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Niyog-Niyogan: What Are Its Health Benefits?

Niyog-Niyogan: What Are Its Health Benefits?
Niyog-Niyogan: What Are Its Health Benefits?

Also known as “Rangoon Creeper” or “Chinese Honey Suckle,” niyog-niyogan (Combretum indicum) is a herbal plant usually mistaken for coconut, hence the namesake. It is a climbing shrub that can be found in most Southeast Asian countries, including the Philippines. This plant can grow to up to 20 feet.

People are amazed by the many niyog-niyogan herbal medicine benefits, which including treating various diseases and illnesses like nephritis, rheumatism, headache, and intestinal parasites, to name a few.

The Department of Health (DOH) has approved of niyog-niyogan as an antihelminth or dewormer (para sa bulate sa tiyan).


This vine eliminates intestinal parasites like the Trichina and Ascaris. To expel these parasites, you may drink the dried seeds of the niyog-niyogan plant orally. The dosage is 4 to 7 dried seeds for children, and 8 dried seeds for adults.

The key here is to make sure that you only take dried, matured seeds. Otherwise, you may experience adverse reactions like diarrhea, hiccups, and stomachache, among other.

How does it work?

The niyog-niyogan plant is commonly found in the forests of various Southeast Asian countries. You can also plant it in your backyard.

Aside from being an ornamental plant, it has numerous medicinal benefits for  illnesses like rheumatism, headache, and intestinal parasites. 

The parts of the plant that provide medicinal benefits are the:

  •         Seeds
  •         Fruit
  •         Leaves

The seed of the niyog-niyogan plant is considered anthelmintic, which means that it has the capability to get rid of intestinal parasites, even in children. Remember to use only mature, dried seeds. You may take these seeds orally at least 2 hours after dinner. 

If the medicine does not expel the worms on the first try, you may try another dose after a week. If nothing happens even after the second dose, seek medical help as there may be other underlying conditions.

You can also buy dried niyog-niyogan seeds, fruits, and leaves at Asian and Chinese herbal shops.

Precautions & Warnings

What should I know before using this herb?

The niyog-niyogan herbal medicine benefits are best enjoyed when it is properly prepared and taken at the recommended dosage. If you follow these precautions, it is completely safe to use.

However, if you exceed the recommended intake of the fruit or nuts/seeds, you may experience:

  •         Nausea
  •         Vomiting
  •         Hiccups
  •         Abdominal pain
  •         Diarrhea
  •         Distention
  •         Fainting

How safe is it?

Researchers need more studies to judge the safety of using the niyog-niyogan plant for pregnant and lactating mothers. Side effects are also unclear. To stay on the safe side, avoid using any part of the niyog-niyogan plant unless your doctor permits you to do so.

Special precautions & warnings

Some people may also experience allergic reactions to the plant. In case you experience skin irritation or inflammation, refrain from using the plant and consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Side Effects

If taken in unusually large doses, you may experience a few hiccups, dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. Some even lose consciousness. Watch out for certain allergic reactions as well. If you develop skin rashes or experience swelling of the ankles, skin itchiness, or increase in body temperature, stop using the plant and contact a physician immediately.

Avoid using the niyog-niyogan plant if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.


With regards to medicinal interactions, there is no clear information as to how the niyog-niyogan reacts with other drugs or herbal components. If you are currently on medication, consult your doctor first before taking niyog-niyogan seeds.

The key here is to use niyog-niyogan only within the recommended dosage. Remember that there are serious side effects to consuming niyog-niyogan like fainting and vomiting if taken beyond the normal dose. Additionally, refrain from giving this herbal medication to other people without knowing their medical history first.

Dosage and Form

What is the usual dose for niyog-niyogan?

Children who are below four years old should not be given niyog-niyogan seeds.

Preparation & Use:

The seeds of the niyog-niyogan plant is known to be anthelmintic, which basically means that it has the capacity to expel harmful intestinal worms like Ascaris and Trichinella. Make sure that you only use dried, matured seeds. You may eat these mature seeds in their raw form, usually after dinner.

For adults, take at least 10 niyog-niyogan seeds for best results.

Children aged 4 to 7 years old, let them take at least four seeds.

For children aged 8 to 9 years old, they can take around six seeds.

Children aged 10 to 12 years old, they can eat not more than seven seeds.

Bonus: Boil the roots of the niyog-niyogan plant to alleviate rheumatic pain and use niyog-niyogan fruits to relieve horrible toothache.

What form does niyog-niyogan come in?

 As an effective way to get rid of intestinal worms, especially Trichina and Ascaris, use the niyog-niyogan mature dried seeds only in its raw form.

Learn more about Herbals and Alternatives here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Niyog-niyogan,, Accessed 24 April 2020

Niyog-niyogan,, Accessed 24 April 2020

Niyog-niyogan,, Accessed 24 April 2020

Niyog-niyogan,, Accessed 24 April 2020

Current Version


Written by Desiree Gabasa

Medically reviewed by Stephanie Nera, RPh, PharmD

Updated by: Vincent Sales

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Written by Desiree Gabasa · Updated Mar 15, 2023

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