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What Are The Benefits Of Morning Sex?

What Are The Benefits Of Morning Sex?
What Are The Benefits Of Morning Sex?

Morning sex might not be every couple’s cup of tea, but Science says it can have numerous benefits. Let’s list them down in this article. 

1. Your body is prepared to move

Because testosterone and estrogen levels are highest in the morning, it is the ideal time for sex because, quite simply, your body is prepared for it. Why does this matter? According to a 2013 study, your hormone levels have an impact on your libido. Often, the higher they are, the friskier you feel.

2. He will probably last longer

Speaking of hormones: According to some studies, higher levels of testosterone can raise your partner’s libido and improve sexual function. Moreover, it seems that higher levels of testosterone can increase erection strength.

3. The “cuddle hormone,” oxytocin, is released

How can morning sex (or, really, making love anytime) strengthen your relationship with your partner? Intimacy, such as making love, generates oxytocin.

Commonly referred to as the “cuddle hormone” or “love hormone”, oxytocin, the chemical in the brain that regulates love and bonding, is released, making you feel closer to your spouse.

4. It’s a calming activity – perfect to start your day

Wish to eliminate stress? Then engage in morning sex. Several reports reveal that enjoying yourself can lower your stress hormone levels. So climaxing before you leave for work can improve your mood for the rest of the day.

5. It causes endorphin release

Why not start your day off with a positive outlook? Morning sex releases endorphins, the body’s wonderful pain-relieving chemicals that also help elevate your mood. This is why you typically feel happier after you’ve reached your climax.

6. Morning sex = morning exercise

According to a study from the Harvard Medical School, sex burns roughly five calories every minute, which is similar to taking a stroll. But wouldn’t you rather burn at least 75 calories with a morning quickie? Sure, having morning sex may not be the same as running on a treadmill for an hour, but it still counts!

7. It can benefit your brain

Desire to improve your mental capacity? One solution might just be morning sex. As numerous studies have demonstrated, being active releases a variety of neurotransmitters and hormones — particularly dopamine, the feel-good hormone — that can improve cognitive and brain health.

8. It can potentially strengthen your defenses.

Sure, Vitamin C may benefit your immune system, but so does being sexually active in the morning, according to researchers from a 2015 study. Sex increases your body’s natural defenses against bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens, which in turn strengthens your immunity.

9. It may make you appear younger

Some reports suggest that having sex at least three times a week can make you look several years younger than people who have less sex, and orgasms can even benefit your skin in several ways. Some experts believe that having sex is the key to looking younger because it releases oxytocin, beta-endorphins, and other anti-inflammatory molecules.

How To Fit Morning Sex In Your Routine

Read on for some advice on how to fit morning sex into your daily routine and keep it hot. You can pencil your frisky time into your calendar and still enjoy scorching sessions.

1. Having time concerns?

It might interfere with your morning routine to have sex in the early morning hours, but it doesn’t have to. You can set your alarm for 20 minutes early, or an hour if you’re ambitious, and have sex before you get dressed. Instead of hitting the snooze button, get active!

2. Not interested in setting an earlier alarm?

No one can blame you if you don’t want to sacrifice valuable sleep time for morning sex, but you can still do the dirty and get your beauty rest. You can also save water by taking a shower together and fitting in a quickie while you’re at it.

3. Do you anticipate becoming too worn out?

Of course you’ll feel sleepy in the morning; who doesn’t? However, it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a brief romp in bed. Try spooning or doggie positions so you may feel pleasure without doing any cardio.

4. Not feeling it right now?

One word: When you’re first getting into the mood, don’t forget foreplay! Once you’re very hot and heavy, you’ll be ready to get frisky. Why not tease each other in bed by rubbing each other’s erogenous zones, such as the chest, behind the ears, or the neck.

5. Fearing having terrible breath?

Nobody enjoys having awful morning breath, so keep mints beside your bed or avoid face-to-face interactions. Spooning and lotus are all ideal postures.

6. But you still want to kiss?

Your neck, nipples, stomach, shoulders, and other parts of your body are just as kissable as your mouth when it comes to kissing. And doing so allows you complete closeness without worrying about morning breath.

7. Concerned with lighting?

If you’re concerned about lighting, you may start beneath the covers and work up to baring it all, Or you can close your blinds and let the shadows outline your bodies as you get busy. Daylight is gentle and flattering, which creates the ideal tone for morning sex.

If morning sex doesn’t work well for you and your partner, it’s okay! After all, what’s important is that you’re enjoying your intimate moments, regardless of when you make love!



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

The associations between serum sex hormones, erectile function, and sex drive,,  Accessed January 23, 2023

Oxytocin: The love hormone,,  Accessed January 23, 2023

Sexual healing: Daily diary evidence that sex relieves stress for men and women in satisfying relationships,,  Accessed January 23, 2023

How many calories does sex burn? What the research says and how to burn more,,or%203.1%20calories%20per%20minute.,  Accessed January 23, 2023

How sex makes you look and feel better,,of%20the%20Royal%20Edinburgh%20Hospital.,  Accessed January 23, 2023

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Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel

Medically reviewed by Jezreel Esguerra, MD

Updated by: Jezreel Esguerra, MD

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Medically reviewed by

Jezreel Esguerra, MD

General Practitioner

Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel · Updated Feb 13, 2023

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