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Brain Tumor Symptoms: Everything You Need to Know

Brain Tumor Symptoms: Everything You Need to Know
Brain Tumor Symptoms: Everything You Need to Know

Brain tumor symptoms can vary from person to person. But how exactly does a brain tumor cause these effects in the brain? And how does its location play a role in the brain tumor symptoms that patients experience?

Brain Tumor Symptoms

The symptoms of brain tumors are usually categorized into general and specific symptoms. General symptoms means that the pressure of the tumor on the brain or the spinal cord is responsible for the symptoms.

Specific symptoms, on the other hand, are what happens when the tumor affects a particular part of the brain and causes symptoms.

Here are some common brain tumors symptoms and why they happen:

Headaches are probably one of the most common symptoms that people with brain tumors experience. This happens as a result of the pressure created by the tumor as it grows inside the skull and puts pressure. This happens because of the pressure the tumor creates as it grows and displaces the other contents of the skull.

Incidentally, the tumor can also stretch the covering of the brain and spinal cord. As a result, patients experience headaches that typically get worse as the tumor grows larger.

One identifying factor of a brain tumor headache is that it does not go away, even if you rest or take a break. This is a type of headache that progressively worsens over time.


Seizures can also accompany headaches in people with brain tumors or happen on their own.

In some cases, people can be aware of what’s happening, but lose control of their muscles and “seize” up. In some cases, people can suddenly become unconscious during a seizure and have no idea of what happened.

If you experience a seizure, it would be best to consult a doctor afterward. This is especially true if you’ve never experienced a seizure before, and are otherwise healthy.

Vomiting and nausea

Vomiting and nausea are also common general symptoms of brain tumors. Similar to headaches, vomiting and nausea can happen when the pressure in the brain increases.

It’s also possible for a brain tumor to affect areas in the brain responsible for the production of hormones. If this happens, then it’s possible for a person to experience vomiting and nausea because of hormonal imbalance.

Loss of vision

One of the specific brain tumor symptoms is loss of vision. This happens if the tumor directly affects the occipital lobe, which is responsible for processing vision, or any part of the brain that contributes to the visual pathway.

The loss of vision caused by brain tumors can be partial or total. Partial vision loss means that a person may have trouble seeing, but they can still discern shapes, colors, or light and dark. Total loss of vision, as the name implies, means that complete blindness.

It could also happen gradually, with the simple blurring of the vision at first. And then it may develop into total blindness.

Balance problems

It’s also possible for people with brain tumors to experience loss of balance or balance problems in general.

This is a specific symptom that usually appears when the cerebellum is affected by the tumor. The cerebellum is the part of the brain responsible for motor movements, as well as posture, coordination, etc. This symptom can be accompanied by a decline in motor skills, which can make simple tasks such as walking or even standing up, difficult.

Key Takeaways

Brain tumor symptoms can affect a wide variety of body systems. This is why it is important to consult your doctor if you notice any peculiar symptoms, especially if it’s a headache or you’ve recently experienced a seizure.

When it comes to brain tumors, early detection is important. Consult your doctor immediately for any concerns.

Learn more about Brain and Spine Disorders here. 



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Brain Tumor: Symptoms and Signs | Cancer.Net,, Accessed January 19, 2021

Brain Tumors – Classifications, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatments,, Accessed January 19, 2021

Brain tumor – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic,, Accessed January 19, 2021

Brain Tumors,, Accessed January 19, 2021

7 Warning Signs Of A Brain Tumor You Should Know | Sandra and Edward Meyer Cancer Center,, Accessed January 19, 2021

Epidemiology and diagnosis of brain tumors – PubMed,, Accessed January 19, 2021

Current Version


Written by Jan Alwyn Batara

Medically reviewed by Nicole Aliling, MD

Updated by: Stephanie Nera, RPh, PharmD

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Written by Jan Alwyn Batara · Updated Aug 30, 2022

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