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How To Increase Sperm Count?

How To Increase Sperm Count?
How To Increase Sperm Count?

Infertility is a pretty prevalent issue that many guys face globally. One thing you may do if you are experiencing reproductive problems is to concentrate on enhancing your general health and consulting your doctor. How to increase sperm count and boost fertility? Learn more here.

What Causes Male Infertility?

How to increase sperm count? But before jumping into this discussion, one must consider the quality and health of your sperm. Sperm must be functional and able to move. If either of these characteristics is abnormal, it may prevent the sperm from reaching or penetrating your partner’s egg.

Male infertility is the condition wherein a male’s chances of getting his female partner pregnant are low. This typically occurs when sperm cells are not of good quality, or when he does not produce adequate amount of sperm. A low sperm count is less than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen or less than 39 million per ejaculate.

Sexual function, as well as semen quality and amount is tied to infertility in men. 

How to Increase Sperm Count?

1. Enhance your diet with D-Aspartic Acid supplements

Add vitamin supplements to your diet like D-aspartic acid (d-aa), which is a type of aspartic acid. Studies have indicated that it, together with vitamins C, D, and zinc, increase male fertility. It should not be confused with l-aspartic acid, which is significantly more common than D-aspartic acid and helps build many different proteins. The testicles and a few other glands, as well as sperm and semen, contain the majority of the d-aa gene.

Experts believe that d-aa has a function in male fertility since d-aa levels are significantly lower in infertile men than in fertile men. This is supported by research showing that d-aa supplementation may increase levels of testosterone, the male sex hormone essential for male fertility

According to one study, consuming 2.7 grams of d-aa for three months may increase testosterone levels by 30% to 60% and sperm count and motility by 60% to 100% in infertile males. Their partners saw an increase in pregnancies as well.

In another study, testosterone levels increased by 42% in healthy males who took 3 grams of d-aa pills every day for two weeks. However, the evidence is not definitive. Studies in strength-trained professional athletes indicated that d-aa didn’t enhance testosterone levels any further and even decreased it at high dosages.

According to the research that is currently available, d-aa supplements may boost fertility in men with low testosterone levels, but they hardly ever provide noticeable advantages to individuals with normal to high levels. Further research is needed to determine the benefits and potential long-term risks of d-aa supplementation in humans.

2. Regular exercise

Regular exercise also raises testosterone levels and improves fertility. While modest exercise had no influence on sperm quality, men who exercised for 15 or more hours per week at a moderate to vigorous pace had 73% more sperm than those who exercised for less than 5 hours.

Men who regularly exercise have greater testosterone levels and better-quality sperm than men who don’t. But extreme exercise may have the reverse impact and perhaps lower testosterone levels. If you don’t routinely exercise but want to boost your fertility, make moving a top priority.

3. Take enough Vitamin C

You’re probably already aware of vitamin C’s ability to strengthen the immune system. But there is also some evidence that Vitamin C supplements may improve semen quality. One study in infertile men found that taking 1,000 mg of vitamin c twice daily for up to two months increased sperm motility by 92% and sperm count by more than 100%.

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) can cause oxidative stress when they accumulate to dangerous quantities in the body. This happens when the body’s natural antioxidant defenses are overworked due to illness, aging, an unhealthy lifestyle, or environmental toxins. Some research suggests that taking antioxidant supplements like vitamin C may increase fertility.

When viewed as a whole, findings suggest that vitamin C may improve fertility in infertile men who have oxidative stress. However, controlled investigations must be carried out before any conclusive claims can be made.

4. Address stress

How to increase sperm count? Stress makes it tough to be in the mood for sex, but there can be more going on than that. Stress can lower your level of sexual satisfaction and have an impact on your fertility. Since continuous stress raises cortisol levels, which have a significant detrimental impact on testosterone, researchers think the hormone cortisol may help to explain these undesirable effects of stress. As for severe, undiagnosed anxiety, medication is often utilized to treat it.

Going for a walk in the park, meditating, exercising, or hanging out with friends can all help you manage your stress.

5. Take enough vitamin D

Vitamin D can be essential for male and female fertility, and it’s another nutrient that may increase testosterone levels. In fact, high vitamin D levels are seen to be linked to greater sperm motility, but more evidence is needed.

6. Supplement with zinc

For infertile men with low semen zinc levels, a preliminary trial found that zinc supplements (240 mg per day) increased sperm counts and may have contributed to the successful impregnation by 3 of the 11 men. Zinc is an essential mineral found in high amounts in animal foods, such as meat, fish, eggs, and shellfish.

Getting enough zinc is essential for male fertility. Observational studies show that low zinc status or deficiency is associated with low testosterone levels, poor sperm quality, and an increased risk of male infertility. Taking zinc supplements raises testosterone levels and sperm count in people who are low in zinc. Additionally, zinc supplements may improve the decreased testosterone levels associated with high estrogen levels.

Additional Guidance

Here are 8 more suggestions on how to increase sperm count, quality and fertility:

  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle because bad behaviors could affect both your fertility and general health
  • Reduce extra weight; being overweight and infertility are related.
  • Avoid excessive drinking and limit your alcohol intake because both can reduce testosterone levels and harm the quality of your sperm.
  • Obtain enough folate because some studies indicate that inadequate folate intake may impair the quality of semen.
  • Get enough sleep. It’s critical for your health to do so, and insufficient or excessive sleep has also been linked to poor semen quality.
  • Numerous foods rich in antioxidants, such as walnuts, may enhance fertility.
  • Eat less soy since it includes isoflavones. It produces lower-quality sperm.

With regards to improving your sperm count and fertility, consult your doctor or specialist.

Key Takeaway

How to increase sperm count to boost fertility? If you’re experiencing fertility issues, one thing you can do is concentrate on improving your general health. Many of the suggestions listed above are essential components of a healthy lifestyle. However, there is no guaranteed cure for fertility issues. But if nutritional deficiencies or low testosterone levels are contributing factors, it’s likely that these lifestyle tips will help. Consult your doctor to address any underlying issues that may be affecting your fertility, including low sperm count. 

Learn more about Getting Pregnant here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Healthy sperm: Improving your fertility,, Accessed Dec 5, 2022

Low sperm count,, Accessed Dec 5, 2022

Tips to improve fertility,, Accessed Dec 5, 2022

Making fertility friendly lifestyle choices,, Accessed Dec 5, 2022

Study shows link between healthy diet, higher sperm counts,, Accessed Dec 5, 2022

Current Version


Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel

Medically reviewed by Jezreel Esguerra, MD

Updated by: Jezreel Esguerra, MD

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Medically reviewed by

Jezreel Esguerra, MD

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Written by Hello Doctor Medical Panel · Updated Jan 10, 2023

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