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Condom Alternatives For Men and Women

Condom Alternatives For Men and Women
Condom Alternatives For Men and Women

Both men and women have their own condom alternatives that can be used during intercourse. When used correctly, condoms can protect partners from getting sexually transmitted infections (STIs), which could lead to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), as well as accidental pregnancy. While there are many options available in the market, it is important to know that not all alternatives can prevent STIs.

Why use condom contraceptives?

Latex allergies are one of the main reasons why latex-free options are available in the market. It may cause complications such as swelling and difficulty in breathing. According to a study conducted, women are more likely to be allergic to latex than men.

The following are a few latex-free alternatives:

  • Polyurethane and polyisoprene-based condoms. Those with latex allergies can still use contraceptives to practice safe sex with polyurethane and polyisoprene rubber.
  • Lambskin condoms. Lambskin condoms found online can be used as a contraception alternative for those with latex allergies. Although STIs cannot be prevented with their use since their pores are too wide, heightening the possibility of letting the infection in.
  • Female condoms. These are the only alternative contraceptives a person with a vagina can wear. It is just as effective as regular latex condoms.

Hormonal contraception

Hormonal contraceptives are safe condom alternatives to the usual condoms used in intercourse. They have either estrogen or progestin that is released to stop ovulation for a period of time and ultimately prevents pregnancy.

  • Pills are the most common method of birth control. You may want to consider talking to a professional before taking one to find out which pill option is more suitable for you.
  • Patches look like small bandages that are worn on the abdomen or the lower body. It is a prescribed method of hormonal contraception that is meant to be put on the first 21 days of your menstruation.
  • The ring is a prescribed hormonal contraceptive made out of plastic that is to be placed inside the vagina for three weeks. Once the menstrual cycle starts, the ring must be removed and replaced with another once menstruation ends.

 Non Hormonal contraception

Unlike hormonal contraceptives, nonhormonal contraceptives do not cause side effects associated with hormonal changes such as increased risks of breast cancer, clots, and even start mood swings. Women who currently have medical issues like breast cancer cannot use hormonal contraception since it may have adverse effects.

Barrier method contraception

The barrier method blocks any semen from getting to the uterus. Male and female condoms are an example of this method. The following are barrier method contraception alternatives:

  • Diaphragm is a dome-shaped reusable birth control that is inserted into the vagina a day before intercourse.
  • Cervical Caps are small prescription silicone that is inserted into the vagina with a bit of spermicide.
  • Sponges are soft, round plastic foam that are thoroughly soaked with spermicide before intercourse. The sperm is killed in the sponge after ejaculation.

What are the risks of natural contraception methods?

Some natural methods of contraception include observing the cervical mucus to determine when a woman is most fertile in her menstrual cycle. This is also known as the fertility awareness method or FAM.

For those with newly formed sexual partners, natural contraception methods may come into mind. It is important to note that most, if not, all homemade contraceptives can actually do more harm than good.

Using household items as a condom alternative is a bad idea and may even risk getting STIs or other kinds of infections. Some can also injure the vagina and leave microscopic tears as well as limit the blood flow in the penis.

The following are a few things you should not use as makeshift condoms:

  • Plastic bags
  • Plastic wrap
  • Balloons
  • Any type of foil

The pull-out or withdrawal method may statistically have high chances of preventing pregnancy, but it cannot block possible STIs. It is a risky method since the proper timing must be done in order for it to be successful.

Which condom alternatives is the right one for you?

While there are many possible options and methods for contraception, it is important to talk to your partner about it. Consider factors such as risk for STIs, general lifestyle, and willingness to take continuous medication for certain methods. You may also discuss with a professional regarding the condom alternatives for the benefit of you and your partner. 


What are some condom alternatives? Condoms protect both you and your partner when used right. Contraceptive alternatives can be used for those who are allergic to latex, and those who have enough time to undergo continuous medication that needs to be renewed like birth control. There are many alternative contraceptives available in the market, but it is important to remember that not all of them will prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). 

Learn more about Contraception here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Contraception, Accessed October 19, 2021 

Contraception – choices, Accessed October 19, 2021

Safe sex, Accessed October 19, 2021

Have a Latex Allergy? Here Are 4 Safe Non-Latex Condom Options, Accessed October 19, 2021

Current Version


Written by Angeli Del Rosario

Medically reviewed by Janie-Vi Villamor Ismael-Gorospe, MD

Updated by: Jan Alwyn Batara

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Medically reviewed by

Janie-Vi Villamor Ismael-Gorospe, MD

General Practitioner

Written by Angeli Del Rosario · Updated Sep 20, 2023

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