Pagsusuka ng bata is not something that parents take lightly. Vomiting is concerning because it could mean that the child has swallowed something “toxic.” But many things can trigger throwing up in kids. Learn more about the possible causes and home remedies, here.
Possible Causes of Pagsusuka ng Bata
Before we talk about the treatment strategies for vomiting, let’s first discuss the possible causes of throwing up in children.
According to experts, most cases of vomiting happen because of a mild illness. However, kids might also throw up because of serious conditions, like increased intracranial pressure in the brain area or blockages in the stomach or intestines.
Below are the common causes of pagsusuka ng bata:
Viral Gastroenteritis
One of the typical reasons kids throw up is viral gastroenteritis, an infection that causes inflammation in the stomach or intestines. Please note that while the most common cause is a viral infection, gastroenteritis can also occur due to bacterial or parasitic infections.
The first symptom is often vomiting, and then diarrhea often follows after 12 to 24 hours.
Food Poisoning
Should kids eat contaminated foods, they may throw up due to food poisoning. Examples of food poisoning are listeria infection and salmonellosis.
The best way to prevent this scenario is to give them only well-prepared and well-cooked foods and ensure no contamination in food handling, preparation, and storage.
Food Allergies
In some cases, kids throw up because of a food allergy. Pagsusuka ng bata due to food allergy may happen immediately after consuming the food they are allergic to. Examples of foods that trigger an allergic reaction are peanut butter and eggs.
Learn more about food allergies here.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Diseases (GERD)
Pagsusuka ng bata can also happen due to GERD.
GERD occurs when food backs up from the stomach to the food pipe (esophagus) or mouth. Most infants experience this; that’s why they burp or spit up, as their stomach sphincters are still developing. Young kids, however, despite a more developed stomach sphincter–experience vomiting along with other symptoms like abdominal pain, chest discomfort, and heartburn.
Finally, let’s not forget that kids might also throw up when they cough too hard. However, this is more common in kids with GERD.
More Serious Causes of Throwing Up in Kids
Observing forceful vomiting in babies and infants could indicate that they have a narrowing or blockage in their stomach passage (pyloric stenosis). From aged 3 months to 3 years old, intussusception can also be a reason. Intussusception occurs when a portion of the intestine slides within another section (‘telescoping’).
Although less common, the following serious conditions can also lead to vomiting in older kids:
- Meningitis; other symptoms include neck stiffness, headache, and fever.
- Increased pressure in the skull (intracranial pressure), which can happen after a severe head injury or if the child has a brain tumor.
- Eating disorders
When to Seek Medical Help for Vomiting
Pagsusuka ng bata needs medical attention if your child shows warning signs like:
- Lethargy or unusual sleepiness/weakness
- Blood or bright green tinge in vomit
- Vomit resembling coffee grounds
- Fever with a stiff neck (inability to touch chin to chest) and light sensitivity
- Abdominal pain even when not vomiting; an exception would be if they feel tummy pain just before vomiting.
- Abdominal swelling
- Bloody stools
- Signs of dehydration
- Repeated vomiting and inability to hold down food or fluids
- Projectile or forceful vomiting
- Head injury in the past 24 hours
And finally, bring your child to the doctor if he or she vomits at least thrice and experiences diarrhea at the same time.

Home Remedies for Pagsusuka ng Bata
The treatment for vomiting in children depends on the cause. Food allergies may require antihistamines, while most cases of (mild) food poisoning and gastroenteritis don’t need medical intervention.
At home, you can help your child by doing the following:
- Give them plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.
- If they show mild dehydration signs, you can consider giving them an oral rehydration solution (ORS).
- Stop all solid foods and replace them with clear liquids. However, if they haven’t lost their appetite, don’t appear dehydrated, and can keep some food down, it’s okay to let them eat yogurt, banana, rice, apple sauce, and toast.
- Resume their regular diet after 8 hours of not throwing up. Don’t forget to start with easy-to-digest foods.
- Please don’t give them any medicine unless approved by a physician. Even paracetamol for mild fever is usually not recommended.
- Help your child sleep and get adequate rest.
Learn more about the Signs of an Unwell Child here.