Hemorrhoids are a problem that affects millions of people worldwide. And yet, despite undergoing treatment, a lot of people experience the recurrence of hemorrhoids. Why exactly does this happen, and what can people do in order to ensure that their hemorrhoids don’t come back?
What Causes Recurrence of Hemorrhoids?
Despite hemorrhoids being treatable, and usually going away after a while, it’s fairly common for them to come back. This happens because of two reasons:
Constipation, or passing hard stools, is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids. A constipated person must strain or exert extra effort when passing stool. Because of this, there is additional pressure on the veins of the rectum, which leads to hemorrhoids.
If the hemorrhoids go away after some time, but the person is still constipated, then there’s a high chance of the hemorrhoids coming back.
Straining when passing stool
Some people, even if they’re not constipated, have a habit of straining when passing stool. This might seem like a harmless thing to do. But in reality, it can increase the risk of developing hemorrhoids, as well as recurring hemorrhoids.
Sitting on the toilet for extended periods of time
These days, it’s not uncommon for people to sit for a long time on the toilet, especially if they’re on their smartphones. In some cases, it helps pass the time, and some people just like having something to look at when they’re on the toilet.
However, if you’re sitting for longer than you should be, even if you don’t have to go, then you might increase your risk of recurring hemorrhoids.
This is because the position when on the toilet also exerts additional pressure on the rectum. So even if you’re not straining when you pass stool, but you’re sitting for more than a few minutes on the toilet, this can cause the recurrence of hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids: All You Need to Know About This Condition