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Week 14 of Pregnancy: All You Need to Know

Week 14 of Pregnancy: All You Need to Know
Week 14 of Pregnancy: All You Need to Know

Baby Development

How is my baby growing? 

At week 14 of pregnancy baby development, you are now in trimester two. Your baby is as big as your clenched fists, measuring over four inches in length and weighing less than two ounces.

The baby’s facial muscles are developing. This allows your baby to make expressions like squinting or frowning. Moreover, they will start making fluid movements. The baby’s neck is growing longer, helping the head to be proportionate to the body. It will begin to stretch out and may appear standing or erect in the coming weeks. You might also see toes wiggling or thumb-sucking during ultrasound.

At the same time, the baby’s liver and spleen are now working, producing bile and red blood cells, respectively. Their kidneys are also starting to produce urine released in the amniotic fluid. Your baby will take in some of the fluid so you might see their mouth pucker.

Apart from these, you may notice hair growing all over your baby’s body, including head. This is called lanugo. Lanugo is a layer of thin, peach fuzz-like hair that keeps your baby’s body warm. Other developments during week 14 of pregnancy baby development include thyroid glands releasing hormones, as well as some digestive system activity.

Body and Life Changes

How is my body changing? 

At week 14 of pregnancy baby development, your bump may start to show. This is because your uterus is expanding out of the pelvic region into your lower abdomen. As a result, you might be feeling sore and uncomfortable. You will start to put on more weight. But this increase is dependent on your current body mass index (BMI). Some women gain weight differently, especially if this is not their first time or are carrying more than one child. Even if your baby is growing steadily, you will not yet feel weighed down so you are still capable of exercise.

Your placenta has more or less formed by now so your energy level is coming back. Nausea will also start to wane. Your breasts will continue to feel heavy but not as sensitive and tender as they did in trimester one. You might notice your areolas getting darker and nipples more pointed.  

What should I be concerned about? 

Week 14 of pregnancy baby development is within what is known as the “honeymoon” stage of pregnancy. Most women find trimester two to be the easiest. This is because nausea and fatigue are waning. Your hormones are leveling out so an increase in energy level is expected. Despite all these, you still need to look out for the following: 

  • Increase in appetite: Now that nausea is subsiding, you might notice your appetite coming back. However, make sure you are eating healthy and in correct portions. Rapid weight gain can lead to health risks like gestational diabetes (GD). In a 2015 study, the Philippines was found to have a high prevalence rate of GD. Data showed that 40.4% of women tested positive for gestational diabetes.

The country’s Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology developed food recommendations for pregnant women. You can check it here.

You are also susceptible to cravings during this time. Opt for healthier options and avoid greasy, fatty, and spicy food. The key is to get the right nutrients for your baby’s development and your safety.

  • Round ligament pain: If you experience pelvic and abdominal cramps, these are likely caused by round ligament pain. As your uterus expands, your ligaments stretch. The round ligament is found in the front of your uterus extending into the groin. Pain occurs when there is sudden movement or shift in position. A mild heating pad or pain relievers may help. 
  • Varicose veins: The demand for blood volume increases to accommodate the baby’s development. As a result, your veins, especially around the legs, will enlarge. You can minimize its appearance by getting plenty of movement, raising your legs, and drinking lots of water. 
  • Immune system: You are likely to experience colds and flu due to a weakened immune system. Make sure you are hydrated all the time and eat food rich in Vitamin C. Check in with your doctor first before taking any over-the-counter (OTC) medicines. You can try nasal strips or a humidifier to help you breathe easily when sleeping.

Additional note: Now that you are in week 14 of pregnancy baby development, you are less likely to be at risk for miscarriage.  

Your Doctor Visits

What should I tell my doctor?

By the time you enter week 14 of pregnancy baby development, you should not be experiencing nausea anymore, although you might still get a rush of morning sickness every now and then. Your body may need to adjust for a few more days. If it keeps coming back or worsening, call your doctor. This might be a sign of hyperemesis gravidarum. This is usually accompanied by severe vomiting and weight loss. At the same time, seek medical help if you experience the following: 

  • Vaginal bleeding: This occurs when normal pregnancy spotting progresses to heavy flow like a period. 
  • Fluid leakage: A small hole could develop on your amniotic sac resulting in leakage of amniotic fluid. 
  • High temperature
  • Blurred vision
  • Migraine
  • Severe pelvic and abdominal cramps

What tests should I know about?

Week 14 of pregnancy baby development does not require an ultrasound. Your next appointment will probably be on week 18 to week 22. But the case is different if you are planning to have amniocentesis. Amniocentesis is recommended for pregnant women over the age of 35. This is also an option for those who previously gave birth to a baby with abnormalities.

Amniocentesis is performed by inserting a needle into your uterus to get a sample of amniotic fluid. This fluid is then examined for genetic defects and other chromosomal conditions. This procedure can determine if your baby has Down syndrome or spina bifida. 

Health & Safety

What should I know about being healthy and safe while pregnant?

High levels of estrogen and progesterone causes increased blood flow to the body’s mucous membranes. This includes the nose, which swells. Moreover, your immune system is weaker when pregnant. You are more vulnerable to colds and flu. If you experience these on your week 14 of pregnancy baby development, here are things you can do: 

  • Vitamin C: Boost your immune system by loading up on vitamin C and eating foods rich in vitamin C. These will also make your capillaries stronger, reducing risks of nosebleeds. 
  • Humidifiers: Moisten the air with the use of a warm-mist humidifier. This is especially helpful to make breathing easier when sleeping.
  • Over-the-counter medicine: For short-term use, antihistamines and decongestant sprays are considered safe. Consult your doctor first before buying. She might recommend nasal strips or saline sprays instead. 
  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water especially when you have the flu. This will prevent your mouth and throat from drying up. This helps your body get rid of built-up phlegm and mucous.

Keep your body healthy by exercising. Refrain from being in a sedentary position as this might cause blood clots. Your routine shouldn’t be complicated either. The key is to keep your blood circulating and prevent fat from building up. 

Week 14 of pregnancy baby development is the early part of trimester two. Expect an increase in energy level since your placenta has developed by now.

Your pregnancy will start to show now that your uterus is expanding. At the same time, your baby’s physical development continues to advance. Their facial muscles, bones, and other organs are now working. You can also expect sudden, fluid movements.

Make sure you eat healthily and correctly to provide your baby with nutrients. Take advantage of this stage to exercise. Fatigue and nausea will not be as prevalent, so get moving while you can.  



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. (Date accessed: April 24, 2020) (Date accessed: April 24, 2020) (Date accessed: April 24, 2020) (Date accessed: April 24, 2020)

Current Version


Written by Honey Buenaventura

Medically reviewed by Jobelle Ann Dela Cruz Bigalbal, MD

Updated by: Bianchi Mendoza, R.N.

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Medically reviewed by

Jobelle Ann Dela Cruz Bigalbal, MD

General Practitioner

Written by Honey Buenaventura · Updated Oct 19, 2020

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