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What Is Dt and Td immunization? Learn More About Your Child's Vaccines

What Is Dt and Td immunization? Learn More About Your Child's Vaccines
What Is Dt and Td immunization? Learn More About Your Child's Vaccines

Does your child have all their vaccines yet? Immunizations are usually given to children when they are toddlers and school age. The type of immunization also varies, depending on the age of the child. It’s important to pay attention to what types of immunizations should be given to children according to their age. And this is because there are several immunizations whose names sound the same, but have different functions. For example, there is the diphtheria vaccination or Dt immunization (DTaP), and the Td (Tdap) immunization. What is the difference between the two?

What Is the Difference Between Dt immunization and Td Immunization?

Although these two types of vaccines have almost the same name, be careful because they are different.

Dt immunization is an immunization given to prevent several infectious diseases, such as diphtheria , tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough). For this reason, some call this diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccination vaccination the DTaP shot.

Td immunization is a follow-up immunization from primary Dt immunization so that children can become increasingly immune to these three infectious diseases. You may have also heard this diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccination called Tdap.

Both of these vaccines actually have the same function, namely preventing the occurrence of infectious diseases diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (pertussis). However, what is different is the time of administration and the composition of the dose.

Td immunization is a supplementary immunization. It works to increase the body’s immunity against the three types of infectious diseases above – diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough. In addition, the dose of Td immunization is less than the Dt immunization.

Your body’s immunity to these three diseases may decrease over time. That’s why experts recommend that everyone receive an anti-tetanus and diphtheria vaccination every 10 years. As children receive a series of primary Dt immunizations before the age of seven, doctors recommend the Td supplementary immunization at the age of 11 or as adults.

When Should Children Receive Diptheria Vaccination?

Children get at least 5 primary Dt immunizations with the following schedule:

  • 2 months of age
  • 4 months of age
  • 6 months of age
  • 15-18 months
  • 4-6 years old

The supplementary Td immunization is given after this period, when the child is beyond 7 years of age. Usually, doctors give this booster shot to children aged 11 years. Afterwards, doctors will give this vaccination to adults between the age of 19-64 years. Experts recommend that everyone receives the Td immunization booster shot every 10 years.

What Parents Should Know About Diphtheria Vaccination

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises that children who are sick when the immunization schedule arrives to wait until they recover. However, if your child only has the flu, or a common cold , it’s okay to be immunized right away.

In addition, there may be children who will experience allergies to this immunization, so it is best to discuss this with your pediatrician. If  the child is in good health, then immunization should proceed because the vaccine not only protects your child from the threat of infection, but also the people around you.

Learn more about Child Health and Vaccines here.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) VIS,, Accessed December 20, 2021

Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis Vaccines,, Accessed December 20, 2021

DTaP and Tdap Vaccines,, Accessed December 20, 2021

Current Version


Written by Hello Sehat

Medically reviewed by Regina Victoria Boyles, MD

Updated by: Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

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Written by Hello Sehat · Updated May 12, 2022

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