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What Makes Greek Yogurt A Superfood?

What Makes Greek Yogurt A Superfood?
What Makes Greek Yogurt A Superfood?

Greek yogurt is a well-known dairy product, but is it really healthy? Generally, what makes it different from other yogurts is because it goes through a straining process to eliminate the whey, which is a liquid that contains lactose, a natural sugar present in milk. Since it has been strained with the whey removed, it has less sugar than regular yogurt. Does it mean that it’s healthier? Learn more about the Greek yogurt benefits here.

Nutrition Facts

Before listing down 5 greek yogurt benefits, let’s first know more about its nutritional content. 

Depending on the brand you choose, Greek yogurt has a lot of nutrients and is a fantastic source of protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

A 7-ounce (200-gram) serving of low-fat, plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt has the following nutritional breakdown:

+ Calories: 146

+ Protein: 20 grams

+ Fat: 3,8 grams

+ Carbs: 7,8 grams

+ B12: 43 percent of daily value (dv)

+ Riboflavin (b2): of the dv, 35%

+ Pantothenic acid (b5): 19% of the dv

+ Vitamin a: 20% of the dv

+ Calcium: 18% of all dv

+ Phosphorus: of the dv, 22%

+ potassium: 6% of the dv

+ Zinc: 11.1% of the DV

+ Selenium: In the dv, 45%

As you can see, Greek yogurt is a good source of a variety of nutrients, since it is especially high in protein, vitamin B12, riboflavin (B2), and selenium.

Greek yogurt contains more protein and less carbohydrates than ordinary yogurt.

Keep in mind that the nutritional value of Greek yogurt will vary depending on the variety. For instance, full-fat varieties will have more fat and calories than lower-fat varieties, while sweetened and flavored varieties will have more carbohydrates and added sugar.

Greek Yogurt Benefits You Can Take Advantage Of

Given its outstanding nutrient profile, Greek yogurt has been associated with a number of health advantages.

1. It’s a rich source of nutrients and protein

Greek yogurt’s high protein content, a macronutrient required for nearly all bodily chemical interactions, proper immunological function, tissue regeneration, and more, is one of its key advantages.

Greek yogurt can have 20 grams of protein every 7-ounce (200-gram) serving, making it a high protein food.

In addition to protein, Greek yogurt is a good source of critical vitamins and minerals like zinc, B12, and selenium, all of which are crucial for maintaining your health. For instance, B12 is necessary for red blood cell formation, neurological system function, and energy production, while both zinc and selenium are necessary for effective immunological function.

2. It might improve bone health

Greek yogurt includes minerals including protein, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus that are essential for supporting the health of the skeletal system.

Reports also say that yogurt consumption among older persons has also been associated with higher bone mineral density and a lower incidence of osteopenia and osteoporosis.

3. It can promote intestinal health

According to study, frequent yogurt consumption may maintain a healthy digestive tract by increasing bacterial diversity in certain people’s stomachs.

But the kind of Greek yogurt you eat counts. Buying yogurt marked with the “live & active cultures (lac) seal” guarantees that it has a lot of probiotics, which may improve intestinal health.

Additionally, it’s crucial to always select unsweetened Greek yogurt because studies suggest that sugar additives might affect gut health and cause dysbiosis or bacterial imbalance.

4. It may aid in maintaining a healthy body weight by keeping you satisfied.

Dairy is a good source of protein, and using it in meals and snacks is a wise method to increase your feeling of fullness in between meals.

Choosing yogurt and other high-protein foods over less filling options helps maintain a healthy body weight since they are full and high in protein.

However, keep in mind that living a healthy lifestyle and eating a balanced diet are the most important factors in achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight.

5. Greek yogurt can be served and enjoyed in a number of ways

Finally, Greek yogurt is a versatile ingredient that tastes wonderful in both savory and sweet recipes, in addition to offering a number of nutrients and being associated with a few potential health advantages.

Here are a few ways to use Greek yogurt in your kitchen: 

+ For a substantial breakfast, mix Greek yogurt with fresh or frozen berries, chopped nuts like almonds or walnuts, unsweetened coconut, and chia seeds.

+ Use it as a sauce for savory and sweet dip.

+ Greek yogurt adds a creamy smoothness to soups and curries.

+ Top baked potatoes, chili, pancakes, cereal, and pancakes with a dollop of Greek yogurt rather than sour cream.

+ Make your own salad dressings using it.

+ Try incorporating Greek yogurt into spaghetti, chicken, and tuna salads.

+ Create frozen sweets with Greek yogurt that resemble yogurt pops.

+ To add a protein boost to smoothies.

These are just a few serving suggestions for you to take advantage of Greek yogurt benefits. So don’t be shy about experimenting with it in your own dishes!



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Yogurt, Greek, plain, lowfat,,  Accessed January 25, 2023

Greater yogurt consumption is associated with increased bone mineral density and physical function in older adults,,  Accessed January 25, 2023

Effects of Dietary Yogurt on the Healthy Human Gastrointestinal (GI) Microbiome,,  Accessed January 25, 2023

Role of single serving form of dairy on satiety and postprandial glycaemia in young and older healthy adults,,  Accessed January 25, 2023

Current Version


Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel

Medically reviewed by Jezreel Esguerra, MD

Updated by: Jezreel Esguerra, MD

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Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel · Updated Feb 14, 2023

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