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Ulasimang Bato For Gout And Arthritis Pain

Ulasimang Bato For Gout And Arthritis Pain
Ulasimang Bato For Gout And Arthritis Pain

Ulasimang Bato, or pansit-pansitan, with English name “Peperomia,” is a small plant that grows only 1-1.5 feet in height.

It has green, heart-shaped leaves and tiny flowers on a spike. These later grow into fruit. What is interesting about this medicinal plant can grow anywhere that is damp – in gardens, on walls, and even, on rooftops. 


Ulasimang Bato is best known as a natural medicinal herb that can be used to treat gout and other types of arthritis.

It has three major properties that make it a well-known alternative medication to arthritis. 

Ulasimang Bato has anti-inflammatory properties.

 Gout, or any form of arthritis, is a condition, wherein there is an inflammation of the joints.

This inflammation manifests as redness and/ or swelling of the affected area. It more commonly affects the big toe. Ulasimang Bato helps to significantly lessen inflammation.

It has chemicals that make it a good analgesic.

In most Filipino households, there is always a stock of paracetamol or ibuprofen, common examples of analgesics, in the pantry.

Analgesics are painkillers and gout sufferers take these to reduce inflammation and reduce pain. Ulasimang Bato has natural analgesic properties too, and may be used to treat the same symptoms. 

It has anti-hyperuricemia properties.

If Ulasimang Bato has one advantage over other commercially prepared arthritis medication, it is that it has anti-hyperuricemia properties. Gout occurs when there is an increased level of uric acid in the body.

Uric acid is typically excreted through the urine. Most arthritis medications, like Allopurinol, also decrease the level of uric acids in the body (anti-hyperuricemia), but over time, recurrence happens and the level increases once again.

In certain studies, researchers found that with the use of the medicinal plant, there was no recurrence of hyperuricemia among participants.

It has antibacterial properties.

Because of its methanol (alcohol) content, Ulasimang Bato can be used to treat certain skin conditions like pimples and abscesses

How does it work?

When it comes to Ulasimang Bato herbal medicine preparation, you can either consume it raw, steeped  like a tea, or as a poultice. 

Precautions & warnings

What should I know before using Ulasimang Bato?

Before learning about Ulasimang Bato herbal medicine preparation, you need to be mindful of the following.

This plant has edible leaves and stalks. You may eat it raw in a salad if you would prefer.

If you are going to apply it externally as a paste, do not forget to perform a quick patch test or use a small amount on skin to test if you are sensitive or allergic to it.

How safe is Ulasimang Bato?

Important note: As with other herbal medications, more research is needed on Ulasimang Bato to ascertain its safety when taken by pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers.

Since the plant is edible, it is relatively safe, as long as taken in the recommended doses under normal conditions.

Special precautions & warnings

As with other herbal medicine, do not ingest if you have pre-existing health conditions, are under a strict dietary routine, or are taking maintenance and other medications.

Before making any changes to your diet or medication, consult your doctor. 

Side Effects and Interactions

Since there are no conclusive studies on the effects of Ulasimang Bato on pregnant and breastfeeding women, it is best to avoid it. 

Currently, there are no known side effects and interactions involving this medicinal plant, except for the possibility of allergy. It is important to follow what is recommended and to listen to the advice of your doctor. 


There is no exact dosage prescribed, so always use with caution. But please be reminded that the preparations listed below are meant to help, but should not be prioritized over the advice of your doctor.

Add this herb to salad. Harvest the stalk and the leaves, wash them thoroughly, and eat them fresh as a salad with other ingredients.

Drink it as tea. To prepare the tea for the alleviation of pain, especially one caused by arthritis: prepare 1 cup of stalk and leaves, wash thoroughly, and then boil it in 2 cups of water. Drain and then drink a cup once in the morning and again in the evening. 

Use it as an external antiseptic. Prepare like tea and use decoction to rinse skin wounds.

Use it as a poultice. Collect stalks and leaves, and boil them for up to 2 minutes. Pound and apply directly over the wound, abscess, or pimple.

Use Ulasimang Bato to relieve headaches. Heat some leaves in hot water, and then bruise the surface slightly. Press over the temple and forehead to feel the effect.

What form does Ulasimang Bato come in?

Ulasimang Bato is harvested as fresh, raw leaves with stalks.  

Key Takeaways

Ulasimang Bato herbal medicine preparation is easy. It mostly just involves boiling the plant to create a decoction or pounding it to create a poultice. Because it is convenient to prepare and the plant is highly available around the country, it is one of the best plants to have in one’s pantry and garden.

Learn more about Herbals Medicine here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity of peperomia pellucida (L.) HBK (Piperaceae). (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2020, from

Gout – Symptoms and causes. (2019, March 1). Retrieved April 24, 2020, from

Julie Anne Balangat. (2019, June 28). Ulasimang BATO: Anti-inflammatory drug formulation. Retrieved April 24, 2020, from

Pansit-pansitan – Philippine herbal medicine. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2020, from

Current Version


Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

Medically reviewed by Stephanie Nera, RPh, PharmD

Updated by: Kristel Lagorza

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Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Nov 18, 2022

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