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Safety Tips for Sexual Intercourse During Menstruation

Safety Tips for Sexual Intercourse During Menstruation
Safety Tips for Sexual Intercourse During Menstruation

Sex, regardless of being a perfectly natural, normal, and healthy act, is still considered a taboo subject. And women’s periods are no less regarded with a certain stigma. And thus many see period sex as unclean or even, unsafe.

Are there any risks to having sex on your period? What are some of the myths and misconceptions? Is sex during period safe? Read on to learn more about menstruation and safe sex. 

Menstruation and Safe Sex

One of the most common questions young people have when it comes to menstruation and safe sex is whether it is possible to have sex on a woman’s monthly period.

According to experts, yes, sex is entirely possible even when she is menstruating. Nevertheless, it is essential that both adults consent to the act and that they understand the woman’s condition at this time. She may be experiencing a little discomfort due to menstruation cramps, headaches, and other symptoms associated with menstruation. 

Although some people may feel queasy about menstruation blood, others do not mind as menstruation is a natural and normal part of a woman’s life.  

Menstruation and Safe Sex Tips

There is a certain stigma surrounding period sex wherein it is deemed “unclean.” This belief may have stemmed from a biblical understanding of sexual intercourse.

Nevertheless, in modern times, especially when viewed and understood from a medical approach, period sex is neither unclean nor a perversion.

Medically speaking, is having sex during one’s period safe?

As with any type of sex, there are certain risks involved especially when you have unprotected sex. Individuals who do not use protection may contract sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Penetrative sexual activities like vaginal and anal sex can also lead to the infection of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which has no cure. This condition can worsen over time if not treated and can progress to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), which can lead to death.

When having sex, especially with new partners, it is recommended that you wear protection – regardless of whether a woman is on her period or not. Consult your doctor on how to prevent STDs. 

Menstruation and Safe Sex: Can It Be a Form of Birth Control?

Many people believe that pregnancy is not possible if they have sex when a woman is menstruating. Due to this belief, many engage in more sexual activity during this period. However, this is a misconception. Conceiving during a woman’s menstruating days is still possible, though rare.

According to experts, pregnancy can occur even when partners have sex on a woman’s period because:

  • Ovulation may take place before bleeding stops.
  • A woman may believe that she is menstruating, but it may actually be bleeding due to ovulation.
  • Ovulation occurs after a few days after the bleeding stops. Sperm cells can live up to 3 days in a woman’s body, so it can still fertilize an egg days after intercourse. So, if a woman had sex on her last day and ovulates a couple of days later, remaining viable sperm cells can still fertilize the egg and lead to pregnancy.

In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy, you may want to take a combination of contraception, such as condoms and pills, or condoms and IUD, which have been deemed effective. There are different types of birth control methods available, and it is best to consult your doctor regarding the best one for you and your lifestyle. 

Is sex during period safe for those who do not want to conceive? The risk of getting pregnant during one’s menstrual period is relatively low. Some women use their cycle as a form of birth control. However, this typically only works for women with a regular menstrual cycle.

Menstruation and Safe Sex: Tips on How to Have Period Sex

One of the main reasons why couples tend to avoid sex during a woman’s period is due to the mess. While it may need extra preparation and consideration, period sex is possible and can still be enjoyable for partners. 

For those who want to try it, here are some tips to make the experience better:

  • Always be open and communicate with your partner. Sex must always be consensual, regardless if you and your partner have been together for a long time.
  • Use a latex condom to make cleaning up easier.
  • As with any type of sex, use condoms to prevent STIs, HIV, and unwanted pregnancy.
  • The missionary position is the most comfortable and convenient position as it can help lessen actual blood flow, thanks to gravity.
  • Use a dark towel and place it on the mattress to catch any blood leaks. 
  • To avoid any mess, consider doing the act in the bathroom. But always exercise caution to avoid any accidents.
  • Have wet wipes or washcloths on hand to help in the clean up.
  • Try using a female condom or menstrual cup to minimize the mess.

Is sex during period safe? Yes, if partners are responsible and considered.

Before getting intimate with a woman on her menstrual cycle, it is always best to communicate openly with your partner.

Understand the special considerations and risks that come with it, especially possible pregnancy and STDs. Period sex is possible, natural, and normal, and can be enjoyable as well. 

Learn more about Sexual Wellness here.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Mazokopakis, E. E., & Samonis, G. (2018). Is Vaginal Sexual Intercourse Permitted during Menstruation? A Biblical (Christian) and Medical Approach. Maedica, 13(3), 183–188., Accessed June 11, 2020

Can I have sex during my period? Can I get pregnant during my period?, Accessed June 11, 2020

Can you have sex during a period?, Accessed June 11, 2020

Is it safe to have sex during a woman’s menstrual period? Are there any benefits?, Accessed June 11, 2020

Is it ok to have sex while you’re on your period?

Is It OK to Have Sex While You Have Your Period?, Accessed June 8, 2021

Day-specific probabilities of conception in fertile cycles resulting in spontaneous pregnancies,, Accessed September 13, 2021

Sexual intercourse during menstruation and self-reported sexually transmitted disease history among women,, Accessed September 13, 2021


Current Version


Written by Den Alibudbud

Medically reviewed by Regina Victoria Boyles, MD

Updated by: Jan Alwyn Batara

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Written by Den Alibudbud · Updated Sep 27, 2023

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