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How to Regrow Hair After Pregnancy: Here's What You Can Do

How to Regrow Hair After Pregnancy: Here's What You Can Do
How to Regrow Hair After Pregnancy: Here's What You Can Do

Hair loss can affect a person’s self-esteem, confidence, and their overall mental health. This is why for a lot of women who experienced postpartum hair loss, knowing how to regrow hair after pregnancy is an important thing.

But what exactly causes postpartum hair loss, and what are the things that women can do about it?

Hair Loss in Women: Everything You Need to Know

What causes postpartum hair loss?

After giving birth, it’s not uncommon for some mothers to experience hair loss. The main cause of this hair loss is the hormonal changes that a mother’s body goes through after birth. This is why it’s commonly known as postpartum hair loss.

You might be surprised to find out that during pregnancy, the body has decreased hair shedding. This happens as a result of the hormonal changes the body goes through to prepare it for pregnancy and birth.

But after giving birth, the estrogen levels fall. This results in transient excessive shedding in some. 

This happens at around 1-6  months after giving birth and is referred to as telogen effluvium.

While hair loss is mostly a cosmetic concern, this doesn’t mean that it should be ignored. A lot of mothers can experience a drop in their self-esteem and confidence right after giving birth because they’re also trying to deal with the changes brought about by pregnancy such as weight gain and skin changes.

Thankfully, the hair loss is only temporary, and things go back to normal after a few months. However, there are some things that women can do in order to minimize the effects of hair loss, as well as boost their confidence and self-esteem.

How to Manage Hair loss After Pregnancy

Here are some things that mothers can do to regrow hair after pregnancy, or at the very least, slow down their hair loss.

Use the right shampoo

One of the most important things you can do to help regrow hair after pregnancy is to use the right shampoo. In this case, it means using a mild shampoo that’s not harsh on your hair and scalp.

This is because if you use a harsh shampoo, it can weaken your hair or dry your scalp. Using a milder shampoo can prevent this from happening.

You can also use a volumizing shampoo to help your hair look fuller. You can also try shampooing every other day instead of everyday to help prevent further hair loss. Avoid conditioning shampoo as it may weigh down the hair, making it look limp and thin.

Change your hairstyle

One common thing that moms do is to cut their hair after giving birth. Not only is this more comfortable, but it can also help make their hair look fuller. It may also decrease the apparent hair clogging the sink.

One added benefit of shorter hair is you don’t have to tie it back. Tying your hair can put strain on your scalp, and can contribute to hair loss.

Eat healthy

The food that you eat has a big impact on your health, and also your hair. Focus on eating more fruits and vegetables, and less red meat.

It’s also a good idea to cut back on fats and sugars in your diet.

How to Test Hair Health: Tips to Assess Your Hair and How to Revive it

Be gentle with your hair

Another way to deal with postpartum hair loss is to be gentle with your hair. Use a wide-toothed comb or a soft hair brush to prevent damaging your hair.

It’s also a good idea to avoid tying your hair too tight, or even scrubbing your hair and scalp too hard when shampooing.

Don’t hesitate to seek help

Lastly, if you think that you’re losing too much hair, or your hair doesn’t seem to be growing back, don’t hesitate to seek help. You can talk to your doctor about it, and they can help you with your problem, or refer you to a specialist.

Talking to a doctor about it can help them figure out what might be causing further hair loss. They can also give you advice on how to manage it better, as well as procedures on how to regrow hair after pregnancy.

Learn more about Postpartum Self Care here.



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Hair loss in new moms,, Accessed February 26, 2021

Postpartum Hair Loss: Will It Come Back? – Regional Medical Center,, Accessed February 26, 2021

The Truth about Postpartum Hair Loss – Lancaster General Health | Penn Medicine,, Accessed February 26, 2021

How to Deal With Hair Loss After Pregnancy – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic,, Accessed February 26, 2021

Postpartum Alopecia – John H Eastham, 2001,, Accessed February 26, 2021

Current Version


Written by Jan Alwyn Batara

Medically reviewed by Mary Rani Cadiz, MD

Updated by: Jan Alwyn Batara

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Medically reviewed by

Mary Rani Cadiz, MD

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Written by Jan Alwyn Batara · Updated Jun 01, 2021

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