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Daily Skincare Routine at Home: What's Important to Include?

Daily Skincare Routine at Home: What's Important to Include?
Daily Skincare Routine at Home: What's Important to Include?

The skin is the largest and one of the most essential organs of our body. It protects us from many diseases and infections; as such we should do our best to protect, maintain, and even improve the condition of our skin. But how do we do that exactly? A daily skincare routine at home will do wonders for your skin. Here is a list of tips and tricks to help you get started. 

Daily Skincare Routine at Home

Your daily skincare routine at home can be as simple or as extensive as you like. It really depends on your skin condition and the time and commitment you can invest in taking care of your skin. Before creating a skincare routine, you must first assess and understand your skin condition. Are you dry? Are you oily? Are you prone to breakouts? If you’re not sure, you can consult a dermatologist. 

However, the typical daily skincare routine at home covers the following.


The first step anyone should take when taking care of their skin is to prep it for the rest of the routine. You will be applying several products like lotions, sunscreens, toners, cleansers, etc. So making sure that the skin is ready to take in all those products is important.

Products like cleansing oils are a popular choice before actually washing your face. They cling to the dirt on your face and in turn get dissolved by water. Make-up remover is another staple. Simply washing off makeup with water isn’t usually enough to thoroughly remove deep-seated dirt and makeup. 


The next step is to remove or clear-up the pores by using facial cleansers to remove dead skin cells. You have to be careful at this step because using the wrong product may do more harm to your skin.

It’s recommended to use milder cleansers for dry skin and cleansers that focus on oil removal for oilier skin.

Toners are also another great product to use here because they regulate the pH levels of your skin and clear the pores. This will allow your skin to better absorb the remaining products that will be applied next.

You must still be mindful of your skin type when using toners though, as using a toner not meant for your skin type may do damage. For example, alcohol-based toners are bad for dry skin.


This is the stage in your daily skincare routine at home where you basically “feed” your skin. At this step, you will need to know what problems your skin has and apply products with the necessary vitamins and minerals to help improve the health and quality of your skin.

Some common problems are wrinkles, dark spots, and acne and each of these problems have a different approach to solving them. Make sure to properly identify what your skin needs and check for ingredients in the products that you use for the best effect.

Additionally, knowing exactly what your skin is lacking can allow you to find and apply products that can prevent these problems from ever coming back.


This is probably one of the most important parts of your daily skincare routine at home. The skin needs enough water to stay supple, repair itself, properly replace old skin cells, and prevent infections from entering the body. 


The last step is to shield your skin. While a few minutes of sun can help your overall health, too much is very harmful to your skin. Excessive exposure to UV rays can develop into a host of problems; some not even restricted to only your skin.

UV rays can accelerate the aging of your skin and cause other side effects like wrinkles, leathery skin, liver spots, and even weaken your immune system.

Sunblock is the perfect product to use when you just can’t avoid exposing yourself to the sun but still want protection. Sunblock, or sunscreen as others may like to call it, work in 1 of 2 ways.

The first is by blocking the sun’s rays with zinc oxide and/or titanium oxide. The next doesn’t actually block UV light, but rather absorbs it with a chemical called oxybenzone mixed in with the sunblock. Whichever one you pick, it’s always advised to get one with at least SPF 30

With that all set, you have finally completed your first daily skincare routine at home. 

Key Takeaways

The skin is a very important part of our body and we must take steps to take care of it. With some guidance and dedication, you can start a proper daily skin care routine at home. This will help you in achieving better skin health. Feel free to consult your dermatologist for additional information on what skin care routine will work best for your skin type.

Learn more about Skincare and Cleansing here.


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

BACK TO SCHOOL SKIN CARE ROUTINE, Accessed January 12, 2021

DAILY SKIN CARE IN 3 EASY STEPS, Accessed January 12, 2021

SKIN SERUM: WHAT IT CAN AND CAN’T DO, Accessed January 12, 2021



ULTRAVIOLET (UV) RADIATION,,to%20become%20inflamed%20or%20burned. Accessed January 12, 2021

THE SCIENCE OF SUNSCREEN, Accessed January 12, 2021


Current Version


Written by Giann Floresca

Medically reviewed by Angeli Eloise E. Torres, MD, DPDS

Updated by: Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

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Medically reviewed by

Angeli Eloise E. Torres, MD, DPDS

Dermatology · Makati Medical Center

Written by Giann Floresca · Updated Sep 22, 2022

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