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Baby Vaccine Scheduler To Keep Track of Your Child's Immunization

Expertly reviewed by Dexter Macalintal, MD · Internal or General Medicine

Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Aug 03, 2022

Baby Vaccine Scheduler To Keep Track of Your Child's Immunization

Newborn and infants are among the immunocompromised population. This means that compared to others, they are more vulnerable to infections that might lead to death or long-term complications. The good news is, many diseases, such as hepatitis B, pneumonia, and measles, are vaccine-preventable. In general, the child receives majority of these vaccines within their first year of life. That’s why it’s crucial for parents to keep track of their child’s pediatric vaccination schedule. 

If you’re worried about your child missing a shot, you can take advantage of our Baby Vaccine Scheduler. Here’s everything you need to know about this tool. 

Why Use A Baby Vaccine Scheduler

The Baby Vaccine Scheduler helps parents and guardians keep track of their child’s pediatric vaccination schedule. With this doctor-verified tool, you’ll be able to:

  • Make profiles for each of your children.
  • Receive vaccination alerts through the channel of your choice (SMS, email, messenger, Google Calendar).
  • See your baby’s immunization schedule at a glance. This means you can readily check if they missed a shot. Likewise, you can see their upcoming vaccines right away. 
  • Prepare ahead. With the Baby Vaccine Scheduler, you’ll be able to plan your family’s schedule ahead. For instance, you’ll know when not to go on a trip because that’s your baby’s schedule for a shot.  
  • Learn more about pediatric vaccination. Not only does the tool itself offer details about the vaccine, we also have doctor-verified articles that discuss the numerous benefits of immunization. 

How To Set Up Hello Doctor’s Baby Vaccine Scheduler

Once you’re ready to take advantage of the Baby Vaccine Scheduler, simply follow these steps. 

  1. Head over to Hello Doctor PH’s Baby Vaccine Scheduler
  2. Select your baby’s gender, key in their date of birth (or expected date of birth) and name (or nickname). 
  3. Click Schedule. 
  4. If you don’t have a Hello Doctor PH account yet, you’ll be prompted to make one with your email address, Facebook account, or Google account. 
  5. Then, you’ll be asked if you want to receive notifications regarding your child’s pediatric vaccination schedule. You can choose to receive the alert via text (SMS), email, FB messenger, or Google Calendar. 

And that’s it! Your baby now has a plotted pediatric vaccination schedule! 

Inside the Scheduler: Features

Once you have entered your baby’s gender, nickname, and date of birth, the tool will automatically plot their immunization schedule. At a glance, it will look like this:

baby vaccine scheduler

You can click on each schedule to see the specific vaccines and their suggested dates. 

pediatric vaccination

If you want to learn more about the specific vaccines, their benefits and precautions, simply click on the See Detail button. 

baby vaccine scheduler

This will lead you to a chart that shows your child’s pediatric vaccination schedule as a whole. 

vax tool

If you click on a specific vaccine, you can learn more about their suggested schedule, benefits and contraindications. Simply switch tabs to navigate. 

pediatric vaccination schedule

Reminders When Using the Scheduler

The Baby Vaccine Scheduler is meant to keep track of a child’s pediatric vaccination schedule. However, our panel of experts would like to remind parents that:

The immunization schedule may vary.

What we have in the tool are suggested schedules. Hence, your baby may receive a particular shot at a date different from what’s in the scheduler. 

Basically, the schedule depends on your child’s health and vaccine availability. 

The tool is based on the immunization schedule in the Philippines.

The schedule is based on the pediatric immunization schedule in the Philippines. Don’t be surprised if you see a different schedule online. Chances are, those are based on another country’s immunization program. 

Don’t panic if your baby misses a dose.

If the tool sends a reminder that your child missed a dose, don’t panic. 

Your child doesn’t need to “start over.” They simply need to catch up. Talk to their pediatrician about the new schedule. 

Your child’s pediatrician may recommend additional vaccines.

The list of vaccines in the tool is not exhaustive. That means your child may receive other vaccines depending on the recommendations made by their pediatrician.

For instance, your child may receive vaccines for chickenpox, COVID-19, or Japanese encephalitis. 

Vaccines are safe and effective.

Finally, experts would like to reiterate that vaccines are safe and effective in preventing some diseases and their complications. The side effects are often temporary and self-limiting. Worried about your child’s immunization? Don’t hesitate to talk to your child’s doctor. 

Key Takeaways

Hello Doctor PH’s medically-verified Baby Vaccine Scheduler helps parents and guardians keep track of their child’s immunization schedule. With this tool, they can readily see the upcoming shots, learn more about the vaccines, and receive alerts regarding schedule. 

Learn more about Vaccines here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Expertly reviewed by

Dexter Macalintal, MD

Internal or General Medicine

Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Aug 03, 2022

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