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Will I Need a Booster Shot for COVID-19? Experts Say You Might

Will I Need a Booster Shot for COVID-19? Experts Say You Might
Will I Need a Booster Shot for COVID-19? Experts Say You Might

Will I need a booster shot for COVID-19? Considering the fact that the United States is set to give booster (third) shots starting September 2021 to the general population, you might. What prompted this policy is the growing evidence that the immunity provided by the vaccines diminishes over time

Prior to the announcement of this new mandate, the FDA also approved giving third jabs to immuno-compromised people. Interestingly, the policy contradicts many health agencies’ previous statements saying fully vaccinated people need not get a third shot. 

The US will start with those who received the vaccines first, including healthcare workers and the elderly in nursing homes. 

Those who received the single-dose Janssen vaccine may also need a second shot. But they are still waiting for newer data. 

Criticisms on the Booster Shot Recommendations

Providing a booster dose to fully vaccinated people may have good intentions, but it doesn’t come without criticism. 

Many people wonder if it’s wise to give booster shots when some nations across the globe struggle with vaccination. Concerned individuals ask: Wouldn’t it be better for the unvaccinated vulnerable to receive the shots than give it to the fully vaccinated population? 

Will I Need a Booster Shot for COVID-19?

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla mentioned that people who got their vaccine might need a booster shot within 12 months of being inoculated. Likewise, he also said there might be a need for annual jabs. 

But what do other experts say about this?

The topic of booster shots has always been controversial. For countries where immunocompromised people are still waiting for their first jab, a third dose seems like a “far away dream.”

Previously, the World Health Organization urged countries to donate vaccines rather than use them for booster doses. Now, in their interim statement, they said they are “reviewing the emerging evidence on the need for and timing of an additional vaccine dose (booster dose 1) for the currently available COVID-19 vaccines which have received Emergency Use Listing (EUL).”

The WHO also listed down the potential reasons why we might need booster doses. They include waning protection against infection or disease and reduced protection against variants of concern

On the other hand, some experts say current data suggests that protection from the vaccines lasts for a significant period, possibly 2 to 3 years or longer. 

Natural Infection Produces Lasting Immunity, But Vaccination Is Still Better

While trying to shed light on the question, “Will I need a booster shot for COVID-19?”, you might have heard that COVID-19 infection gives you lasting immunity. Experts say it’s true, but highlight that vaccination is still better. 

For one, COVID-19 is a “tricky” disease. We know that older people and those with comorbidities are at risk of severe infection. But we have also heard of relatively young, healthy people who required hospitalization. 

Also, through infection, you risk becoming a COVID long-hauler or one of those patients who still experience health issues long after they recover. 

Vaccination, on the other hand, also offers lasting immunity. But without the risks that come with infection. It may have some side effects, but those are mild and only last a short while. 

Key Takeaways

Will I need a booster shot for COVID-19?
The United States is set to give booster doses to their fully vaccinated population starting September 2021. The World Health Organization also released an interim statement citing waning immunity and a reduction of protection against variants of concern as possible reasons why booster doses may be necessary. 
Experts would also like to remind the public that while recovering from COVID-19 often gives lasting immunity, getting the vaccine is still the best option as it eliminates the possibility of contracting the severe disease. 
Hence, if it’s your turn to get the life-saving shot, take it. If you can’t get receive vaccination yet, don’t forget to follow health protocols, including frequent handwashing, physical distancing, and wearing face masks.

Lesrn more about Coronavirus here


Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Vaccinated Americans Will Be Offered COVID-19 Booster Shots As Early As September
Accessed August 26, 2021

WHO urges rich countries to donate shots instead of vaccinating children
Accessed August 26, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shot
Accessed August 26, 2021

You Got the COVID Vaccine. How Long Are You Protected?
Accessed August 26, 2021

Interim statement on COVID-19 vaccine booster doses
Accessed August 26, 2021

Current Version


Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N.

Medically reviewed by Michael Henry Wanat

Updated by: Vincent Sales

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Written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. · Updated May 05, 2022

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