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How to Stay Healthy After 65

How to Stay Healthy After 65
How to Stay Healthy After 65

No one is exempt from aging. And with aging comes another inevitability – change. There are certain activities and practices that you may have done in your youth, that you can no longer do now in your senior years. But you can definitely still be strong, healthy, and active. Here’s how to stay healthy after 65.

How to stay healthy after 65

Despite being decades older than other age groups, seniors are still susceptible to anxiety and stress. Their worries stem from the fears of aging. However, seniors must understand that aging and the things that come with it are perfectly normal. In fact, instead of denying and fearing it, aging must be appreciated and embraced.

Staying healthy can be difficult when you’re too anxious. That is why older adults must know that they are much stronger and more capable than they think. When they get past this phase, it would be easier for them to do things that can help maintain a healthy lifestyle. Having said that, here are some tips about how to stay healthy after 65:

Eat healthily

Having a proper and healthy diet as you age is essential to boosting your energy and energy. Eating habits change due to aging. Aging slows down metabolism, alters food preferences, and the process of digestion takes more time.

To develop healthier eating habits, it is best if you alter your diet and include foods that can help with your metabolism and overall health. Eat more vegetables, fruits, and other foods that are rich in fiber. Limit or avoid foods that are high in sugar, refined carbs, and unhealthy fats.

Also, stay hydrated at all times since seniors are more prone to dehydration.

Be active

Aging does not mean you cannot be physically active anymore. In contrast, staying active during your senior years can help with your immune system and overall wellbeing. There are different exercises for seniors that can help them to stay fit, improve their flexibility, mobility, balance, and sleep, prevent health conditions from worsening, as well as nurture their mental health.

In the Philippines, one of the most famous physical activities that seniors get involved with is Zumba. So, be sure to give it a try!

Prioritize prevention

How to stay healthy after 65? The elderly are more susceptible to different diseases and health conditions than the younger age groups. Thus, prioritizing prevention must be one of their top concerns.

Regularly checking in with your doctor is a big help in monitoring your current state. Also, getting vaccinated for influenza and pneumonia is highly recommended for seniors ages 65 and older.

Seniors can also get regular health screenings to know if they are at risk of any critical illnesses such as cancers and health problems. It is also advisable that they get their medications checked, changed, or adjusted occasionally to match their needs.

Ask for help

Some seniors are hesitant to ask for favors, especially for tasks that they used to be able to do themselves. Asking for help does not mean that they aren’t capable of doing anything. It has just come to a point when there are certain activities that they would need assistance with, especially now that they are becoming more vulnerable to accidents and injuries.


Being sociable is one of the best ways on how to stay healthy after 65. Frequently communicating with others and doing activities with family and friends can help seniors cope better with aging.

Being around with people, especially those who are dear to them calms their anxiety and worries, as well as prevents them from developing depression. Socialization can help the elderly get back and uplift their self-esteem and self-importance.

Improve memory and cognition

Seniors are also prone to problems with memory and cognition. That is why it is in dire need that they do brain exercises that can revitalize their memory and comprehension.

Aside from the usual activities like doing puzzles, crosswords, and playing chess, seniors can also explore new fields such as music, language, and technology. Doing these new activities not only improves their memory and cognition but their brain health as a whole.

Acknowledge changes and learn to cope with it

The key on how to stay healthy after 65 is accepting and coping with the changes that come with aging. This might be easier said than done, but doing this can help seniors develop a more positive outlook in life.

Family and friends must support their elderly in overcoming obstacles that are brought upon by aging. They must also help their elderly to realize that they should appreciate aging rather than fearing it.

Do or find new things that can make you happy

Being old must not hinder someone from doing what makes them happy. For the elderly who have spent most of their lives working for the family, it is now a great time to enjoy doing the hobbies that they had abandoned during their younger years.

If you want to travel the world, do extreme sports, learn a new language, or just simply spend time with family, then you have all the time in the world to do the things you love now. But, just make sure that you are in the proper health condition to pursue these hobbies, especially if they entail being more active.

Be more open about mental and emotional health

Major depression and other mental conditions are seen in older adults who are living alone, are in care homes, or are admitted to the hospitals.

Most of these older adults develop mental illness due to loneliness and their fears of aging. To address this situation, the elderly need guidance, and support from their loved ones for them to recover and be more open about their mental and emotional state.

The elderly must also consider taking counseling and talk therapy with a professional.

Prioritize your well-being among others

Apart from everything that was mentioned above, the best way on how to stay healthy after 65 is to prioritize self-care. There is nothing wrong about giving care and loving others, but, for the elderly to slowly cope with the changes, they must first learn to appreciate themselves and the things they have done in the past.

Prioritizing oneself will have a positive impact on how someone values their feelings and needs. Self-care will not only improve older adults’ self-esteem but also their overall health and wellbeing.

Key Takeaways

How to stay healthy after 65? Most people associate aging with weaknesses and limitations. But, in truth, it’s the other way around. You can still live a happy, healthy life if you prioritize your health and wellbeing.

Learn more about Healthy Aging and Aging Community, here.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Aging Well Accessed August 26, 2020

Health Tips for Older Adults Accessed August 26, 2020

Mental Health of Older Adults Accessed August 26, 2020

10 Healthy Habits for Seniors to Keep Accessed August 26, 2020

Top 10 Tips for Healthy Aging Accessed August 26, 2020

Current Version


Written by Mayvilyn Cabigao

Medically reviewed by Mia Dacumos, MD

Updated by: Jan Alwyn Batara

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Written by Mayvilyn Cabigao · Updated Sep 07, 2021

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