Now, use your other hand and pull back the labia folds around your vagina. Slide inside the inner ring of the female condom into your vagina.
  • Experts recommend using your middle finger or forefinger or both into the open end of the condom till your finger reaches the end of the condom. 
  • Now, push the condom inwards into the canal gently until the condom reaches the cervix. 
  • Allow the outer ring of the condom to rest on the vagina and hold it during intercourse. If the ring goes inside the vagina during intercourse, stop the penetration and pull it back out.
  • Ensure that your partner enters inside the condom and not between vagina and condom.
  • After intercourse, twist the condom careful and pull it out gently to prevent semen spill. 

Right Way to Use Dental Dams

A dental dam is a sheet made from polyurethane or latex used during anal, vaginal, and oral sex. Experts believe a dental dam can be one of the best barriers against penile oral sex and sexually transmitted infections. 

So, understand how to use a dental dam correctly.

  • Pen the package of the dental dam carefully. Avoid using scissors to open the package. Instead, use your teeth to open the wrapper. However, make sure you tear carefully to prevent any damages. 
  • Ensure you unfold the dam and look for any damages or holes if any. 
  • Now, place the dam on the vagina or anal. You can also use lube to hold the dam in the place properly. Ensure you hold the dam during oral sex and throw after it is done.

This is how doctors recommend using the dental dam. 

Sexologists believe condoms are one of the effective birth control methods that not only prevent STDs and STIs, but also enhance sexual intercourse.

Use any type of contraception, you can always enjoy sex without worrying about sexual diseases and pregnancy.

However, a condom is believed to provide only 98 per cent of protection from pregnancy. It is always advisable to use a condom properly to avoid pregnancy or any sexual diseases.

Learn more about Contraception here.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

How do I use a condom?/ June 1, 2020

Male condoms,

How to use a condom/ June 1, 2020

Female condoms, Accessed June 1, 2020

How to use a dental dam,, Accessed June 1, 2020

Current Version


Written by Nikita Bhalla

Medically reviewed by Regina Victoria Boyles, MD

Updated by: Regina Victoria Boyles

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Written by Nikita Bhalla · Updated Jan 28, 2023

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