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Water Therapy Diet For The Heart: Does It Really Work?

Water Therapy Diet For The Heart: Does It Really Work?
Water Therapy Diet For The Heart: Does It Really Work?

The leading cause of death worldwide is cardiovascular disease. Heart disease is often termed the “silent killer” as it can go undiagnosed until signs and symptoms appear. Heart attacks, palpitations (arrhythmia), and heart failure are just some examples of cardiovascular events. In the Philippines, a news report cited data from the Philippine Statistics Authority, which said that 17.9% of total deaths from January to November were due to heart disease. The water therapy diet is purported to help a variety of conditions, including cardiovascular disease.

How does water help my heart?

The heart pumps approximately 2,000 gallons of blood each day. Water helps the heart perform this function at an optimal level. When we do not drink enough water (in other words, when we become dehydrated), blood volume goes down and the heart beats faster to compensate. This causes one’s heart rate and blood pressure to rise. When there is not enough water in the blood, sodium levels are also higher, making it thicker and harder to circulate.

How does the water therapy diet work?

The body loses water in many ways: through sweat, breath (respiration), urine, and bowel movements. The water therapy diet, which is purported to have originated from Japan, involves drinking hot or warm water. It claims to support gut health by cleansing the digestive tract. This diet discourages the intake of cold water. Its proponents say that cold water hardens fats and oils in the food we eat. Yet, there is no strong proof to back this up.

The procedure is as follows: upon waking up, drink 3 or 4 cups of warm water before eating. Wait 45 minutes and drink again. This diet should be repeated for a number of days depending on the condition you want to treat. To lower blood pressure, for instance, the procedure should be done for 30 days.

However, keep in mind that there is not enough evidence to support claims of the benefits the water therapy diet is supposed to provide. Always speak to a health professional for non-conventional treatments of cardiovascular conditions.

What are other types of water therapy?

Water therapy that involves physical activity while immersed in water is known as hydrotherapy or aquatic therapy. This form of alternative medicine works under the theory that water stores heat and energy and has a soothing effect (think baths, mist sprays).

Research has also shown that exercising in water supports heart function. It boosts endurance in patients with cardiovascular and pulmonary problems. Examples of the latter include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); angina (chest pain due to reduced blood flow to the heart); and those recovering from heart attacks.

It also helps those suffering from osteoarthritis, rheumatic arthritis, lower back pain, and lower limb injuries.

Water therapy reduces pain through its heating effect: relaxing muscles and spasms and easing pain. Its buoyancy effect supports weight-bearing joints and demands less effort during exercise. Strengthening muscles, improving quality of life and sense of wellbeing, and exercising tolerance are other effects of water therapy.

Key Takeaways

The water therapy diet involves sticking to a schedule of drinking a certain amount of water. Water, an all-important substance for the body, is especially essential for cardiovascular health. It helps blood circulate in the body, and keeps blood pressure and heart rate at a normal level.

Although this particular diet has gained a following in Japan where the diet is believed to have originated, the water therapy diet lacks enough scientific proof to support its claims of benefiting heart health. Discuss this method with your doctor if you are open to trying non-conventional treatments.

However, exercising while immersed in water has been shown to improve heart function and reduce pain through its heating and buoyancy effect.

Learn more about Special Diets here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Heart disease remains top cause of death in PH in 2021: PSA, Accessed 3 Mar 2022

About Heart Disease, Accessed 3 Mar 2022

The Importance of Water, Accessed 3 Mar 2022

Japanese Water therapy, Accessed 3 Mar 2022

Cardiovascular disease (CVDs),,%2D%20and%20middle%2Dincome%20countries.. Accessed 3 Mar 2022

Hydrotherapy,,such%20as%20minerals%20and%20salts. Accessed 3 Mar 2022

Hydrotherapy in Heart Failure: A Case Report, Accessed 3 Mar 2022

Angina,,or%20pain%20in%20your%20chest.. Accessed 3 Mar 2022

Hydrotherapy for Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Conditions, Accessed 3 Mar 2022

Current Version


Written by China Logarta

Expertly reviewed by Dexter Macalintal, MD

Updated by: Dexter Macalintal, MD

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