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Woman's Erogenous Zone: Top 10 Places To Touch

Woman's Erogenous Zone: Top 10 Places To Touch
Woman's Erogenous Zone: Top 10 Places To Touch

Knowing and understanding a woman’s erogenous zone will unlock the secret to greater intimacy and better skills in bed.

One of the reasons why women sometimes thwart sexual advances or are not “in the mood,” because their partners do not know how to stimulate them thoroughly, which may lead to a lackluster session in bed. 

Do you want her to be more excited about sex? Then know more about her erogenous zone and the 10 most sensitive areas on a woman’s body. 

1. Face

The face is one of the sensitive areas or hot erogenous zones. So, show that you care about her by looking at her lovingly and gently while you’re talking. You should hold her in your arms, stroke her eyebrows, and kiss her lightly on the forehead. The feeling of euphoria will appear when she is really comfortable and relaxed in your arms.

2. Ears

According to sex experts, feelings of euphoria are of two types, mental and physical. Meanwhile, the ears are the “doors” to bring the woman you love there.

Take advantage of this erogenous zone by placing your hand behind her head, and use your thumb and forefinger to trace her earlobe. When she reacts, you can touch the tip of your nose to her ear or gently bite to stimulate this sensitive area. You can also whisper sweet words in her ear or simply compliment her on how nice she smells.

3. Neck

Next, slide your lips down the sensitive area/ erogenous zone of the neck. This is one of the most sensitive spots on a woman’s body. The skin here is thinner, so the blood vessels are also closer to the surface of the skin, allowing her to feel every movement. Touch her neck and listen to the sound she makes. You’ll know how excited she is!

4. Lips

 A passionate kiss does not have to be rushed, create breaks so that both of you can prolong lovemaking. Occasionally you can move your tongue inward gracefully.

Want to try French kissing? Open your lips slowly and pinch your lips together with hers, brush your tongue against the tip of her tongue, and then gently tuck your tongue. This is a seductive kiss that makes it hard for her to resist your attraction.

5. Finger

Do you want to know how girls like to be touched the most? Don’t forget to touch her fingers while engrossed in the kiss.

Move from the tip of the hand down to the fingers, slowly interlacing your fingers between hers. This closeness may not seem to attract her attention at first, but this type of intimacy will make her feel closer. But in fact, this has the effect of awakening other parts of the body.

6. Arms

The inside of the wrist is extremely sensitive to temperature. This is also one of the most sensitive erogenous zones on a woman’s body that few people know about.

Try licking or kissing her wrist or blowing gently for a cooling sensation that might make her shiver. You can kiss her from her arms to her shoulders, to her neck, and down to her chest area.

7. Chest

Women like to be kissed around the chest area, since it extra sensitive and a major erogenous zone. Before kissing her nipples, start with the area above and below her breasts. Stimulating the nipples, like the testicles on a man, is pleasurable. 

8. Thighs

While stimulating her nipples with kisses, run your hands down her waist, bottom, and thighs. Thighs are one of 10 sensitive areas on a woman’s body. But don’t be in much of a hurry, ignite the fire of love with prolonged romantic foreplay

9. Clitoris

The clitoris is the last of the 10 most sensitive areas/ erogenous zone of women. Try out different techniques, explore what feels god for her, and always communicate. Be open and thoughtful to how she wants to be touched. Consent is key! 


Most Asian women are often very shy to say how they want to be loved. Therefore, partners may need to be more open, understanding, and take the extra step to understand a woman’s particular erogenous zone.

In addition to focusing on a woman’s pleasure, don’t forget consent and to pay attention to her emotional needs. 

Learn other Sex Tips here

This article was first published on Hello Bacsi. 



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Women’s orgasm, orgasm annual review.pdf, Accessed Jan 22, 2022, Accessed Jan 22, 2022

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Current Version


Written by Hello Bacsi

Medically reviewed by Mary Rani Cadiz, MD

Updated by: Jan Alwyn Batara

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Written by Hello Bacsi · Updated Sep 20, 2023

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