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Baby Development: Your Baby’s 11th Month of Life

Baby Development: Your Baby’s 11th Month of Life

Being a month away from your child’s first birthday means that you have been a parent for almost a year now. Congratulations, you’ve made it! Time, indeed, flies by so fast, and soon you will have an active toddler on your hands. As you gear up for their first birthday, do not forget to continue nurturing their growth through play and 11 months old baby activities. 

Here’s what to expect this month.

A Quick Look at Your Baby’s First Year Milestones

How Your Baby is Growing

At this point, your baby will weigh anywhere between 19 and 21 pounds and be around 26 to 31 inches tall. As always, your baby’s growth is unique and is measured by your doctor on a development curve that is specific to their height and weight upon birth.

Female babies tend to be on the lighter and shorter end of this curve, while male babies tend to be on the heavier and taller end.

The average height and weight for female babies are 19.2 pounds and 28.7 inches, respectively. The same metrics for male babies average on 20.8 pounds and 29.3 inches, respectively.

Developmental Milestones 

Physically, your baby has gone a long way from the fragile newborn they were when you met them. To better prepare their 11 months old baby activities, take note of the following milestones:


At 11-months old, your baby has started leaning out and losing some of their baby fat. This fat loss tends to happen as your baby gets closer and closer to becoming a toddler. Toddler activities like walking and playing, after all, take up more energy than baby activities since babies do not really do much but sleep and eat.

Your baby at 11 months can probably already crawl and has made some significant progress in walking – consider these when thinking about their activities. That could mean they can stand up on their own or even take a few steps and walk.


They would also be a lot more talkative and demanding at this point with their babbling or imitating simple words and pointing or even feeding themselves. As part of their 11 months old baby activities, set aside a few minutes for pretend play so that you give them the opportunity to practice “talking’ and expressing themselves. 

Cognitive Development

When it comes to brain development, expect a lot of progress with their perception. Their color perception is much better at this stage and will add on to their preferences that were previously just for tastes and textures. They will also have a better grip on language and can identify what certain words or phrases mean.

Their personality will also shine through in this month since they’ll be able to express their attachment through getting fussy or expressing separation anxiety.

When doing their 11 months old baby activities , expect your little one to be grabbier than usual because their curiosity will prompt them to explore and hold things.

Feeding & Nutrition

Solid Food

At this age, your baby’s diet is more diverse since they can now eat solid food. Having fresh food like fruits, vegetables, yogurt, and grains will be beneficial for your baby but make sure that you avoid choking hazards or anything that needs to be thoroughly chewed.

Milk Feeding

Milk, whether it’s breast milk or formula, should still be present in your baby’s diet. Around 16 to 20 ounces of milk is standard for an 11-month old baby. Be prepared to transition from formula or breast milk to alternatives like cow’s milk within the next two months. But for now, stick to the milk they have been having for the past couple of months. Avoid giving juice or other drinks unless you’ve run it by your pediatrician.

11 months old baby activities

Introducing mealtimes would also be beneficial for both your baby and the entire family. Having set mealtimes and eating meals with the entire family have been linked to positive traits both physically, like lower BMIs, and psychologically. This also helps your child with coming to terms with having a schedule that works for everyone else.

Now that your precious child is 11 months old, baby activities may include teaching them table manners like using silverware, cups, and trying new flavors. Take note that their preferences will shine through especially now so you’ll know if they like or dislike certain ingredients.

Baby Care Tips


Your baby will be sleeping for the entire night at this point and could be transitioning from having two naps to just one long nap. Make sure to stay consistent with sleep schedules since these naps are still important to your baby’s development despite all the energy they might have this month.

That said, your baby’s energy levels will be off the charts this month. Make sure to take note of their schedules and what they like doing.

Since they will be learning how to walk and sometimes they may walk on tiptoes. Know that this is completely normal and make sure to encourage them as they take their own steps.

What Can I Do to Help My Baby Grow?

To help your baby grow, make sure you give them constructive outlets for their energy. Whether it is learning how to stack toys or giving them room to walk, your baby will appreciate the amount of attention you pay to what they want to do and directing it into something helpful for their development.

What to Watch Out For and When to See a Doctor

Like other milestones, they depend on the pace you and your baby are going. Being a little early or a little late is no cause of worry and feel free to consult your pediatrician just to check.

Make sure to approach your doctor if your baby has not attempted crawling at this age or if they’re unable to sit up without assistance. This may imply strength issues and that will need medical attention. If they do not seem to respond or interact with you or undergo sudden changes in behavior, contact your doctor as well.

Key Takeaways

As their first birthday approaches, take some time for yourselves and do not be pressured to throw a huge birthday party for your baby since they do not really understand birthdays just yet.

Enjoy this precious bonding time with your baby and nurture their development through play, 11 months old baby activities, and mealtime.

And as you brace yourself for the change between baby to toddlerhood, make sure to research on what to anticipate next. 

Learn more about Parenting here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

What to Feed Your Baby: 10-12 Months,, Accessed July 19, 2020 Speech and language development from birth to 12 months,, Accessed July 19, 2020 Pregnancy Guide: Drinks and Cups,, Accessed July 19, 2020 Physical Appearance and Growth: 8 to 12 Months,, Accessed March 26, 2021 Cow’s Milk Alternatives: Parent FAQs,, Accessed March 26, 2021

Current Version


Written by Tracey Romero

Medically reviewed by Jobelle Ann Dela Cruz Bigalbal, MD

Updated by: Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

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Written by Tracey Romero · Updated Mar 26, 2021

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