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The Truth Behind "Healing Crystals"

The Truth Behind "Healing Crystals"
The Truth Behind "Healing Crystals"

At some point, you probably saw advertisements of “healing crystals.” Companies that sell them claim that they can improve various health conditions and even attract positivity in life. There are even crystals for fertility and pregnancy! But, no matter how mystical these stones are, how can they achieve these claims? Can pregnant women really benefit from using healing crystals? The answers and more in this article. 

What Are Crystals?

Before we talk about healing crystals and pregnancy, let’s first discuss what crystals are. 

In science, crystals are minerals with a highly organized molecular structure. That means, if you zoom in at their molecules using a microscope, you’ll see a distinct pattern of atoms, like a lattice. Some crystals are clear, while others come in vibrant colors. 

We know crystals as semi-rare stones for jewelry. Examples include diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald. But, note that even salt is considered a crystal as well as snowflakes (ice crystals). 

Now, the question is: How can we consider them as “healing crystals?”

Healing Crystals for Pregnancy: Legit?

As much as pregnancy and motherhood are joyous, one cannot deny that they also bring stress and anxiety to women. This is where “healing crystals” enter the picture. 

Believers claim that when you hold a crystal to a certain part of your body, it sends “crystal energy,” which mostly pertains to the vibration it creates due to its highly organized molecular structure. Some also believe that crystals absorb energy. 

In other words, healing crystals allegedly work by interacting with our energy. 

So, when the stress of pregnancy and motherhood gets overwhelming, “healing crystals” might help bring peace and calm or generally bring you back to the center. 

What does science say regarding this benefit? 

Is There Evidence For Healing Crystals?

A study presented at the European Congress of Psychology in Rome invited 80 people to report their experience in using crystals. First, the participants answered a questionnaire, which also talked about their belief in the paranormal. Afterward, the researchers asked them to meditate for 5 minutes while holding either a fake crystal and genuine quartz. 

Results showed that: 

  • Both the counterfeit and genuine crystals are capable of eliciting similar sensations. 
  • Those who scored high in the paranormal belief section of the questionnaire reported greater sensations. 
  • Participants who were told in advance that they might feel tingling or vibration while holding the crystal are more likely to say they experienced similar sensations. 

Hence, the conclusion is that the effect might be “in the eye of the beholder.” This means the placebo effect may be at play. 

Is It Okay To Use Healing Crystals While I’m Pregnant?

As little as the evidence is that healing crystals work, there’s also no evidence that the stones can harm. Hence, there might be nothing wrong with using them. 

For instance, while they might not be able to “amplify” the positive effects of meditation, you can still use crystals for grounding. 

It’ll be also helpful to keep the following things in mind:

  • Never use “healing crystals” for your physical and mental conditions. If you have unexplained symptoms that might put you and your baby at risk, consult your doctor. 
  • Be mindful of counterfeits. There are many counterfeits or fakes in the market. 
  • Be mindful of caring for crystals. Unlike ordinary stones, there might be special instructions to preserve your crystals. 

Key Takeaways

Many people believe that healing crystals help improve a person’s mood. This can be useful for pregnant women who feel stressed and overwhelmed. However, there is little evidence that they work. It’ll also be harmful to depend on crystals for physical ailments. For any mental or physical conditions, the best thing to do is to get in touch with a doctor. 

Learn more about Pregnancy here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

What is a Crystal?,, Accessed March 16, 2022
You Asked: Do Healing Crystals Actually Work?,, Accessed March 16, 2022
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Current Version


Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

Expertly reviewed by Dexter Macalintal, MD

Updated by: Dexter Macalintal, MD

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Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Aug 04, 2022

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