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Week 30 of Pregnancy: All You Need to Know

Week 30 of Pregnancy: All You Need to Know
Week 30 of Pregnancy: All You Need to Know

Baby Development

How is my baby growing?

You are now on week 30 of pregnancy baby development, and you look and feel like you are about to give birth any time soon!

By week 30 of pregnancy baby development, your baby is around the size of a cabbage. He will be around 15.15 inches (38.5 cm) long and weighs approximately 1.4 kg. That is enough to make your baby bump quite a weight to be carrying around all of the time. One of the main issues you may encounter during this time is difficulty sleeping. 

On week 30 of pregnancy baby development, some babies already have a full head of hair! Take note that this can vary. The fine hair covering their bodies called “lanugo” may already have disappeared completely, though some babies still have a little bit of lanugo left on their backs or behind their ears after birth.

At the microscopic level, red blood cells are already beginning to form in your baby’s bone marrow. 

In addition, your baby will also be able to open his eyes and tell the difference between light and dark. 

Body & Life Changes

How is my body changing?

By week 30 of pregnancy baby development, your belly is big enough to cause sleeping trouble, but it is also big enough for strangers to give up their seats for your comfort. You may feel a little strain on your body as your baby adjusts to a position in preparation for birth.

Pregnancy symptoms at this stage are one of the main reasons why women tend to have trouble sleeping during the third trimester. Since your baby continues to grow and occupy more space in your body, increased pressure will be placed on your bladder, causing you to pee more often. You may also find yourself being out of breath sometimes, because of how the organs in your body like your lungs are starting to get cramped as well. 

You may also start to feel a general feeling of discomfort, accompanied by back pains and muscle pains by week 30 of pregnancy baby development. This discomfort is due to the different ligaments that are softening in preparation for your baby’s birth. 

Another symptom that you should look out for during this time is Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) and leg cramping. RLS can be a crawling feeling in your foot, claves, or upper leg. It can feel like your leg feels uncomfortable when it is not moving. Some studies show that RLS can be a sign of an iron deficiency. If you suspect that you have RLS, contact your health provider to look into your options regarding iron supplements that may alleviate the discomfort.

If you are having trouble sleeping because of these symptoms, here are a few tips that may help:

  • Sleeping on your left side encourages blood flow to the fetus, uterus, and kidneys. Doing this will feel much better than sleeping on your back.
  • Investing in a “pregnancy pillow” may be able to help you get into a position that gives you better quality sleep. Finding a position that feels the most comfortable may also help prevent “night waking” or waking up in the middle of the night. 
  • Avoiding carbonated drinks and sodas to prevent leg cramps.
  • Try to straighten your leg and flex your foot upwards whenever you feel your leg cramping. Doing this before bedtime may also prevent leg cramps from occurring during the night.

Other symptoms that you may experience on week 30 of pregnancy baby development and until your final weeks of pregnancy:

  • You may feel hot because your fetus will start radiating body heat.
  • You may experience edema, which is the swelling of limbs caused by fluid retention.
  • You may feel cramps that feel like you are going into labor. These are called Braxton Hicks contractions and happen when your uterine muscles relax and contract, preparing for actual labor. These may feel like mild menstruation cramps and will come and go. 

What should I be concerned about?

Some mothers have a tough time during this stage of their pregnancy, because they have to struggle with body image, coupled with the physical discomfort caused by their pregnancy. 

Studies have shown that women who feel dissatisfied about the changes in their bodies are less likely to breastfeed their babies. During your pregnancy, you may have noticed how people suddenly feel like they can say whatever they want about your body. 

If you can, surround yourself with supportive people like friends, family, and your partner and try to focus on the positive things at this time.

Your Doctor Visits

What should I tell my doctor?

On week 30 of pregnancy baby development, your doctor will most probably ask you to monitor your baby’s activity inside your belly, taking note of how many kicks you feel from your baby daily. Keeping track can help establish how much movement is usual or unusual for your baby. 

Your doctor may also check the position of your baby in preparation for your due date. The baby must move into a head-first position by the 36-week mark for you to be able to have a natural childbirth. You may also want to discuss your options at this time regarding delivery with your doctor.

Health & Safety

What should I know about being healthy and safe while pregnant?

A lot of anxiety and stress can arise on week 30 of pregnancy baby development, so mothers may want to explore different activities to help them soothe the stress such as meditation and Lamaze classes. Preparing things for the delivery like the baby’s room, the hospital bag, and deciding which route to take to the hospital can also help ease any anxiety. 

A popular pregnancy myth in the Philippines is to eat raw eggs to ensure a smooth delivery. However, no scientific evidence has been proven to help in this matter. Following this advice may lead to potential health risks like salmonella. It is better to stick to eating cooked eggs. 

Week 30 of pregnancy baby development is an exciting time for the mother and the rest of the family. In just a few weeks, your baby will finally be in your arms. Despite the difficulties and challenges you may have encountered in this last stretch, it is important to remember that all this shall pass. It is best to spend this crucial time preparing yourself for birth and the weeks after delivery. 

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Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Current Version


Written by Ruby Anne Hornillos

Medically reviewed by Jobelle Ann Dela Cruz Bigalbal, MD

Updated by: sang.nguyen

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Jobelle Ann Dela Cruz Bigalbal, MD

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Written by Ruby Anne Hornillos · Updated Sep 28, 2021

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