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Can Particular Activities Help Turn A Breech Baby?

Can Particular Activities Help Turn A Breech Baby?
Can Particular Activities Help Turn A Breech Baby?

If you’ve been told by your doctor that your baby appears to be in an awkward or breech position, your first instinct, perhaps, is to try to find a way to turn the baby. Depending on your condition, the doctor may recommend External Cephalic Version, wherein they’ll try to turn the baby to a cephalic presentation by applying calculated pressure to the abdomen.  After all, if the baby is in breech position, the possibility of having a Cesarean delivery increases. 

At home, you may also find yourself browsing online on the possible ways of turning the baby into a head-down position. This is perhaps when you will encounter the term Spinning Babies. What is it exactly, and how does it work to make labor and delivery more comfortable for both mom and baby? More importantly, can you “mimic” the ways endorsed by this program at home?

What is Spinning Babies?

Spinning Babies is a type of class offered to mothers anytime after the 20th week of pregnancy. The goal is to use physiology and numerous physical activities to help the baby find the optimal position for childbirth. From their website, Spinning Babies said they are a “pregnancy preparation program with labor activities that have been shown to ease birth.”

Some institutions in the United States where Spinning Babies originate offer the class to interested mothers. But, as it is, it’s not widely available in the Philippines, although there might be private practitioners (doulas) who are trained for this program. 

Despite this, it’s interesting to determine if the activities offered by Spinning Babies truly help a fetus assume a cephalic presentation. 


Walking may be a great activity to help the baby move into the right position. According to Spinning Babies, it lengthens the Psoas muscle, which functions to connect the upper body to the lower half; the inner part to the outer part. This helps attain muscle balance that can help with better fetal positioning and descent. 

While there are scarce references between the psoas muscle and better fetal descent, walking is, in no doubt, a great exercise for pregnant women

However, keep in mind that any movement you make should be gentle. Avoid going for long periods of time or doing anything that makes you feel unwell, dizzy, or nauseous. Finally, keep an eye on how tired you’re getting so that you don’t overdo it with exercise or activity—this is not good for you and your baby!


The more you move, the better, so why not stretch from time to time? Spinning Babies relate that different kinds of stretches not only address issues that may trigger problematic labor and delivery, but also potentially make it easier for the baby to rotate and descend. 

Browsing online, however, there’s no one kind of stretching that can help your baby turn to cephalic presentation. But, as with walking, stretching is a great exercise for pregnant women because it’s gentle and effective in easing tension.

Pelvic Tilt (Hands and Knees) 

There are many ways to do a pelvic tilt. One type endorsed by Spinning Babies is where you’ll go on all fours – hands and knees – and arch your back up and then straight (cat table top). 

Even Spinning Babies said this workout is not theirs, and that alone, it’s NOT an effective way to turn a breech baby. Still, pelvic tilt variations and going on all fours are one of the most recommended workouts when a woman is pregnant. 

Key Takeaways

If you’re pregnant and trying to get your baby into a cephalic presentation, these tips might help but nothing is certain. Spinning Babies, after all, is a class with numerous strategies. Unless you enroll in the program, you will not get the full experience. And even if you get into the program, there’s no telling what will happen during labor and delivery. 

Remember that babies have a mind of their own and don’t always cooperate with the doctor and their mothers. But if you are able to move around as recommended, then it’s good for your baby no matter what position they’ll assume when it’s time for them to be born.

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1) What happens if your baby is breech?, July 22, 2022

2) Daily Activities,, Accessed July 22, 2022

3) Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb, Psoas Major,,flexion%20of%20the%20hip%20joint., Accessed July 22, 2022

4) Slide show: Pregnancy stretches,, Accessed July 22, 2022

5)Exercise During Pregnancy,, Accessed July 22, 2022

Current Version


Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

Medically reviewed by Mae Charisse Antalan, MD

Updated by: Mae Antalan, MD

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Medically reviewed by

Mae Charisse Antalan, MD

General Practitioner

Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Mar 18, 2023

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