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Boiled Lagundi Leaves For Pregnant Women: Is It Safe?

Boiled Lagundi Leaves For Pregnant Women: Is It Safe?
Boiled Lagundi Leaves For Pregnant Women: Is It Safe?

As much as expectant mothers try to evade illnesses, some infections, such as cough and colds, are simply highly transmissible. And should they develop cough and colds, they must be careful with medications, considering some may not be safe for their unborn baby. That being said, is it okay for mother to take herbs like lagundi? What do studies say about using boiled lagundi leaves for pregnant women? Find out here. 

Lagundi Leaves, An Overview

Before we talk about boiled lagundi leaves for pregnant women, let’s first have an overview of the herb. 

First, note that it is one of the 10 herbal plants endorsed by the Department of Health (DOH) and the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC). The departments approved lagundi because it is scientifically validated for its safety and efficacy. 

To date, it is the only extensively studied cough herbal in the Philippines1. Some reports also identified that it has anti-inflammatory and pain-suppressing properties

Preparing the Herbal Remedy

Since we’re going to talk about boiled lagundi leaves for pregnant women, it’s important to determine if boiling the leaves is the correct preparation. 

According to PITAHC, it is. Their endorsed instructions are:

  • Boil the crushed leaves in a pot with 2 cups of water until only half of the water remains. Leave the pot uncovered when the water starts to boil. 
  • The dose for crushed leaves is as follows: 
    • 2 to 6 years old – 1 and ½ tablespoons 
    • 7 to 12 years old – 3 tablespoons 
    • 13 years old and up – 6 tablespoons 

Boiled Lagundi Leaves for Pregnant: Is it Safe?

Now, let’s talk about boiled lagundi leaves for pregnant women. Since we are essentially discussing “lagundi tea,” let’s discuss what the experts say. 

According to the American Pregnancy Association, the issue with herbal teas, in general, is the lack of data available on the herbs involved. We don’t know their effects on the developing fetus. 

They added that herbal teas are not safe when they contain excessive amounts of herbs (higher than food amounts) or are made from herbs identified as toxic. They also mentioned that non-commercial herbal teas are unsafe (most likely because they have not undergone testing). 

Boiled lagundi leaves can be considered an herbal tea, and we do not have enough information to say that it’s completely safe for pregnant women. 

A report didn’t include it in the list of “herbs to avoid during pregnancy.” Still, we do not know its full effects on the growing fetus or the dose that’s safe and effective. 

How About Lagundi Medicine?

If we don’t have enough information about boiled lagundi leaves for pregnant women, what about the medicine?

A popular lagundi medicine reported that the safety of the drug for pregnant and lactating moms has not been studied

The Next Steps

If you have a cough and cold and want to take herbal medicine (or any drug), you must consult your doctor first. 

In the meantime, the following home remedies might help:

  • Make sure you are properly hydrated. If the doctor is monitoring your fluid intake, discuss how much fluid you should drink. 
  • Get plenty of rest. 
  • Gargle with warm salt water if you have a cough or sore throat. 

Key Takeaways

Lagundi is one of the 10 herbal medicines approved by the Department of Health. People often take lagundi for coughs and colds as it has been proven effective. However, while they are generally safe, even for kids, we do not have enough information about its safety for pregnant women. Hence, before using boiled lagundi leaves for pregnant women, it’s best to consult a doctor first. In the meantime, home remedies, such as gargling with warm salt water, getting plenty of rest, and hydrating, might help. 

Learn more about Pregnancy here



Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Lagundex/Lagundex Forte,,women%20has%20not%20been%20studied.&text=Safety%20among%20pregnant%20and%20lactating%20women%20has%20not%20been%20studied.,-Side%20Effects&text=Lagundex%20Tablet%3A%20Only%20mild%20side,diarrhea%20without%20a%20predominating%20complaint., Accessed May 5, 2022

Vitex,, Accessed May 5, 2022

Directory of Herbs,, Accessed May 5, 2022

Herbal Tea and Pregnancy,, Accessed May 5, 2022

Herbs to Avoid During Pregnancy,, Accessed May 5, 2022

Current Version


Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

Expertly reviewed by Dexter Macalintal, MD

Updated by: Dexter Macalintal, MD

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Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated Jun 03, 2022

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