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Know Why Your Intestine Makes Rumbling Noises: A Few Interesting Facts

Know Why Your Intestine Makes Rumbling Noises: A Few Interesting Facts
Know Why Your Intestine Makes Rumbling Noises: A Few Interesting Facts

Yeah, you read that right, your intestine also makes its own music, referred to as Borborygmi. It is the sound that your gastrointestinal (GI) tract makes due to numerous reasons. Organs included in the GI tract are the stomach, anus, oesophagus, mouth, small and large intestine. My intestine makes rumbling noises: why is that?

Also known as growling or rumbling, these sounds most probably come from your stomach or intestines. While the most common reason for this rumbling sound is hunger, it can also make noise due to gas or food passing through the digestive system.

Let’s understand the various reasons behind a rumbling intestine in this article.

What’s the digestive system?

Your GI tract starts from your stomach and ends at the anus. The food that makes its way from the mouth and finishes all the process is known as peristalsis. Your GI tract is made of smooth muscles that help to get the job done. When the food enters the mouth, it starts with a squeezing action and pushes food and fluids to the system. This movement can result in borborygmi or rumbling sound. 

You may hear a rumbling sound when you are suffering from diarrhea. In diarrhoea, there is an increased volume of gas and fluids in the intestines or due to bowel obstruction where solid food items and fluids are trying to pass through blocked or narrow passageways of the intestine.

Often, your intestines make a lot more noise after you are done eating as the food you ate is being moved through them. Also, you may hear the noise at night when there is no or less active digestion process. 

Borborygmi can also occur due to gas. Gas is normal and one of the functions of intestinal bacteria processing foods that are indigestible, especially those that contain carbohydrates. This also happens when you swallow too much air. 

What to do when your intestine makes rumbling noises?

There are no specific treatments or medication for growling and rumbling intestine. These rumbling noises can be accompanied by common intestinal disturbances like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and dyspepsia. Consult your doctor immediately in case you feel diarrhea, malnutrition, or malabsorption is the reason behind these noises.

If your diet contains excess fructose or sugar or laxative, it may cause increased intestinal rumbling, diarrhoea, and flatus.

You must know these bowel sounds are normal and completely fine. But, if you feel these rumbling sounds are frequent, you can talk to your family doctor.

Intestine makes rumbling noises: Home remedies

Drink water

If you are hungry and stuck somewhere and your stomach starts making rumbling noises, drink water. Drinking water can help you with two things, it can soothe your hunger or you can say suppress your hunger and it can improve your digestion.

Make sure you are drinking enough water to keep yourself hydrated. 

Do not skip your meal

As a solution for chronic rumbling, you should eat more regularly. According to a study, researchers found that people who eat four to six times a day have improved digestion and metabolism, preventing rumbling sound than ones who eat three large meals.

Limit food items that trigger gas

Some food items cause gas and ingestion and this may be why your Intestine makes rumbling noises. What you can do is either avoid or limit consuming these foods to prevent intestinal rumbling noise. A few food items that trigger gas are as follows:

  • Broccoli
  • Beans
  • Cabbage
  • Brussels sprouts

Prevent overeating to treat rumbling intestine

Overeating can cause indigestion. Excess food makes it difficult for your digestive system to function properly. Thus, making a rumbling sound. Ensure you are eating in small portions throughout the day and not eating excessively. Also, make sure you are eating slowly, chewing your food properly.

Limit acidic food items

Your Intestine makes rumbling noises when you eat or drink something that contributes to developing acidity in the body. So, ensure that your diet contains lesser acidity-triggering food to prevent borborygmi. Ensure you limit citrus, tomatoes, and soda. Also, avoid coffee. Yes, coffee contributes to rumbling noise. Instead, you can try caffeinated tea to start your day.

Take a walk to treat rumbling intestine

Limit rest, or continue to work after you eat. Walk for 5-10 minutes that helps the food to move through the stomach and intestines. According to the Department of Medicine II (Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Infectious Diseases), walking immediately after a meal, even a light or short walk can speed up gastric emptying significantly.

Ensure you are not indulging in intense or strenuous activities after the meal. That will be too much for you.

Cut excess sugar from your diet

Excess sugar in your diet, particularly, sorbitol and fructose can cause diarrhea and flatus, thus this may be why your Intestine makes rumbling noises. Ensure you cut down your sugary food intake like candies, desserts, etc. to prevent any stomach problems. 

Key Takeaways

Now you know why your intestine makes rumbling noises. Don’t worry, that is extremely normal and everybody experiences it. The most common reason for rumbling is hunger. In case you are stuck somewhere and you are hungry, you can always drink water to suppress your hunger.

In case the rumbling noise is due to indigestion along with diarrhoea, abdominal pain, and nausea, consult your family doctor. Irritable bowel syndrome, gastroparesis (gastric emptying), or other serious stomach problems can be the reason behind this.

So, if your intestine makes rumbling noises more often and you are unable to treat it at home, do get your doctor’s help immediately.

Learn more about Other Digestive Issues here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Current Version


Written by Nikita Bhalla

Medically reviewed by Mia Dacumos, MD

Updated by: Mia Labrador, MD

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Written by Nikita Bhalla · Updated Jun 17, 2023

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