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Herbs To Cleanse The Lungs

Herbs To Cleanse The Lungs
Herbs To Cleanse The Lungs

Herbs have been used as a traditional form of medicine, especially in remote areas in the Philippines. Various kinds of plants and their different parts have distinct use. Among the several herbs you know, some of them are also effective herbs to cleanse the lungs.

Check out other herbs you probably did not know that are also helpful for treating respiratory infections, clearing congested lungs, and easing difficulty in breathing.

Herbs to Cleanse the Lungs


It draws out the phlegm and mucus from the lungs, and works better when mixed with vinegar and salt. It also eases coughing spasms and is a good herb for removing colds due to its hot sensation felt through the respiratory tract.

Fresh thyme is considered one of the safe herbs to cleanse the lungs.


It is one of the most used herbs to cleanse the lungs. The antihistamine property of mint comes from its menthol content, which makes it an effective decongestant.

The peppermint oil contains ketone, which dilutes the mucus congested in the lungs. It is the reason why mint is always an ingredient for therapeutic oils and inhalers.


Studies yield that eucalyptus is one of the most effective herbs to cleanse the lungs. Its eucalyptol property helps kill the bacterial infection that causes lung congestion. Then, its anti-inflammatory property is also beneficial for soothing and relieving the pain caused by coughing.


It is one of the best herbs to cleanse the lungs due to its properties, such as flavonoids, carvacrol, and terpenes. Oregano also plays a huge role in treating asthma for its anti-inflammatory effect that benefit bronchial tracts.


Ginger is usually made as “salabat” for treating sore throat and cough. Its anti-inflammatory properties are responsible for removing the congestion in the lungs and clearing out the airways. It also relaxes the bronchi and is a natural remedy for asthma attacks.


The antibacterial properties of garlic work right away. It has strong properties, which make it one of the effective herbs to cleanse the lungs. It helps relieve respiratory tract infections, congestion, and shortness of breath.


We also call this luyang dilaw. It has an antihistamine property, similar to mint, which makes it great for relieving lung congestion and easing allergy symptoms. Its effectiveness for treating asthma is still unsure, but some results show positive findings.


Lagundi is a famous herb in the Philippines used to treat cough. In research, it has a form of analgesic property that helps alleviate pain and discomfort caused by coughing. It is also one of the effective herbs to cleanse the lungs. It soothes and relaxes the airway, especially in asthma cases and has an anti-inflammatory activity that treats the potential multiplication of cancer cells.


Euphorbia hirta is its scientific name. In the Philippines, while it is used for treating kidney stones, it’s also proven beneficial in helping address respiratory diseases, like in cases of bronchitis. 

Importance of Consulting a Doctor

Some of these medicinal herbs are believed to be beneficial for respiratory health but still lack enough scientific evidence to ensure their safety and effectiveness. Do not expect various herbs to cleanse the lungs effectively. Every plant and herb has distinct properties meant for treating particular infections in the body. Therefore, your body can respond differently, especially if you have other underlying conditions that may increase the risk of complications.

Medicinal herbs do not undergo several clinical trials compared to (licensed) manufactured drug medications. Hence, it is necessary to consult your doctor before taking herbal medicines or supplements.

Key Takeaways

Many traditional herbs are still popular and in use nowadays. Before taking any herbals, consult your doctor to ensure that there are no contraindications. In addition, make sure that the herbal supplements and medicines you are about to take are FDA-approved and recommended by the Department of Health.

Learn more about Herbal Medicine here.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Thyme Herbal Remedies,  Accessed July 28, 2021

The Benefits of Mint to Cleanse Lungs, Date Accessed July 28, 2021

Essential Oils for Clearing the Lungs, Date Accessed July 28, 2021

Potential Plants for Treatment and Management of COVID-19 in Nigeria, Accessed July 28, 2021


Lagundi, Date Accessed July 28, 2021

Home Remedies to Clean Your Lungs Naturally, Accessed July 28, 2021

Healing Herbs for the Respiratory System, Accessed July 28, 2021

Herbal Medicine, Accessed July 28, 2021

Current Version


Written by Shienna Santelices

Medically reviewed by Regina Victoria Boyles, MD

Updated by: Regina Victoria Boyles

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Written by Shienna Santelices · Updated Mar 08, 2023

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