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Week 19 of Pregnancy: All You Need to Know

Week 19 of Pregnancy: All You Need to Know

Congratulations, you’ve made it to week 19 of pregnancy baby development! You’ve already achieved so much and there’s more exciting surprises to come. Prepare for what’s next on your pregnancy journey by reading this guide on week 19 of pregnancy.

Baby Development

Pregnancy can be exciting, especially since your little bundle of joy is on their way. It can also be terrifying, given all the changes in your body, life, and relationships. There’s also no blueprint for pregnancy, so your pregnancy journey may be different from what you expected. Whatever mix of emotions you’re feeling, find comfort in the thought that soon you’ll finally be able to meet your little one. And, you’re one step closer to becoming a mother.

The first trimester typically begins from week one, all the way to the end of week 13. These first few months of pregnancy can be rough because this is when the usual pregnancy symptoms start to show. You dealt with mood swings, morning sickness, constipation, and even flatulence. You may also have to trade in your favorite outfits for more comfortable clothes to make way for the changes in your body.

Luckily enough, the second trimester won’t be as hard. The second trimester, which covers week 13 to week 28, is when your body starts to feel better from all the symptoms you had to deal with in the first trimester. During the second trimester, which is usually the 4th, 5th, and 6th month of pregnancy, the worse bouts of nausea have passed. Your baby bump also isn’t heavy yet. If you want to know more about the 5th month of pregnancy or week 19 of pregnancy baby development, read on.

Week 19: Baby’s Development

At around five months or week 19 of pregnancy baby development, your baby is the size of a mango! Your baby at five months in the womb will be approximately 7 inches in length and will weigh around 6.5 to 8 ounces. During week 19 of pregnancy baby development, your little one will start to develop critical bodily functions and characteristics that are specific to certain areas or organs of the body.

A Guide To The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy

Body & Life Changes

How Is My Body Changing?

Since you’re in the second trimester, you may feel better and more energized than you did in your first trimester. During this time, many women also observe that they develop a “pregnancy glow,” so expect your skin to look better than it did. More symptoms that may manifest during your 5th month or 19th week of pregnancy may be:

  1. Melasma: Often referred to as the “mask of pregnancy,” melasma or chloasma causes dark spots to appear on your skin, especially in the face. This is the result of pregnancy hormones, which can cause hyperpigmentation on the skin. Wear sunscreen whenever you’re going outside or always use some protection against the sun, to avoid further hyperpigmentation.
  2. Round Ligament Pain: Round ligaments are structures that support the uterus. Pain in this region is usual in pregnancy, especially during some movements like rolling over in bed. To alleviate this pain, change your position or try soft stretches that can help ease the muscles in that area.

During week 19 of pregnancy baby development, mommies to be may also look forward to feeling the first kicks and flutters from their babies. This is called “quickening”, and may feel like flutters or gas. Your baby will start to move around this time. And this is because they’re starting to have a sleep pattern, just like you! However, some women may not feel flutters. This shouldn’t be a cause of worry since most women will only feel strong kicks in the third trimester.

Your Doctor Visits

What Should I Tell My Doctor?

After your first few prenatal check-ups in the first trimester, your doctor will already schedule subsequent visits for the following trimester. During these visits, your doctor will want to keep track of your baby’s growth. If you’ve started feeling flutters or kicks, make sure to tell them as well. 

If you experience any worsening of symptoms, like back or round ligament pain, it’s also best to share these with your doctor. That way, they’ll be able to check for any underlying medical problems or prescribe anything to alleviate the discomfort. Remember, some painkillers may be harmful to your baby. So before taking any painkillers or medication, make sure to ask your doctor if they’re safe for your baby’s health. 

You can also look forward to hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time during the second trimester doctor’s visits. 

Health & Safety

What Should I know About Being Healthy and Safe While Pregnant?

During this time, your baby will be in the process of developing critical bodily functions. Avoid carrying heavy objects or taking too many tasks at work. These can cause unnecessary strain on your body and mental health. 

In the Philippines, herbal medicine is encouraged to cure all sorts of diseases or improve overall well-being. However, some herbs can be toxic for your baby. Or they may cause premature contractions that can induce a miscarriage. Before ingesting any “herbal remedies’, make sure to ask your doctor about it. 

Another belief is that you need to eat for two people since you’re not the only one your body is nourishing now. Take this advice with a grain of salt: You shouldn’t force yourself to overeat. Making sure to have a balanced diet full of fruits of vegetables is still the way to go to ensure that your baby gets all the nutrients they need. Overeating may pose health risks for you and your baby like gestational diabetes or obesity. These conditions can make labor difficult.

At week 19 of pregnancy baby development, you’re already halfway done with your pregnancy. Enjoying the energy-boost and decreasing symptoms will give you much-needed time to enjoy your pregnancy. Listen to your doctor’s advice, and stay well-informed about the changes your body and baby will undergo during your pregnancy. This will help make your journey less stressful and more exciting.

Learn more about Pregnancy here.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Current Version


Written by Tracey Romero

Medically reviewed by Jobelle Ann Dela Cruz Bigalbal, MD

Updated by: Vincent Sales

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Written by Tracey Romero · Updated Jun 08, 2021

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